- NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 Locating Credible Databases and Research.
Locating Credible Databases and Research
Nurses should conduct research and provide patients with appropriate care. Therefore, the forms of communication and cooperation will be instrumental in the care environment to foster these activities. The Nursing Association achieves the molding of nurses into meaningful professionals through a variety of strategies, such as open dialogue and peer networking, among others (Flaubert et al., 2021). Recognizing where in the work environment it is best to conduct thorough research and have reliable sources of information to back up evidence-based practice, in particular, managing pneumonia, is very determinative.
Communication Strategies for Research Encouragement
Developing a work environment in which nurses are allowed to confide in their uncertainties, openly communicate, and seek help sustains their sense of achievement and progress. By providing a culture of support, nurses are likely to see themselves as enthusiastic people who strive for research that mainly covers patients’ diagnoses.
Enhancing Nurses’ Research Skills
There is a need to provide in-service training on evidence-based practice methods and the value of research in decision-making in order to aid nurses in doing vital research work. When nurses are asked to participate in professional enrichment programs, they worry that their efforts are being noticed and, therefore, feel more qualified to perform their jobs on an evidence-based approach (Mlambo et al., 2021). In order to help the EBP community grow, health organizations must provide constant education. When an artist invests their own life experiences into their work, it becomes more relatable and meaningful to the audience, as they can make personal connections and find emotional resonance with the pieces.
The partnership with the nurses is beneficial in clarifying the ways through which digital tools and institutional libraries are domiciled in the college or institution. Nurses’ ability to present relevant resources, convey their understanding of them, and provide a guide on the effective execution of search strategies can help surmount the barriers to accessing medical evidence (Mathieson et al., 2019).
The team collaborative step helps to develop a sense of teamwork and promotes mutual support, thus creating solid relationships among members of the healthcare team. Promoting networking among nurses through activities such as journal clubs or research meetings is a good way of empowering nurses and making resources readily available, apart from creating mutual learning environments (Valizadeh et al., 2022). Through enabling communication and peer learning, nurses cannot only learn a lot and learn different strategies but also develop a broad view of nursing science.
Benefits of Strategies:
By practicing these communication and collaboration techniques, nurses are more enabled to improve their clinical competence in evidence-based practice policies. Being involved in research activities and using essential resources will not only help to develop the best medical solutions to meet and treat different clinical situations but also earn confidence and skills in evidence-based care practices (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021).
Nursing Collaboration and Research
Successful communication and cooperation in the nursing group form the basis for good professional relationships with their colleagues. Nurses are a vital pillar in every healthcare organization. Therefore, an enabling environment founded on cooperation, respect, and support ensures their active participation and success, thus enhancing team spirit and morale.
The Best Places to Complete the Research For research in the health care setting, the place that comes out to be the front runner includes the online hospital library, clinical databases, peer-reviewed journals, and institutional policy databases.
The hospital’s intranet always has an online library available where nurses can access many medical databases, such as CINAHL, PubMed, and Medline. These databases are the source of a significant number of scholarly articles, research studies, and clinical guidelines used to reinforce and improve everyday nursing practice (Oermann et al., 2021). The databases are essential research repositories for proof-based practice, helping nurses access the literature and relevant proof to ensure high-quality practice.
- Accessibility and Convenience: The hospital’s library offers online resources 24/7 for all hospital staff, whether at work or home. With reliable electronic help, nurses no longer need to go to physical libraries or search the web for extra information.
- Credibility and Reliability: By seeking out up-to-date and trustworthy digital resources available via the hospital’s online library, such as peer-reviewed journals and reputable databases, nurses will be in possession of the prototypes to confirm the credibility and trustworthiness of the information they are provided with, thus paving the road for the evidence-based practice process (Maceira, 2023).
Hospital libraries online and other hospital wards are among the many sources of information that nurses may use to obtain accurate diagnostics tools. Some of these sources are journals, practice guidelines, institutional protocols, and professional associations’ websites. Journal articles with peer reviews that are published in scientific journals reflect in-depth analyses of research results, therapeutic procedures, and established practices relating to particular conditions, giving rise to an evidence-based viewpoint on the optimal methods of managing patients (Kunisch et al., 2022).
- PubMed: Along with hundreds of other publications, PubMed is a colossal medical journal database and is regarded as the most crucial source by nurses of all disciplines for searching evidence tailored to clinical diagnosis and healthcare concerns. It syndicates published peer-reviewed journals, and its title library has a number of respiratory health recommendations that help manage pneumonia.
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature): CINAHL, with its strictly narrow focus on nursing and allied health, is the de facto source of evidence-based information for nurses in need of knowledge on various diagnosed maladies (Hopia & Heikkilä, 2020). Nurses can now obtain not only a myriad of clinal articles but also systematic reviews and nursing dissertations on pneumonia management from the internet. They, therefore, have the opportunity to gather enough information on contemporary evidence-based management and best practices.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 Locating Credible Databases and Research
- Institutional Policy Database: The accessibility of the hospital’s policy database is essential in the healthcare setting, as it provides the best care based on modern medical information about diagnosing and treating pneumonia. These policies may take the form of rules on antibiotic regimens, respiratory support, and infection control measures that match the institution’s specific protocols, thus directing toward the goal of improved efficiency of care delivery and patient safety (Bankar et al., 2022).
- American Thoracic Society (ATS) Website: One of the most significant technical instruments in charge of the association of ATS is the source of informational materials, as well as the clinical guidelines explicitly dedicated to respiratory tract infections like pneumonia. Nurses can use the ATS website to find evidence-based suggestions for the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia as prophylaxis, which ultimately will improve the nurse’s clinical decision-making and practice (Metlay et al., 2019).
