NURS FPX 4005 Assessment 2 Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

NURS FPX 4005 Assessment 2
  • NURS FPX 4005 Assessment 2 Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification.

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

  • Interview Summary

In this case presentation, I was assigned by the clinic guardian manager for an interview for the mid showed and middle outlined metropolitan crises unit. Its foundation is remarkable for advancing clinic based clinical services and improvement clinic based services. The interviewee, who has held such a managerial position for over five years, so blended their contexts for example, integrating with the staff to provide quality care and to enforce and maintain the organizational policies and plans and the outcomes were refined and excellent. Explore our assessment NURS FPX 4005 Assessment 1 Collaboration and Leadership Reflection for more information.

Challenges in Team Coordination

Some of the issues were raised during the interview, such as overworking staff, barriers to communication between different departments, and challenges in coordination of the team based care by different disciplines. The clinical nurse manager perceived the greatest and most urgent need relative to, or to say it seemed more often than not, try to make the most of the attention and resources that were available, which were quite high, in regards to the scope of certified to available nurse. They other than brought about old initiatives for example increasing the planning exceptional opportunities and introducing new communication software, but did not expect indeed having these investments made much long term effective sense.

The organizational culture was described as strong teamwork, which now is undermined by silos between the departments. The interviewers cited their experiences working on interdisciplinary teams for example,during the improvement of care plans for complex patients, and focused on more grounded collaboration strategies to achieve similarly made results.

  • Issue Identification

The interview results showed that staff burnout is an issue for which solution requires an evidence based interdisciplinary approach. Burnout in nursing personnel makes it difficult for the organization to progress, including educated and skilled authorities and the possibility of patient care. The high pressure zones, insufficient staffing, and inadequate communication between clinical and nonclinical professionals are key drivers.

Interdisciplinary Solutions for Burnout

This problem can best be solved by an interdisciplinary approach because it allows the careful engineering of applying the skills of different team members. Some specific things need to be solved like nursing staff, administrative, primary healthcare trained professionals, and even human resources. The organization strategies to tackle the major causes of burnout, and aims to make the workplace better and easier. 

Change Theories That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

  • Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Change can facilitate the management and implementation of organizational changes. This model suggests that one must do everything in their power to move forward, build a coalition, and develop a vision for the change which is critical for addressing staff burnouts. For example, the need to keep moving forward looks into presenting scenarios of the potential consequences of burnouts on the workers.

NURS FPX 4005 Assessment 2 Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

In turn, building an organizing alliance would help set up a multi-disciplinary team composed of nurses, knowledge-acquire-students, and administrators. The model’s enhancement of drawing in and celebrating these strategies ensures that the change cycle is achieved while remaining vigilant. It is clear that Kotter’s thinking is highly relevant with regard to this problem since it creates cooperation and accountability in all fields. The accuracy and credibility of Kotter’s theory stems from in-depth analysis and it practical use in a number of organizational contexts.

  • Lewin’s Change Management Model

Lewin’s Change Management Model — defrosting, changing, and refreezing — is another fitting turn of events. During Stage 1, while the staff and manager may barely see the discontent, the absence of a formal mention could get to a few unattended issues with respect to the presence of staff burnout and the resulting mental dissonance that accompanies it. During the Changing stage, the test will begin making and doing interdisciplinary strategies, like psyche planning or responsibility reallocation projects.

Last but not least, during the refreezing stage, care will be taken to implant these changes into the organizational culture to guarantee these changes are to be specific and sensible. This model’s straightforwardness and focus on fantastic judgment make it particularly relevant to tending to burnout.

Leadership Strategies That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

  • Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is significantly reasonable when related to collaboration and advancement. This leadership thinking moves and convinces team people to seek after a standard target while offering individualized help and comfort. For tending to staff burnout, transformational leaders can:

  • Fortify open communication and information.
  • See and compensate team people for their obligations.
  • Advocate for arrangements that advance balance among serious and fun exercises, as adaptable booking.

Transformational leadership is relevant because it can draw in staff and create a positive organizational culture, which is essential to lessening burnout. Different assessments support the reasonable judgment of transformational leadership in clinical idea settings, making it a strong and evidence-based perspective.

  • Servant Leadership

Servant leadership twirls around the necessities of team people and spotlights in on their thriving. A servant leader tending to burnout may:

NURS FPX 4005 Assessment 2 Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

It spins around staff concerns and studies them for bearing.
Give resources for gifted new development and mental succeeding assistance.
Improve fanning out and encouraging an environment where workers feel regarded.

This perspective changes fairly with cross-disciplinary collaboration since it emphasizes compassion and limitless common bearing. Its accuracy isn’t actually seen at this point other than conveyed as a paper, especially in places with a shortage of nursing administrators.

Joint Collaboration Strategies for Interdisciplinary Teams

  • Communication Cycles

One significant technique is communication cycles like SBAR (Circumstance, Establishment, Appraisal, Thought). These cycles don’t simply standardize communication; everyone on the team understands the new issues. For instance, in team parties that highlight combatting burnout, SBAR can help facilitate express and obliging discussions.

  • Team Building Activities

Leading team-building activities can help with detaching storehouses and encouraging connections between people from multidisciplinary teams. These activities can arrange parts that work with unparalleled enthusiasm for the various positions and obligations of the different disciplines. The activities set up for significantly further collaboration by making set affiliations.

  • Collaborative Technology Platforms

Using collaborative platforms, such as shared dashboards or project management tools, can enhance coordination and transparency. For example, a shared platform could track progress on initiatives aimed at reducing burnout, ensuring accountability and engagement from all team members.

  • Evidence-Based Practices

Best practices from the literature highlight the importance of regular interdisciplinary meetings, shared decision-making, and continuous evaluation of team dynamics. These practices ensure that the team remains aligned and focused on achieving common goals. The relevance of these approaches to addressing burnout is clear, as they promote a holistic and integrated response to the issue. Their credibility is backed by extensive research on team collaboration in healthcare settings.


The interview included staff burnout as a significant issue inside the clinical idea organization. Decidedly, zeroing in on this challenge requires an evidence-based interdisciplinary perspective that joins change theories, leadership strategies, and collaboration best practices. Using Kotter’s and Lewin’s change models, transformational and servant leadership, and structured collaboration approaches, the organization can demand affordable solutions to ease burnout and further draw in staff prospering and patient outcomes. This assessment, part of the NURS FPX 4005 Assessment 2 Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification, studies the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration for handling complex clinical advantages and loads and preparing for a brand name and truly astonishing work area.


Interprofessional Collaboration—Time for a New Theory of Action.

The Significance of Cooperation in Interdisciplinary Health Care.

A Framework for Interprofessional Team Collaboration in a Hospital Setting.

Occupational Burnout in Healthcare Workers.

Burnout in Healthcare Workers: Prevalence, Impact, and Interventions.

Burnout, Professionalism, and the Quality of US Health Care.

Factors Associated with Burnout in Healthcare Professionals.

Predictors of Burnout Among US Healthcare Providers.

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