N599 Module 8 Assignment Nursing

N599 Module 8 Assignment Nursing
  • N599 Module 8 Assignment Nursing Assignment.

Project Description

This project wants to answer the challenges experienced in nursing coaching through change strategies, specifically technology-engaging specialists who set Electronic Flourishing Records (EHRs) and reenactment-based learning technology. Our objective is to address the basic skills, the level of students’ activity, and the fascinating educational experience (Plack et al., 2024). Consequently, to achieve our goal, we should have the choice to develop our retention rate and the satisfaction level of our LVN students.

Project Rationale

The hobby behind this project relies on high dropout rates and decreased graduation rates for students in LVN programs, as it impacts the program’s standing. There is no doubt that the mind-boggling thought of learning with new strategies in showing procedures can, on a very crucial level, work on the chance of the learning environment. Moreover, the continuous universe of clinical ideas expects escorts to be professionally equipped with practical and clinical skills. By joining mechanical contraptions utilized in the workplace, such as the Electronic Flourishing Records and extensions, our students are ready to decide on these issues, thus actuating retention and satisfaction in the program.


One more inspiration to seek after this project is to expand student joint exertion in solid learning procedures. These frameworks enable students to update their engagement in the edifying experience. A reenactment approach is especially critical for managing psychomotor skills and clinical execution and guaranteeing that students are prepared for certifiable practice settings.

Moreover, recalling studies and spotlight pack discussions for various occasions in the project engages us to see difficulties at an early phase and carry out essential improvements (Plack et al., 2024). This continuous, monotonous cycle is fundamental in ensuring that the LVN program stays enormous in its procedure and ways of thinking and finally increases retention and satisfaction rates.

Personal Expectations

When in doubt, my expectations for this project are as follows: First, I desire quantifiable results by reviving LVN students’ retention and satisfaction levels. This will be an obvious sign that the project is doing consummate and has been helpful. In addition, they acquire new skills, especially in executing and surveying educational advances.

I will have the choice to help my professional cutoff points and be outfitted for extra troubles in nursing training. At last, I yearn to add to the general data and practice of not completely immovably settled to manage the retention and satisfaction of students in the program. Along these lines, the data and approaches presented in the paper can help nurses stay aware of improving nursing preparation quality.

Professional Expectations

From a professional point of view, I expect a few demands from this project. At any rate, I plan to energize appearance procedures by changing recognized procedures into frameworks, including Electronic Achievement Records and entertainment-based learning. This will revive our instructive projects and further develop them to the extent that how enchanted students would be in the point. Second, such changes will likely affect unrivaled student execution and redesigned transparency in clinical locales.

This will strengthen the clinical idea system by ensuring that escorts are more fit and sure in their calling. Finally, this work is a fundamental experience for further business and personal development. If I execute such a strategy, I could gain appreciation in the field and be raised in other managerial situations inside the relationship.

Project Goals

Next are the enormous goals of this project, which are agreed upon with the three fundamental focus areas. In particular, the construction aims to hold students by reducing dropout rates among LVN students. This is fundamental to ensuring the program stands and is seen among the best. Furthermore, there is a need to expand students’ satisfaction with the educational composition exertion or to enable one more procedure for directing intense and attractive instruction. It is fundamental to have a positive learning environment to engage students’ quick achievement (Nnate et al., 2021). 

To wrap things up, we train and keep up with practical skills to guarantee that our students are excellent and fit for working with Electronic Prospering Records, which are solid areas for reenactment-based contraptions. They are key for their future purposes behind living inside the clinical benefits locale, offering them practical findings that ensure they can apply the data from their enlightening evaluations in an authentic setting.

Literature Analysis – Technology Integration

Given works have insisted on the need to work with technology in the nursing instructive program. Research in this space reveals that using electronic achievement records (EHR) works for students’ benefit and grasp of clinical work. Moreover, the use of redirection as a learning model is then highlighted, considering the impact on the development of psychomotor skills and convincing thinking of nursing students (Nnate et al., 2021).

These affirmation-based procedures are the best way to prevent speculation about opening or arranging students for authentic nursing practice. These findings show that joining such proposed procedures in our LVN program will help drive a convincing learning establishment that is more entrancing for students.

Literature Analysis – Student Engagement and Satisfaction

Concerning managing students’ motivation and joint exertion, much strain puts areas of strength for moving close. Approaches like social affairs work, practical exercises, and educating procedures that coordinate genuinely, including the students, have been shown to incite the students hugely. Besides, giving analysis frameworks, such as evaluations and focus social event discussions, assist with steadying improvements (Harvey et al., 2020).

Such mechanical social affairs engage illuminating facilitators to prevent or control occasions that could agitate learning, additionally further making responsiveness in the making experience. About these learning systems, different evaluation works value given a few benefits, for instance, expanded student satisfaction and redesigned retention rates. Our LVN program should help illuminate the stage when setting these procedures.

Literature Analysis – Practical Skills Development

The literature suggests that redirection-based practice is a sensible, overpowering model for managing practical skills among nursing students. Utilizing duplications, legitimate conditions can be introduced in the making experience, enabling students to try their speculative understanding under the oversight of clinical practice guides. This system refreshes students’ arrangement and helps them manage the duality of professional nursing practice in the last circumstances (Harvey et al., 2020). In addition, mixing duplication-based learning assists with obliging what students gain from their books and their ability to apply the data foundations once they join their professional practices. These outcomes confirm our use of reenactment rehearses in the LVN program to configure gifted and extraordinary nursing graduates.

