NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

  • NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies

The CPM course is general and has been developed for learners to assist them in making optimum care for chronic patients. These ends may be achieved by creating the learners’ cognitive and reflective approaches to learning, enabling them to have an enriched learning experience as young nurses. Experience gained in LN and CN learning theories was analyzed to differentiate the perception of learning and to suggest an adequate curriculum that can be implemented with the help of teaching approaches (Ridwan et al., 2019).

The changes in the students’ perception of the curriculum, professional teaching practice, traditional teaching methods, and other aspects are to be taken into account by teaching nursing to students and learners from various cultures and ethnical backgrounds (Panda et al., 2021). The formative tool aims to construct several approaches to teaching the CPM course

Learning Outcomes for CPM Course

The formulation and delivery of the CPM course are expected to have theoretical and practical significance for the learners. As such, below are the set course outcomes expected to be achieved at the end of the course. These outcomes also provide a relative way of course evaluations at the end of the course (Männistö et al., 2019). These learning outcomes for the CPM course are as follows: These learning outcomes for the CPM course are as follows:

The specification of the intended knowledge level: Hence, the learners will be able to differentiate in patients concerning ethnicity and gender and the perception of pain in patients. Learner nurses can take an active part in developing interventions that will be relevant for chronic pain patients. The outcomes show that the learners can generate appropriate evidence-based interventions for patients with chronic pain, depending on the identified response and type of chronic disease.  Thus, learners can embark on reflective and cognitive measures to assess the prospects of chronic pain management.

Such learning outcomes are achievable by the learners and should not aim at causing the expansion of the course for those learners or healthcare educators (Hodges et al., 2019). There are, however, some assumptions that have been made to develop these learning outcomes, which have been provided as follows: There are, however, some assumptions that have been made to create these learning outcomes, which have been provided.

Teaching Strategies Based on Topic and Audience

It emphasizes that the set of angles with which the teaching strategies may vary depends on the questions set by the teacher and the students and the topic to be discussed (Suliman et al., 2021). For example, young learning can be managed differently from adult learning due to differences in their perception of things, their thinking, and learning patterns. The current course, CPMt, covers the specified category of nursing education. It is offered to adult nurses to enrich their insight and perspective regarding chronic pain in patients through the perspective of various stakeholders (Smith et al., 2022).

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

Key teaching strategies that can be employed with adult nurse students in CPM classes include an active mode of participation and various feedback techniques derived from discussions, artificial tests, or other forms of stimulation (Deveci & Saleem, 2022). Adult students are not young students; hence, we can support the argument with Malcolm Knowles’ theory of learning (Abdullah et al., 2021). Unlike the learners of the younger group, the theory holds that adult learners intend to take the necessary responsibility and apply the best strategies that they feel are appropriate to their learning.

Hence, while delivering a PowerPoint presentation, a lecture, or notes, traditional methods may need to be revised to educate adult students. According to the theory, essential characteristics where content is incorporated into the teaching strategy include self-direction, experience, readiness to learn, and motivation among adult nurses (Deveci & Saleem, 2022). The traditional approaches to the target audience of the nursing personnel in the CPM course are limited to classroom interaction, assessments, simulated patient exercises, problem-solving mode through evaluation and probed case and scientific study, and actual experiences with the patients (Smith et al., 2022).

  • Knowledge Gaps

Uncertainties always persist in teaching strategies, forming knowledge gaps. It is imperative to note that the areas considered as uncertainties in the teaching strategies are always there, creating knowledge gaps. Although the proposed strategies might work positively for other classes that comprise students with different ethnic backgrounds and origins, cultures, and ages, it might not be the same for adult nurses across diverse sociocultural profiles. The reason is that other cultures view teaching practices and their approaches from different perspectives, and joint assessment of individual students may be a fun process in developing the learning-teaching curriculum and methods for these culturally diverse learners.

Evidence-Based Strategies to Manage Barriers to Learning

Research-based approaches and theories help to moderate the predetermined barriers to learning and access courses for students (Bonehill et al., 2020). Teaching strategies can be affected by different factors, which can have an impact on learners’ learning in the class; the following are various ways in which the CPM course designed for adult nurses could face hurdles when implemented: Some significant obstacles that can create problems for learning in CPM courses are: Some significant barriers that can create issues for learning in CPM courses are:

This farewell video lesson teaches that the teachers, students, and classroom sessions have yet to have a common bond or story to discuss later. There must be more incentives for the learners to compete in the course. Better communication between learners and nurse educators (Solanas et al., 2021, p. 1286). Inefficient approaches to delivering the message by the teacher may mean using teaching methods that do not suit the audience. This suggests the curriculum is improperly arranged and must be used to intercede with learners’ perceptions and further education.

