NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4 Assessment Strategies and Complete Course Plan

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According to (Männistö et al., 2019), it was depicted that assessment strategies significantly impact assessing the learning of nurse students for the specific course in question. The chosen course is Chronic Pain Management (CPM), to which the applied approaches and the process of learners’ development were introduced. The course explores pain management in patients of varying cultural backgrounds and origins, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, social and communal backgrounds, and nationality (Mardian et al., 2020). The argument in this course eliminates any chances of believing that pain on the part of Ethnos A is similar to that of Ethnos B. The rubric is created for the sake of using assessment techniques that can be used to measure the knowledge of the learners in the classroom. Introducing the course has also developed a complete plan for implementing the CPM course for young nurses.

Theory to Optimize Teaching Experience and Learning Outcomes

The first presupposition required before incorporating any theory of learning to improve teaching and learning practice is to validate the academic backing of the proposed curriculums and intended acquirement as learning outcomes. In the CPM course, the facilitative learning approach, which follows Knowles’s learning framework, is applied to the reflective and cognitive teaching style. According to the theoretical background, nuance students, as a group of adult human beings, require different psychological, mental, and psychomotor learning and development than youngster students (Lewis & Bryan, 2021).

Using the CPM course classroom, it is crucial to base the student-teacher interaction on increasing the teachers’ teaching experience and the students’ results. Learning outcomes indicate that the students should be able to distinguish causes of chronic pain in Different Patient Populations practically. Thus, incorporating the reflective nursing education approach and cognitive and interactive lessons for the teachers teaching the CPM course helps enhance the learning outcomes and teaching attempts meant for the course teachers.

Rationale for Theory

The defined convexity of course learning outcomes and teaching experience ensures that this course works well for students. It was based on the theory developed by Malcolm Knowles that something was put in place concerning the learning habits and styles of adult or post-secondary students compared with the young ones (Conway, 2023). It has been incorporated into the strategies used in the course delivery. It is the foundation for designing and delivering practical approach courses like CPM that do not involve role-playing games but simulations, discussions, reflective assessments, direct contact with the patient, general and specific evaluation, and case-study analysis. The theory is, therefore, an application of using pal experience in teaching and, in particular, learning to enhance student learning outcomes in a practical learning environment. Indeesimulation is learning outcomes.

Thinking, Learning, and Communicating Methods for Specific Learning Situations

Most nursing students employ various learning techniques that are entirely distinct from the others. This may be attributed to the fact that each nurse student enrolled in the CPM course may have a culturally related preference in the choice or a keen interest in a particular area. The students choose their learning styles based on the activity or avoid some of them. In this learning environment, it will be necessary to use all the methods associated with thinking, learning, and communicating (Grech, 2022).

It is known that VARK framework guidance will be used as a teaching strategy for the given course. The framework incorporates all learning, thinking, and communicating media of Laukli’s framework: visual, auditory, reading, and kinesthetic media in teaching practice for students learning (Subagja & Rubini, 2021). The specific learning situation concerning the CPM course is further complex as the target audience has been identified as nurse students. The application of the VARK learning model, therefore, provides a stable teaching delivery system for multiple VARK learners by utilizing PowerPoint presentations, audio presentations, course readings, and practical reflective analysis to boost the cognitive learning of students with the recommended teaching learning strategies (Subagja & Rubini, 2023). Thus, adopting or determining and incorporating teaching styles that cater to all learners’ learning styles, preferences, and affiliations across cultures has become possible.

Several studies have been used to establish the applicability of the research, known in this proposal as the proposed framework (Subagja & Rubini, 2023). From the discussion, it is clear that there exists a correlation between the learning style and method of nurse students and the teaching method and consideration given by curriculum-wired experts (Grech, 2022). The study discovered the purpose of the VARK framework to fully define all forms of thinking, learning, and comprehensive communication of nurse learners (Kean et al., 2020).

Nursing and Healthcare Teaching Strategies, Techniques, and Outcomes

These in-service training programs must be taken by nurses who have majored in chronic care from the nursing course. Consequently, teaching strategies and techniques must be versatile, function with consideration for the learners as adults, and be effective (Foronda et al., 2020). Two main teaching strategies have been adopted for the course: effective and meaningful teaching and learning approaches for the students. Some other methods and techniques have to be adopted in the styles of teaching the CPM course different from the regular teaching style to accommodate the college students and mainly the adults:

Teaching Strategies and Techniques

Some of these approaches are the choice of activities where teachers can engage in various activities that assist adult learners in forming attitudes and perceptions of learning and applicability in nursing. Some prime activities include free and flowing classroom discourse and major self-assessments (Padilha et al., 2019). The conclusive strategies that have been adopted for teaching the nursing course CPM in specialized practical education settings are: The conclusive strategies that have been adopted for teaching the nursing course CPM in specialized practical education settings are:

  • Self-directive learning modules (Foronda et al., 2020)
  • Experience-based intuitive lectures
  • Utilization of readiness to learn in adult nurses
  • Providing correct motivation in the diverse classroom for CPM course
  • Problem-solving assessments
  • Teaching through effective and evidence-based case studies
  • Use of comprehensive learning evaluations while teaching
  • Use of groups while assigning tasks (Padilha et al., 2019)

Each teaching strategy is research-based and has been pointed out by nurse educators, especially those aimed at adult nurse classrooms with learners’ formats. The strategies incorporate the individual accounts given by the adult nurse students in the CPM course while affording students a higher degree of cognitive development as a probable benefit of these approaches (Foronda et al., 2020).

