BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Health Care Problem Analysis Proposal

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 1

  • BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 1

Health Care Problem Analysis Proposal

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) as one of the major diseases of public health is faced by all countries with the rise in the number of patients observed in all demographic groups. While people, families, and communities are all having much influence from mental health, many mental health service systems do not afford enough resources for this (World Health Organization, 2019).

This is a proposal that is meant to enlighten mental health-related components within the health care frame by discovering factors that cause mental health problems and strategies on how they can be dealt with to bring out the best outcome on mental health. Rotating all of this, from age to affluence and culture, the majority of the population and the global healthcare systems have high costs of mental health illnesses (WHO, 2019).

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that one-fourth of individuals in the world will have to cope with at least one mental illness during their life’s course. Yet, the scourge of mental health complications is a sad story since it is usually neglected in healthcare agendas, thus, worsening the issue of how to deal with them effectively.

Problem Identification

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental illness that is characterized by extreme long-term feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities. It substantially decreases people’s well-being and heavily drains the health system and the entire society.

This paragraph aims at explaining the reasons for the selection of major depressive disorder (MDD) as a pilar for analysis, using valid references to support the problem`s relevance. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) diagnosis is a crucial mental health condition that seriously affects both individuals and society.

The combating of major depressive disorder (MDD) can potentially be a dramatic improvement in mental health outcomes and welfare by treating its root causes, making evidence-based interventions available, and enhancing mental health awareness and support.

  • Rationale:

Major Depressive Disorder is one of the most widespread mental health problems known to men, affecting even the fairer sex, differently abled in addition to already aware demographics. The World Health Organization (WHO) states depression is the most significant cause of disability. About 264 million people are affected by depression around the world have estimated by WHO (WHO, 2020).

Major depressive disorder (MDD) harbors a huge burden of disease for individuals on a personal level as well as on the public health level, which leads to people often experiencing chronic disorders, alcohol and other drug abuse, and a higher risk of suicidal behavior. More than sickness itself, comorbidities like psychological disorders and physical health problems, bring about the patient’s overall burden (Kessler et al., 2019).

The moves made toward MDD treatment fit into the greater public health objectives of keeping the level of mental illness down, reducing health disparities, and obtaining the overall good of the entire population (Edgar, 2019). Efficient MDD (major depressive disorder) treatment turns in better functioning, a greater quality of life, and lower healthcare spending, which in turn helps individuals and society.

Assessment and Measurement of Mental Health Disorder

The major depressive disorder (MDD) assessment and measurement, which is achieved by the clinicians, plays a critical role as it includes the identification of symptoms, severity as well as the effects of treatment provisions. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) is a crucial instrument for the psychiatric diagnostic process, which helps us comprehend these evaluation approaches.

Evaluation of diagnostic criteria, symptom severity, function impairment, risk factor of suicide, and good responsiveness to therapies are the factors that those considered in the quality improvement of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) for the measurement goals.

Various types of assessment methods have emerged including the PHQ-9, Sheehan Disability Scale, C-SSRS, and QIDS (and others), which are noteworthy tools for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients and the choice of the most appropriate treatment. The assessment of major depressive disorder (MDD) involves the following key factors: The assessment of major depressive disorder (MDD) involves the following key factors:

  • Diagnostic Criteria:

For major depressive disorder (MDD) to be diagnosed there must be the presence of specific symptoms or diagnosis criterion of the DSM-5 including depressed mood, anhedonia, changed appetite or weight, sleep disturbances, psychomotor agitation/retardation, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, inability to think or concentrate and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

  • Symptom Severity:

The PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) is an example of a diagnostic tool that is often used to assess the severity of depression symptoms for people who are being or have been treated for depression.

Men with higher scores were more likely to have severe symptoms. PHQ-9 is a questionnaire that provides a frequency and intensity rating of each symptom for the last two weeks, with no values other than 0 to 27.

  • Risk Assessment:

An investigation of the suicide risk is necessary in the assessment of MDD. Treatment providers use multiple risk assessment measures based on their common standards, e.g. C-SSRS, to evaluate suicidal thoughts, plans, intent, and behavior.

  • Treatment Response:

Watching some effects from treatment encompasses evaluating the changes in symptom severity and overall patient’s health. With scales such as the QIDS, clinicians can monitor patients’ outcomes and evaluate their progress.

