- BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection.
Personal Leadership Reflection
To optimize solutions for delivering and accessing better affordable healthcare, one requires another leadership competence. Self-assessment is a good practice in a way that leaders get to realize areas of strength and areas that they lack and need to work on. Leadership skills enable the practitioner to exhibit good decision-making skills, hence positive impacts are recorded in the clinical encounters of patients.
Some tools are used to assess the competency level of a leader and some of the areas to be developed and they include the ACHE five domain leadership evaluation tool. The analysis shows the five dimensions of ACHE as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the model and characteristics of effective leadership. Conducted annually, the examination precedes the start of a one-year personal development plan to improve leadership skills; it also evaluates personal leadership competency.
Part 1: Leadership Self-Reflection
Five Domains of ACHE
ACHE has developed an evaluation instrument capturing the competence of a leader in five areas of leadership. ACHE has five major areas of focus that deal with concepts and skills that are helpful to healthcare executives. These areas may provide such a complete framework that healthcare leaders may build and use the skills necessary to conduct their jobs well.
In the first of five areas of assessment, namely communication and relationship management, the ability of a leader to satisfactorily engage with stakeholders is evaluated. According to the American College of Healthcare Executives (2021), communication is one of the most vital aspects of associate relationship development and conflict resolution. Such qualities as active listening, empathy, as well as the general enhancement of trust with the members of the team. However, one of the weaknesses is the lack of implementation of teamwork as far as the formulation of a common goal or vision is concerned.
Leadership is the second domain of ACHE. Its help can be used to assess the ability to make qualified decisions and implement thoroughly reasoned plans. In this respect, while exercising leadership promptly and within the organizational goals’ scope leaders can assess data (American College of Healthcare Executives, 2021). ACHE has identified two key competency areas that need to be exploited to good effect: The capacity to make reasonable judgments; and the ability to bring to bear critical thinking to the process of making the required changes. However, the above-mentioned drawback is a lack of the organization’s experienced staff in strategic planning, which can lead to numerous challenges.
The third area is professionalism, which assists in the control of a team and the accomplishment of tasks on time with the help of the leader’s knowledge of professionalism. According to the American College of Healthcare Executives (2021), when following the creation of a solid and coordinated team, as well as emphasizing the culture of accountability and assigning responsibility, the members of a team are eager to contribute to offering the highest quality of care possible. To be or not to be professional means speaking clearly about goals that are intended to be achieved and creating a system of accountability. On this side, the team’s administration and absence of vision are its weaknesses.
The fourth area that enables the leader to have a perception of the health care sector is; knowledge of the health care environment. Promoting healthcare organization performance is enhanced when the leaders understand the regulatory frameworks, application of evidence-based practice, and patient care (American College of Healthcare Executives, 2021). Other skills include an understanding of policy and technology development in supporting the performance of the organization. This is due to the absence of adequate comprehension and experience in the healthcare business and the lack of awareness.
The fifth area is business acumen which covers aspects such as a leader’s handling of opportunities and resources that are at his or her disposal. Understanding material and financial resources, risk, and loss management is a must for leaders. These objectives might be easier to achieve if the concept of improvement, which is underlined by the minimization of risk and utilization of resources, is actively promoted (American College of Healthcare Executives, 2021). The foremost personal skills are related to the management of financials and capital appropriations as well as the willingness to accept accountability. However, this area is defined by some challenges which include, for instance, unclear use of resources and poor financial management.
Strategies to Develop Leadership Skills
ACHE assessment created the need to develop a plan for how to build on the areas of strength as well as weakness in the leadership domain. Given that all five domains have their advantages and disadvantages, nurturing ways in which to deal with these is appropriate for any leadership. Another way how active listening assists in enhancing the domains of communication and relationship management is that active listening assists in the cooperation of the team and in managing the relationships with stakeholders as Jonsdottir and Kristinsson showed in their research published in Year 2020. The former is significant in attaining the objective of the case, the latter could be enhanced by creating trust among the team members.
To improve the sophistication of professionalism, it is suggested to engage in another leadership program and use the change management proposed in the recommendations considering the second domain of ACHE. Some of the objectives can be realized with the help of using such tools as Six Sigma or the Lewin Change Model (Harrison et. al., 2021). There is only one technique for the enhancement of the professionalism domain, and it is the integration of continuous professional development programs. Three are the outcomes of the programs: a culture of reflective practice and enhanced communication skills. Through simulation, leaders may get a clearer understanding of the multiple processes within the organization (Labrague, 2021).
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection
Another strategy for enhancing existing stores of knowledge in health care is to mainstream such practices and environments. This is because when healthcare providers and patients are diverse discrimination can easily be eliminated and for patients and doctors to freely talk to each other (Gomez & Bernet, 2019). Going to the conferences of the healthcare industry also allows for a great opportunity to interact with other top executives, learn about the policies and trends in healthcare, and get an idea of what is new and upcoming on the market.
Finally, in the last domain which is business knowledge and ability, operational expertise plays an important role. Another model of organizational change is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle which helps leaders make wise use of resources by careful planning (McNicholas et al., 2019). Furthermore, it can be to the advantage of the executive of the healthcare sector to widen his or her knowledge in commerce by studying financial management.
Using the ideas mentioned earlier, healthcare executives may enhance the results of their work. The strategies help in the assimilation of healthcare best practices and leadership skills. Leaders engaged in the healthcare industry may enhance the performance of their organizations by remaining committed to the task and attending management training courses that cover continuing education.