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) Website: The NIH website is a reliable source of information based on solid scientific evidence covering pneumonia and other health topics. Nurses can access up-to-date research findings, trials, and patient education materials for pneumonia pathology, treatment options, and patient education strategies via these online drug resources. Though more generally related to the overall medical outlook, the NIH website has handy tips from a very different medical angle.
Criteria for Selecting Sources for Pneumonia Diagnosis
Two significant databases among these sources are PubMed/Medline and CINAHL. The hospital’s policy database, the professional association’s websites, and the clinical practice guidelines are also included. These sources meet the criteria, which makes them good evidence for pneumonia diagnosis and problems that may occur in healthcare.
Relevance and Specialization:
PubMed/Medline and CINHAHL need special attention as they pertain to nursing and health-related studies, and consequently, the results retrieved would be relevant to them. Those databases will access peer-reviewed research papers, systematic reviews, and clinical trials related to pneumonia diagnosis, treatment modality, and patient outcomes.
Evidence-Based Practice:
The sources in this paper highlight the practice of an evidence-based approach that offers accessibility to well-researched articles and clinical models. Hospitals offer central storage places for their policies, purposed to accommodate the specific protocols and guidelines for pneumonia in their settings, following the evidence-based standards and the best practices that are present in the field of medicine nowadays (Bali, 2020). Websites of professional associations contain the most vital scientific information on evidenced-based standards of practices and educational materials for nurses to assist in providing the best quality care to patients with pneumonia.
Accuracy and Credibility:
PubMed/Medline, CINAHL, and consensual practices are well-known for their precision and dependability, given that only peer-reviewed research and expert opinions are considered. Institutional medicine databases contain hospital policies that are standard to the local community and practice. This gives a sense of refinement and reliability to the method of managing pneumonia.
Comprehensiveness and Currency:
The chosen sources are presented in a way that focuses on all aspects of pneumonia, including diagnosis, intervention, and prevention strategy. This approach allows them to be revised in favor of the newest research findings and the most recent recommendations for treating pneumonia, keeping currency and clinical relevance.
Standardization and Consistency:
Clinical practice guidelines provide a set of rules that offer a standardized approach to pneumonia diagnosis and treatment. They help to improve outpatient and hospital practitioners’ practices since patients are cared for consistently and similarly in any health setting (Connor, 2023). Management of pneumonia patients is one of the main criteria for hospital policy databases that unite and reinforce institutional standards and practices inside the nursing team.
The development of an atmosphere of open communication, giving nurses access to educational and catch-up material, and promoting collaboration is a fundamental framework to encourage research participants and give nurses access to resources. NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 Locating Credible Databases and Research emphasizes the importance of learning where to find excellent and completely trustworthy resources, such as PubMed, CINAHL, institutional policy databases, professional association websites, and clinical practice guidelines.
This facilitates the identification of databases that provide real-time, accurate, and updated information, enabling effective diagnosis and management of conditions like pneumonia. The promotion of these strategies not only boosts nurses’ professional competence but also turns into an excellent professional orientation, which in turn leads to the improvement of the patient experience. They should be put into practice.
Bali, R. K. (2020). Operating room protocols and infection control. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, 3(4), 173–194. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1346-6_9
Bankar, N. J., Ugemuge, S., Ambad, R. S., Hawale, D. V., & Timilsina, D. R. (2022). Implementation of antimicrobial stewardship in the healthcare setting. Cureus, 14(7). https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.26664
Connor, L. (2023). Evidence-based practice improves patient outcomes and healthcare system return on investment: Findings from a scoping review. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 20(1), 6–15. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12621
Flaubert, J. L., Menestrel, S. L., Williams, D. R., & Wakefield, M. K. (2021). Supporting the health and professional well-being of nurses. In www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. National Academies Press. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK573902/
Hopia, H., & Heikkilä, J. (2020). Nursing research priorities based on CINAHL database: A scoping review. Nursing Open, 7(2), 483–494. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.428
Kunisch, S., Denyer, D., Bartunek, J. M., Menz, M., & Cardinal, L. B. (2022). Review research as scientific inquiry. Organizational Research Methods, 26(1), 3–45. https://doi.org/10.1177/10944281221127292
Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: Barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing, 20(158), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00684-2
Maceira, T. (2023). Research guides: Evidence-based nursing: EBN journals & databases. Umb.libguides.com. https://umb.libguides.com/EBN/EBNjournals
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Metlay, J. P., Waterer, G. W., Long, A. C., Anzueto, A., Brozek, J., Crothers, K., Cooley, L. A., Dean, N. C., Fine, M. J., Flanders, S. A., Griffin, M. R., Metersky, M. L., Musher, D. M., Restrepo, M. I., & Whitney, C. G. (2019). Diagnosis and treatment of adults with community-acquired pneumonia. An official clinical practice guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 200(7), e45–e67. https://doi.org/10.1164/rccm.201908-1581st
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Oermann, M. H., Wrigley, J., Nicoll, L. H., Ledbetter, L. S., Carter-Templeton, H., & Edie, A. H. (2021). The integrity of databases for literature searches in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 44(2), 102–110. https://doi.org/10.1097/ans.0000000000000349
Valizadeh, L., Zamanzadeh, V., Alizadeh, S., & Namadi Vosoughi, M. (2022). Promoting evidence-based nursing through journal club: An integrative review. Journal of Research in Nursing, 27(7). https://doi.org/10.1177/17449871211022799