NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4 Practicum and Technological Changes

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Nowadays, technology is the core element of the healthcare system which is becoming more and more sophisticated and the major reason of improvement of clinical practice and patient results. This reflection paper digs deep into the influence of new technologies, like electronic health records (EHRs) and telemedicine, which is a present thing in my practicum setting. Through the study of the combination and use of these technologies, we understand how they make the patient care better, the operation more efficient and create new problems as well. The practicum, a meticulous task, detailed through the CORE ELMS system, gives a complete picture of the hands-on learning and the professional growth that is attained over the course of 20 hours

Impact of Emerging Technologies and Evolution

The developed technology in the healthcare field has greatly revolutionized the clinical practice, especially in my practical setting. The enhancement of patient care is one of the major impacts of the reduction of paperwork in the health care sector due to the EHRs. EHRs enable the easy exchange of patient information amongst the healthcare providers which in turn results in the coordination of patient care and more effective care. This technology eliminates the mistakes that are related to the lack of communication or a patient’s history that is not completed. It also guarantees that all the healthcare providers will have the most recent information. Moreover, EHRs aid in data analytics and, thus, help practitioners to find patterns and predict health issues which are important for the preventative care.

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4 Practicum and Technological Changes

The advancement of telemedicine is another essential breakthrough. In my study-of-the-world, I noticed that telehealth services have bridged the distance between the health providers and people in remote or under-served areas. Besides, telemedicine not only facilitates the consultation with the specialists without the traveling of the patients but also provides for the continuous monitoring of the chronic conditions through the use of the wearable devices. These technologies have proved to be extremely useful in the case of patient loads and continuity of care during the pandemic when in-person visits were not possible.

Nonetheless, the introduction of fresh technologies also is accompanied by the difficulties. The staff have to be properly taught to use the systems properly, which means time and resources need to be spared for this. Besides, there are also the issues of data security and patient privacy that need to be very careful with in order to keep the trust and the regulations. Even with these problems, the development of the health technology is the way to go in the future of healthcare that helps to improve the patient outcomes, makes the health operations more efficient, and the health management of the patient becomes more proactive. The adding of new technologies to the practical setting of the internship increases the patient care, the accessibility and the efficiency and the new problems that require attention and the adaptation are faced by the time.

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4

Demonstration of Completion of Practicum Hours

During the course of my practicum, I have covered and done 20 hours of clinical experience, as the documentation and confirmation of the CORE ELMS system proved. The hours were skillfully assigned to different departments and tasks so that the students can thoroughly get the knowledge from the healthcare setting. Every log entry of mine contains a short statement of the main aim and the actions that were carried out during that time, from the patient evaluation, the development of care plans to the meetings with the interdisciplinary team and the observation of the high-level medical procedures.

In the first ten hours, I was mainly concerned with the workflow and implementing the e-health records (EHRs) in the daily operations. I was involved in hands-on tasks like, for instance, patient data entry, medical history review and observation of the healthcare providers using EHRs to coordinate patient care. This was a proof of the significance of the data management systems in the improvement of the patient safety and the care continuity.

The rest of the 10 hours were used to study telemedicine practices and the communication between doctors and patients through the internet. I had the opportunity to be part of the virtual consultations, watched the remote patient monitoring sessions, and helped in the identification of and solving of the technical problems that came up during these sessions. The sharing of experiences offered important information on the advantages and disadvantages of telehealth, mainly in the fields of increasing access to care and keeping patient engagement in a virtually created environment.

All this time, I got the same feedback and approval from my preceptor which showed that I was doing the activities right and that I was learning my objectives and were growing as a professional. From the various knowledge obtained from this period, I have gained a better insight of the ever-changing healthcare practice and the paramount role of technology in developing the future care delivery models.


The advancement of the technologies such as EHRs and telemedicine has without a doubt, changed healthcare delivery in my practicum setting. These advances have made patient care better, made healthcare services accessible to everyone, and have increased the operational efficiency. Although there are obstacles that need to be overcome in the process of technology adoption, like the one-on-one training and the protection of data security, the advantages are much more than the disadvantages. This practicum experience has not only made me see the current technological trends better but also shown me how important it is to be a learner and adapt to the changes in the ever-changing healthcare environment.

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Mulac, A., Mathiesen, L., Taxis, K., & Gerd Granås, A. (2021). Barcode medication administration technology used in hospital practice: A mixed-methods observational study of policy deviations. BMJ Quality & Safety, 30(12), 1021–1030.

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