Qualities Needed by Leader
He opines that leadership is multidimensional and requires a multitude of skills to achieve the best in the team and the enterprise. One should be able to commit himself, be visionary, honest, and critical, and should have good communication skills for him to be a leader. From Logan-Athmer, (2022), decision-making is said to be a strength since great leaders can make decisions fast and involve their subordinates through communication in making those decisions by making them understand why they should support those decisions.
Positive talk is a feature of a good leader since it fosters teamwork, which is important if the leader is to achieve specific leadership goals among the workers. These may be developed through communication so that a clear understanding and input of the team is obtained (Hicks, 2020). Other really important competencies are empathy, the ability to think tactically, and the ability to think ahead. Logan-Athmer (2022) argues that understanding the challenge faced by the stakeholder involves the leader putting himself in the position of the stakeholders and feeling the same pain or emotion that they are feeling.
Leaders’ decisions must be changeable to adapt to the odd situation. But for it to be informed and productive, then they have to be experts in it. They must be receptive to change to embrace new concepts, as well as strategies and objectives (Fagerdal et al., 2020). The last of the leadership qualities that should be mentioned is the capacity to build strong teams. Hence, leaders should create a positive work culture that would enhance the team’s performance by recognizing the employees’ worth. Concretely, the task itself is also likely to be accomplished better if a good team has been established too.
Analyzing Leadership Qualities
A positive work environment is certainly a leadership matter that involves vision, care, planning, analysis, and public relations. Analytical thinking, good communication, and being able to look at the long-term picture are leadership characteristics that I possess. Vision and the ability to articulate the vision are two critical success factors that leaders may possess to achieve their leadership objectives.
If you dream of becoming a great leader, there is no need for you to be great at conventional disciplines such as team building, empathy, and flexibility to ensure that you practice proficient timely judgments. Two of the greatest things that can be done to enhance leadership quality and the demonstrated traits are improving leadership skills and planning on how to display these behaviors. The transmission of empathic conduct towards other people enables me to integrate the beliefs about empathy, a learned human disposition.
I have also described how I have incorporated a range of strategies to collaborate with my team members (Papadopoulos et al., 2021). Hence, people can be very easily mobilized to work for collective benefits as opposed to individualistic gains. If I also have what it takes to verbalize ideas, plans, and even emotions effectively, there is still not going to be a united call to work toward a purpose. To this, I would like to promote responsibility in the workplace by discouraging irresponsible behaviors while offering motivating reasons for proper behaviors (Manzoor et al., 2021).
Part 2: Personal Development Plan
The strengths and limitations of leadership qualities may be best assessed by doing an analysis. Admitting one’s limitations can help leaders to focus on the aspects of leadership that they wish to strengthen. Discussed below are five areas within ACHE that offer rich information about leadership: Collectively, based on the results of my findings from the leadership traits study, I shall foster development in the leadership front to seize future opportunities as well. Read more about our sample BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 2 for complete information about this class.
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Reference
American College of Healthcare Executives. (2021). ACHE healthcare executive 2021 competencies assessment tool. American College of Healthcare Executives.
Fagerdal, B., Lyng, H. B., Guise, V., Anderson, J. E., Thornam, P. L., & Wiig, S. (2022). Exploring the role of leaders in enabling adaptive capacity in hospital teams – A multiple case study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1).
Gomez, L. E., & Bernet, P. (2019). Diversity improves performance and outcomes. Journal of the National Medical Association, 111(4), 383–392.
Harrison, R., Fischer, S., Walpola, R. L., Chauhan, A., Babalola, T., Mears, S., & Le-Dao, H. (2021). Where do models for change management, improvement and implementation meet? A systematic review of the applications of change management models in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, Volume 13(13), 85–108. NCBI.
Hicks, J. M. (2020). Leader communication styles and organizational health. The Health Care Manager, 39(4), 175–180.
Jonsdottir, I. J., & Kristinsson, K. (2020). Supervisors’ active-empathetic listening as an important antecedent of work engagement. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7976.
Labrague, L. J. (2021). Use of simulation in teaching nursing leadership and management course. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal [SQUMJ], 21(3).
Logan‐Athmer, A. L. (2022). The necessary leadership skillsets for the high‐reliability organization framework adoption within acute healthcare organizations. Journal of Healthcare Risk Management, 42(1), 31–36.
Manzoor, F., Wei, L., & Asif, M. (2021). Intrinsic rewards and employee’s performance with the mediating mechanism of employee’s motivation. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(12). NCBI.
McNicholas, C., Lennox, L., Woodcock, T., Bell, D., & Reed, J. E. (2019). Evolving quality improvement support strategies to improve Plan–Do–Study–Act cycle fidelity: A retrospective mixed-methods study. BMJ Quality & Safety, 28(5), 356–365.
Papadopoulos, I., Lazzarino, R., Koulouglioti, C., Aagard, M., Akman, Ö., Alpers, L.-M., Apostolara, P., Araneda-Bernal, J., Biglete-Pangilinan, S., Eldar-Regev, O., González-Gil, M. T., Kouta, C., Krepinska, R., Lesińska-Sawicka, M., Liskova, M., Lopez-Diaz, A. L., Malliarou, M., Martín-García, Á., Muñoz-Solinas, M., & Nagórska, M. (2021). The importance of being a compassionate leader: The views of nursing and midwifery managers from around the world. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 32(6).