Industry Measures of Performance

In major depressive disorder (MDD) treatment, the unique performance standard may be the accomplished statement, the symptom severity reductions obtained through evidence-based approved psychotherapy modalities. The standard could be set on disturbing depression as the measured results by the certified assessment instruments such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) or the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II).

Cuijpers et al. (2019) completed a meta-analysis titled “Psychotherapy for Depression in Adults: In a meta-analysis of the comparative outcome studies,” this indicator of quality has been confirmed. A meta-analysis, which is a robust examination of the randomized controlled trials, was conducted on adult depression in terms of the various psychotherapy therapies in this study.

In the research, there was the evaluation of the effectiveness of different methods of psychotherapy. For example, CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy), IPT (interpersonal therapy), and BA (behavioral activation) were chosen.

The meta-analysis observed that therapies, including the cognitive-behavioral (CBT) and interpersonal (IPT) therapies, when compared to control conditions led to a significant reduction in symptoms of depression.

This is also relevant because these researchers went further to frank the necessity of the uniqueness of therapies and modalities to better and effectively heal those with major depressive disorder (MDD) (Schlosser et al., 2020).

The healthcare organization may measure the effectiveness of their treatment programs in people with major depression disorder via the decreases in symptom severity that are enabled particularly through evidence-based-psychotherapies as a benchmark. This pattern follows the emphasis on an evidence-based approach and the patient being a center of care in the mental health sector.

Preliminary Action Plan Steps

The following are the preliminary action steps that can be taken:

  • Make a thorough analysis of all of the research and literature that has been done on major depressive disorder (MDD).
  • Compile information about the prevalence, available treatments, and results of MDD in the community or organization.
  • Identify relevant stakeholders, such as healthcare practitioners, patients, caregivers, and mental health advocacy organizations, to get varied opinions on the issue.
  • Evaluate the organization’s resources, including staff, funding, and infrastructure, for adopting interventions to combat major depressive disorder (MDD).
  • Create a multidisciplinary team of mental health specialists, researchers, administrators, and community members to steer the action plan formulation process.

Evidence-Based Solutions:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which comes along with a strong research background and is very well known for its usefulness in the case of depression treatment, is specifically designed to assist depressed people in detecting and changing depressive-related negative thoughts and behaviors.

The study by Cuijpers et al. (2019) was a meta-analysis that showed CBT was more effective in reducing depressive symptoms than on waiting lists, control conditions, or pill placebo. Thus, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was recommended as the first-line treatment for MDD.

I strongly believe that giving clients cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) either as an individual or group approach can be helpful for them to obtain the necessary coping skills and techniques they need to deal successfully with depressive symptoms.

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT):

MBCT establishes a link between CBT and concepts involving mindfulness for people to become more consciously and appreciatively receptive to their emotions and thoughts.

According to Kuyken et al. (2020), anyone suffering from recurrent depression or who has post-depressive symptoms will likely benefit a lot from MBCT as it may help resolve the problem of relapse/recurrence and may also help ease the residue of depressive symptoms.

Having MBCT programs as part of mental health care treatment gives the patients empowered by tools for the control of their depressive symptoms, long-term recovery, and the state of their health.

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 1

American College of Healthcare Executives

According to the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), leadership has five fundamental attributing traits for healthcare executives aforementioned.

The chosen project, targeted at patients who take opioids and reduce the readmission rate, is a good example of what was covered in the ACHE (2020) competency. The next part of this exposition is comprised of the application of each skill with the appropriate illustration.

  • Communication and Relationship Management:

This capacity allows managing communication as well as cooperation with the stakeholders adequately. The healthcare executive must possess great communication abilities regarding patients and families, healthcare practitioners, and all community organizations that support major depressive disorder (MDD) treatment.

Let us take senior executives from healthcare as a case example they can communicate better with psychiatrists and primary care doctors to provide combined care to patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (ACHE, 2020). They can similarly pursue associations of mental health advocacy groups on the local level to campaign for awareness concerning major depressive disorder (MDD) and equally minimize the stigma associated with mental illnesses.

  • Leadership:

Spirit of leadership implies providing a way forward and making teams achieve their common goals. Leading the major depressive disorder (MDD) capstone project, healthcare executives must exert themselves to motivate and empower teams in applying college strategic treatments to help improve the outlooks of the patients of major depressive disorder (MDD).

