NR 504 Week 5 A Reflection on Organizational Mission, Vision, Values, and Leadership

NR 504 Week 5 A Reflection on Organizational Mission, Vision, Values, and Leadership
  • NR 504 Week 5 A Reflection on Organizational Mission, Vision, Values, and Leadership

Reflecting a Culture of Excellence through Mission, Vision, and Values

At my ongoing work facility, our mission is “We are an academic health framework, partnering with our organizations to construct and sustain a healthier New Jersey”(RWJBarnabas, 2024). Our vision is that “RWJBarnabas Health will be the head healthcare destination giving patient-focused, high-quality academic medication in a compassionate, equitable manner while conveying a general work understanding to each individual from the team” (RWJBarnabas, 2024).

Moreover, our values incorporate accountability, compassion, premium, empathy, excellence, kindheartedness, regard, and teamwork. Together, these aspects indicate a facility that mirrors a culture of excellence. A culture of excellence is a way to guarantee the best results for our patients, maintain a safe environment, and maintain the satisfaction of our patients. Explore NR 504 Week 3 Significance of Self-Care and Self-Leadership in Nursing for more information.

Aligning Personal Nursing Philosophy with JCMC’s Mission and Values

The mission, vision, and values are similar to my nursing philosophy, as JCMC attempts to serve the local area while maintaining regard for staff and patients. My values always included serving at a local area level to make for a safer, healthier local area overall; NR 504 Week 5 A Reflection on Organizational Mission, Vision, Values, and Leadership is not precisely who we track down in the hospital.

NR 504 Week 5 A Reflection on Organizational Mission, Vision, Values, and Leadership

I feel JCMC takes a stab at attempting to show that in their mission, in addition to the daily work we do. Compassion, empathy and regard are also the main components of their values, which are important and considered when, at this organization, each person, staff or patient, is treated along these lines.

Integrating Mission and Values into Leadership and Daily Practice

The mission and values are addressed in culture and leadership as each leader shares the mission and values in their work. Before transforming into a PCC, it was seen by my PCCs and my central that the organization’s values and mission were presented in gatherings, team gatherings, and when they expected to speak to us individually. As a PCC, I exorbitantly adopted more of these abilities in my practice and communication with staff, so they were integrated into my work. This assists the staff in addressing the organization’s mission and values in their work.

Promoting a Culture of Excellence Through Open Communication

A leadership strategy that can be utilized to advance a culture of excellence is open communication. Open communication as a leader with the staff accommodates issues to be settled in NR 504 Week 5: A Reflection on Organizational Mission Vision, Values, and Leadership in a decisive manner. This also advances strong communication and teamwork in the unit. These things lead to a prevalent, safer unit, advancing a culture of excellence.


RWJBarnabas Health. (2024). Mission and Vision. Retrieved from.

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Purdue University Global. (2019, February 13). Importance of Self-Care for Nurses and How to Put a Plan in Place. Retrieved November 11, 2020, from.

Cooky, C., Messner, M., & Musto, M. (2015). “It’s Dude Time!”: A Quarter Century of Excluding Women’s Sports in Televised News and Highlight Shows. Communication and Sport. Retrieved from.

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