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

Some evidence suggests that the institution needs help to adequately equip the nurse educators to finish the course as it is laid out (Solanas et al., 2021). Other areas involve managerial agendas, focusing on the administrative aspect of teaching (Bonehill et al., 2020).  As mentioned earlier, implementing the value of CPM courses for nurses and their careers will remove the barriers. Evidence-based solutions include consistently communicating the value of CPM courses for nurses and their jobs and incorporating agile teaching. There is a way to encourage students by involving them to compete in classes that enhance the learners’ success and eradicate chances that make it difficult for people to learn.

Another key implication of the study is that there is higher motivation in course values among the students once the instructors can communicate with them effectively and help in the success of the teaching practices under consideration (Chu et al., 2019). The agile teaching method or strategy can blend conventional and ultra-modern learning approaches (Parwa et al., 2021). Developing these teaching methods using the VARK Learning styles embracing teaching strategy as strategic interventions would be possible. This teaching approach encompasses all the learners that may exist across all cultures and ethnic diversity and, as such, brings out the most appropriate development of learners (Ridwan et al., 2019).

  • Underlying Assumptions

The only assumption made in proposing these strategies is that variation within students acts as the most significant learning obstacle through adult audience teaching approaches. It has also been assumed that learners from different cultures and with other skills may also have different learning styles, as self-directed learning is somehow different for each adult student.

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3

Effect of Evidence-Based Strategies on Barriers to Learning

In this respect, it has been clear that it is possible to turn to evidence-based strategies to eliminate obstacles that may manifest during the teaching/learning process. The VARK Learning Style that Fleming has developed can be used to identify the learning strategy of every student within the CPM class and to provide a teaching strategy that would effectively rule out learning hindrances for all learners irrespective of the type of learner they may be (Ridwan et al., 2019). Evidence suggests that receptiveness to new strategies in teaching depends to some extent on the kind of learner being taught, particularly for adults.

A positive learning environment and a competent learning structure for the CPM course are created, thus satisfying the students by promoting the courses for their ongoing courses in the best possible way (Panda et al., 2021). Research shows that student’s vision expands with the increased ability to conceive how the proposed CPM courses would be more valuable and useful a few years from now when they join the profession of nursing as professional nurses (Panda et al., 2021). Hence, what leads to learning barriers, such as negative perceptions and other learning issues, are also cleared due to the proposed strategies in this course.

Role of Strategies in Maintaining Diverse Learner’s Motivation

The first proposed strategy is the adoption of Flemings VARK Learning Style, which comprises all the learners. They include the increased number of affluent and poor ethnic and cultural groups in the nurse classroom. The investigation focused on learners shows that a learner’s culture dramatically affects the learner category into which a learner can be grouped (Kamal et al., 2021). In the literature, the diversity of students is prevalent in nursing education compared to other courses. From the data gathered, understanding and using the VARK learning styles make the strategy in the course more effective for the learners (Ridwan et al., 2019).

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 3 Teaching Strategies

Mainly, communicating vision assists in enhancing the motivation of nurse learners as distinct learners by enabling them to acquire skills outlined in the course relevant to their work in the future (Rao, 2019). This covers all the visual, sound, written, and practical teaching-learning activities commonly practiced in almost all cultures, giving rise to the learners’ motivation. In this respect, the learners from other cultures do not perceive prejudice towards them, further improving their motto learning in the selected nursing course. Likewise, modifying all forms of teaching enhances the learning assistance and parity available to each learner in the class regardless of their cultural background, color, or social status (Ridwan et al., 2019).


Concerning the notion, learner theories and teaching strategies are crucial to developing the intended teaching plans for the CPM course. Two ideas about how to teach the curriculum, which has been straightforward, are to make the teaching reflective and interactive. Learner strategies are proposed based on a vision of the course, interaction, and Fleming’s VARK Learning Style. Thus, these may assist in innovating challenges associated with learning the CPM course and the multiple learner nurses. Read more about our sample NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 1 for complete information about this class.


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