Example: Trying to make patients-oriented care and inculcating an environment of empathy and compassion within organizations is a wonderful way for healthcare executives to play the role model ACHE, 2020). Particularly, these teams can assist as counselors and help sources for the people who are engaged in major depressive disorder (MDD) experiments.

  • Professionalism:

In a similar vein, staff members in all of their interactions with clients exhibit professionalism by acting with integrity, dependability, and responsibility. First, project managers for the major depressive disorder (MDD) capstone plan must follow fairness guidelines and prioritize the well-being of patients and the community (ACHE, 2020).

As an illustration, healthcare managers will work to ensure that medical experts meet all ethical standards in research initiatives and the advancement of major depressive disorder (MDD) therapy. They might also assist in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) implementation tactics in mental disorders treatment that address gaps in healthcare access.

  • Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment:

This kind of competency is gained by having the capacity to understand the many components that make up the healthcare system as well as the variables that influence it. To drive the major depressive disorder (MDD) capstone project in healthcare, executives should conduct a thorough examination of mental health legislation and funding systems, as well as treatment patterns for major depressive disorder (MDD).

For example, executive executives in any healthcare institution may stay up to speed on the latest mental health legislation and payment laws, allowing them to fight for the financial and other requirements of MDD projects. Additionally, they could collaborate with payers and legislators to address concerns related to treatment affordability and accessibility.

  • Critical Thinking:

Weighing many points of view, assessing the reliability of information, and basing decisions on supporting facts are all part of critical thinking. Capstone major depressive disorder (MDD) health executives are responsible not just for critically assessing evidence-based research, treatment results, and organizational methods, but also for establishing a model for constantly evolving high-quality major depressive disorder (MDD) care delivery.

Healthcare management, for instance, can gather data analytics to assess the results of the major depressive disorder (MDD) program and identify potential areas for improvement. They can also develop strategic plans that prioritize resource use while also addressing maternity and demographic data gaps in service delivery.

Table 1: ACHE related to reducing readmission rate related to opioid proposal

ACHE Domain ACHE Competency Selected How this competency relates to the Capstone Health Care Problem Analysis Proposal
Communication and Relationship Management Effectively communicating with stakeholders and building collaborative relationships. Effectively interacts with patients, families, healthcare professionals, and community groups involved in the treatment and support of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).
Leadership Guiding individuals and organizations toward achieving common goals Exhibits moral conduct, honesty, and responsibility in all dealings with major depressive disorder (MDD) care and assistance.
Professionalism Demonstrating ethical behavior, integrity, and accountability Exhibit moral conduct, honesty, and responsibility in all dealings with major depressive disorder (MDD) care and assistance.
Knowledge of the Healthcare Factors influencing healthcare delivery Recognize the intricacies of the financing sources, mental health policies, the healthcare system, and new developments in major depressive disorder (MDD) therapy.
Critical Thinking Analyzing complex problems and making evidence-based decisions Analyze complicated issues related to major depressive disorder (MDD), such as treatment results and readmission rates, to make evidence-based decisions for change.


The Problem Analysis Proposal Health Care provides this suggestion emphasizing the need to improve outcomes for persons with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and reduce the burden of this common mental health disease. Globally, MDD has grown to be a significant burden, resulting in functional impairments, a decline in overall life quality, and the enormous financial load of health systems.

The development of an integrated strategy for managing complex MDDs within healthcare systems is covered in this outline. The quality and effectiveness of the care patients get will be improved by identifying the factors that contribute to readmission in people with MDD, analyzing the efficacy of current treatment regimens, and developing evidence-based care models.

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Gray, J. P., Müller, V. I., Eickhoff, S. B., & Fox, P. T. (2020). Multimodal abnormalities of brain structure and function in major depressive disorder: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. American Journal of Psychiatry, 177(5), 422–434.

Greenberg, P. E., Fournier, A.-A., Sisitsky, T., Simes, M., Berman, R., Koenigsberg, S. H., & Kessler, R. C. (2021). The economic burden of adults with major depressive disorder in the United States (2010 and 2018). PharmacoEconomics, 39(6).

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Shin, C., Lee, S.-H., Han, K.-M., Yoon, H.-K., & Han, C. (2019). Comparison of the usefulness of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9 for screening for major depressive disorder: Analysis of psychiatric outpatient data. Psychiatry Investigation, 16(4), 300–305.

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