Literature Analysis – Continuous Improvement and Evaluation

According to the literature review, an imaginative brain and evaluation are essential in enlightening projects. Periodical evaluations assist with making changes and improvements that are fundamental to the edifying project and making it reasonable. Input is another essential locale since analysis information is assembled from the students and the staff to make changes properly. 

It cultivates a culture of shared and moderate instruction improvement wherein enlightening practices continuously evolve, contemplating assessment findings and analysis (Harvey et al., 2020). Hence, this paper shows that by mixing the contemplations outlined in the literature, our LVN program can remain abundant, current, and fruitful in making an uncommon graduate class famous among students.

Procedure Findings – Student Engagement

The survey results revealed that student support has sharply increased following the introduction of another teaching approach. A few of the classes recorded higher speculation levels due to the expanded engagement among the students concerning the obligation to discuss and even do practical exercises. 

A considerable number of the students were inclined in the direction of the way that reenactment learning was a more undeniable extent of a clever procedure in their manner of managing learning. Some students said they developed more pay and needed to improve their evaluations, considering the reenactments since these experiences were less complicated and more significant. These results show that our strategy for expanding student engagement was critical.

Procedure Findings – Practical Skills Development

Taking into account the delayed consequences of our procedure, an improvement in the practical skills of LVN students was noted. The execution of Electronic Thriving Records (EHR) and the utilization of the age research center have improved psychomotor and clinical skills. From the past procedures utilized, students have seen that these improvements have assisted them with being more ready for genuine nursing liabilities and experiencing a move in confirmation and practicality. The reaction has been hugely captivating with patients, informed specialists, clinical regulators, and different accomplices introducing high EHR and redirection putting together satisfaction records. This concentrates on the abundance of including skills-based, authentic practices in our endeavors so students are good to go for their ruler commitments.

Procedure Findings – Retention Rates

Considering our imaginative educational strategies, the students in our LVN program leave at a low speed. This decrease may indicate that students are more included and content with the enlightening correspondence, reducing the potential results of pulling out of the program. We have similarly settled that there is other than advanced program satisfaction, which stays mindful of different models that the drives have evoked (McGee, 2020). 

The outcomes uncover that utilizing extraordinarily advanced instruments, including EHRs and excitement, relentlessly influences students’ retention levels. These fights support that our plan does what should be finished by guaranteeing that students stay entranced and zeroed in on their appraisals to complete their commitments.

Procedure Findings – Student Satisfaction

This study uncovers that there had been a principal improvement in the scores given by students concerning their degree of satisfaction. With the assistance of development, contraptions and the presentations of joint exertion and learning were further made, and the making experience has changed into something essentially more certain. They have gone on through executing the chance to homeroom the board; there have been managed student and educator relationships in the class.

Lastly, the assessment shows a staggeringly awakening perspective toward practical education and learning techniques like ages and anticipating electronic thriving records (Brown, 2024). These procedures have made learning significant areas of strength, yet they need to talk more with genuine nursing rehearses. These improvements in student satisfaction show how much the execution of new appearance procedures as a sort of development has paid off.

Procedure Findings – Continuous Improvement

One of the key bits of our undertaking has been the component of the reliable improvement process. This has been finished through developmental assessments and self-reflection practices to close the sensibility of the embraced arranging rehearses. This has assisted us with changing the informational program when relying on student and staff assessments.

For example, where express challenges concerning new advances were seen, further endeavors were made to pick such issues (Johnson, 2021). Thus, continuous staff development training has been tremendous in setting up our workforce to properly use better approaches to overseeing regulated heading. This obligation to constant improvement has been instrumental in guaranteeing that the quality and importance of our program Is not compromised.


It has been found that sorting out arrangement setting developments to help show learning rehearses in our LVN unequivocally impacts students’ decisions, satisfaction, and expertise procuring. We have decided to present changes and improvements at whatever point was expected, considering the collaboration in our school and the sharing of evaluations that make the enlightening project regularly immense and fit. Later on, we will keep on developing the fitting execution of new sorts of progress and close the way that individuals are noticing the program. In conclusion, these exercises are prepared to guarantee that our students graduate capable and prepared to help the clinical thought with appearing. Thank you for your idea. I will need to hear any mentions.


Brown, C. (2024). Impact of social determinants of health on skill of involvement: Differences in first year ADN and BSN nursing students in rural Oklahoma. Dissertations. https://aquila.usm.edu/dissertations/2230/ 

Harvey, S., Spurr, P., Sidebotham, M., & Fenwick, J. (2020). Describing and evaluating a foundational education/training program preparing nurses, midwives, and other helping professionals as supervisors of clinical supervision using the role development model. Nurse Education in Practice42, 102671. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2019.102671 

Johnson, A. H. (2021). Transition to the practice of the advanced practice registered nurse in the long-term care setting: an ethnography. Repositories.lib.utexas.edu. https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/items/e03d080a-aa9f-49a2-a07d-a74c9eef05e7 

McGee, E. (2020). Stressed out: stressed out! Implications of minority status stress among underrepresented minority BSN students. Mospace.umsystem.edu. https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/91830 

Nnate, D. A., Barber, D., & Abaraogu, U. O. (2021). The discharge plan promotes patient safety and shared decision-making by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals in a respiratory unit. Nursing Reports11(3), 590–599. https://doi.org/10.3390/nursrep11030056 

Plack, M., & Driscoll, M. (2024). Teaching and learning in physical therapy: From classroom to clinic. In Google Books. Taylor & Francis. https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=TZ0LEQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT150&dq=using+Driscoll%27s+What+Model+in+reflecting+multidisciplinary+teams+in+nursing&ots=mgiXe0jEi1&sig=27uZ0zbKKyIbKvFOCQUGaoW-w8Y&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

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