
NUR 3500 Assignment Article Critique

NUR 3500 Assignment Article Critique
  • NUR 3500 Assignment Article Critique.


The article by Mary Dioise Ramos analyzes the jumbled connection between the Theory of Facilitated Direct (TPB) and Assurance Theory (SDT) concerning achievement searching for lead among extra meticulously set-up individuals with hearing impairment. This work is fundamental considering how it watches out for a titanic general prospering concern, given the high undeniability of hearing impairment in the more pre-arranged people and its potential impact on flourishing searching for approaches to acting.


The title sufficiently presents and sorts out what the study is and what the matter being insinuated for the article is.


The abstract clearly portrays the central concern and familiarizes the peruser with the point in standard terms. It integrates the issue statement, moreover. The abstract similarly gives perusers general information concerning everybody under information.


The article attempts to analyze how TPB and SDT can foresee and understand the achievement of searching for the leads of extra meticulously coordinated individuals with hearing impairment. TPB emphasizes the motivation to participate in a lead, contemplating mentalities, precious standards, and social control (Ajzen, 2020). Conversely, SDT emphasizes the meaning of everyday motivation and the fulfilment of focus mental necessities—opportunity, limit, and relatedness—in forming an approach to acting.

NUR 3500 Assignment Article Critique

The study recommends that the two theories provide comprehensive information on the factors that push more settled individuals to search for medical associations for their hearing impairment. Ramos first presents the peruser with quantitative and internal information concerning the subject’s background through fittingly referred to and gathered information.

It identifies the expected theories and their background, considerations, proof-based thinking, and shutting comments. Everyone under study, including geriatrics, is likewise related to the central concern and information is open. If all else fails, the background segment stuns the peruser’s thoughts into what they will look at. Furthermore, it is congruent and relates to the subject, not wandering from the point of view.

Methodology and Study Design

The mixed method technique utilized in this study is a surprising strength since it carefully combines quantitative and profound information to handle the assessment question (Taherdoost, 2022). The quantitative part enables the assessment of affiliations and the testing of hypotheses, while the profound part provides further information about members’ experiences and suppositions.

The study uses a purposive looking at a method to pick geriatric patients with hearing impairment. This method is sensible for the assessment focuses since it ensures that the sample consolidates people who can give meaningful point-by-call attention to information about their thriving search for work.

Notwithstanding, sample size and assortment may be confining elements. If the sample size and diversity are lacking, the conclusions may be superfluous. Ensuring a representative sample of people from separated beginning stages, cash-related levels, and geographic areas could strengthen the study’s authenticity.

Strengths of the Methodology

  • Relevance

This study focuses on a fundamental point in geriatric thought. More coordinated individuals sometimes experience hearing impairment, which can influence their fulfilment and prospering search for approaches to acting. Getting TPB together with SDT gives more profound information that could help work with additional productive arrangements.

  • Comprehensive Methodological Approach

When a mixed-method approach is used, the outcomes are more liberal. While abstract information offers profundity and context, quantitative information offers generalizable insights into the lived experiences of extra meticulously set-up individuals with hearing impairment.

  • Elaborative Theoretical Framework

The study offers a comprehensive point of view on the variables influencing achievement in searching for leads by figuring out TPB and SDT. This twofold theoretical approach sees both the mental (doubt and control) and vivifying (standard motivation and mental requirements) sides of lead.

  • Practicality

The outcomes can immensely influence heads and medical association professionals. Understanding the clarifications behind and impediments experienced by additional spread-out individuals with hearing impairment can result in more individualized areas of strength for mediation and approaches.

Areas for Improvement

  • Sample Size and Diversity

The study’s sample size and assortment could be a drawback. If the sample isn’t adequately tremendous or agreeably interesting, the outcomes might not affect all more coordinated individuals with hearing impairment.

  • Potential Biases

Response propensity is possible in any study that uses self-wicked good information. The flourishing search for activities of additional spread-out individuals may be over-proclaimed or under-uncovered, pondering audit propensity or social attracting quality (Romli et al., 2021). Counting objective measurements, like medical records, could help diminish this issue.

Integration of Theories

The article could attentively portray how TPB and SDT move past and complement one another, whether or not the study’s essential goal is to facilitate them. A more escalated assessment of the connection between the mental and powerful elements would strengthen the study’s theoretical commitment.


In conclusion, Mary Dioise Ramos’ article centres around the understanding of prospering searching for approaches to acting among geriatrics with hearing impairment by orchestrating the TPB and SDT theories. The study’s relevance, methodological meticulousness, and achievable repercussions are measurable.

Regardless, keeping an eye out for the cutoff centres and areas for improvement, such as sample size, diversity, and potential propensities, could further improve and redesign the study’s impact and practicality. The article is a basic snippet of information that could form future assessment mediations aimed at further reassuring the prospering related outcomes of the more coordinated people segment with hearing impairment. Explore our Assignment NUR 4307 Assignment Primary Prevention Paper for more information.


Ajzen, I. (2020). The theory of planned behavior: Frequently asked questions. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies2(4), 314–324. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbe2.195

Romli, M. H., Mackenzie, L., Tan, P. J., Chiew, R. O., Tan, S. H., & Tan, M. P. (2021). Comparison of retrospective and prospective falls reporting among community-dwelling older people: Findings from two cohort studies. Frontiers in Public Health9https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.612663

Taherdoost, H. (2022, August 1). What are Different Research Approaches? Comprehensive Review of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Research, Their Applications, Types, and Limitations. Papers.ssrn.com. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4178694

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