Teaching Strategy Outcomes

Substantial outcomes have been encouraged by the inclusion of these teaching strategies to the students in the nursing classroom for CPM. The potential outcomes resulting from these teaching strategies are as follows:

  • Effective cognitive development in student nurses
  • Problem-solving development
  • Identification of their learning from the course
  • A practical view of chronic pain in patients
  • Development of perception for ethical CPM practice in different settings
  • The ability of nurses to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams
  • Being practical, accurate, and precise in their orientation toward the field practices (Carol et al., 2021)

With the help of the CPM course and the presented clinical scenarios, the teacher will be able to familiarize the nurse students with various care settings in which chronic care is delivered. The following proposition can be made: Teaching strategies and techniques comprise the most critical part of the course and the nurses’ need for it. This teaching approach best aligns the course with teaching strategies coupled with learning styles in consonance with the VARK model and the learning framework suggested by Malcolm Knowles (Carol et al., 2021). The teaching strategies highlighted at the end of the paper demonstrate the effectiveness of these strategies as embraced in the proposed CPM course for the targeted students.

Underlying Assumptions

Managing diverse classes also contributes to student learning, a complex factor that can be examined during curriculum or any CPM-like course’s teaching mapping. The influence of cultural differences has yet to be captured in formulating the teaching strategies. As such, the assumption has been made that all nurse students in the CPM class will accept the teaching strategies regardless of their cultural background or community. The other assumption is unique to the teaching approaches and techniques employed in teaching strategies. Since the teaching program integrates conventional and innovative methods in approaching young nurse learners and the cultures and ethnic backgrounds of the learners, it has been assumed that the combination teaching model is appropriate.

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4

Evidence-Based Best Practices to Enhance Learner Motivation

Different and consensus scholarly tools of evidence have proposed several Classroom practices that are useful for raising students’ motivation levels (Mikkonen et al., 2020). A current CPM course currently exists, as does a proposed course for adult nurses in chronic pain and management practices related to the same. Therefore, the classroom is anticipated to have nurses with previous healing experience and understanding of care delivery in specific care structures.

The following are practices based on evidential results regarding a learner’s motivation. The beauty of motivational practices is essential to the learning process, and this can be understood when looking at two main fundamentals. These essentials facilitate communication for the course content and construct teaching-learning methodologies compatible with all cultures and ethnicities (Park et al., 2020). The primary causes for such poor class motivation among nurse students include weak curriculum content, poor instructional delivery and teaching precariousness, high academicism, low applicability of course content, and class etiquette unsuitable for the definite student culture (Park et al., 2020).

The evidence-based strategies for increasing student motivation in CPM courses include:

  • Interacting with individual students and trying to know them and their culture (Smart et al., 2020)
  • Understanding the expectations of the nurse learners from the course, teaching style, and classroom environment
  • Using student-active teaching practice that can lead to enhancement in the motivation of learners
  • Defining the explicit mission of the CPM course curriculum (Smart et al., 2020)
  • Defining proper assessment criteria for students to evaluate their learning
  • Focusing on the performance of weak students in the class
  • In-class writing and discussion activities have also significantly influenced nurse learners’ motivation in nursing education (Smart et al., 2020).

Each strategy points out evidence of student success and their motivational disposition in the learning environment. Learners can change the climate of the classroom as well as their behavior towards their fellow learners to ensure that it becomes more respectful, hence increasing the learners’ learning motivation. Informing the learners regarding the need to take the course is positive in that it boosts students’ chances of endorsing the curriculum to be taken in their future field of practice in nursing. The outlined ebe is most appropriate for the CPM classroom and its curriculum–since it is designed to benefit motivated learners who can rise to the challenge of performing at high levels.

Conflicting Viewpoints

Unsupportive perspectives linked to these strategies suggest that broad classroom autocratic measures strengthen learner engagement, irrespective of holders’ and students’ age. However, due to its hypothetical battle of the two strategies, it has been argued that it is generalized as it has to accommodate the existence of other teaching methodologies and that young learners are different from adult learners in a given class.

Barriers to Learning While Designing and Developing Educational Programs

Developing ideas for courses and other programs that should be implemented takes much work. Numerous challenges characterize learning when determining and designing courses. The offered CPM courses have experienced challenges regarding the approaches and methods of curriculum development, assessment of learning outcomes, identification of learning styles, and the choice of teaching styles suitable for the course with consideration of the target audience, which often comprises adult nurses (Regmi & Jones, 2020). The challenges the CPM course encountered during the developmental and design stages are elaborated on below.

Language Barriers

The last referred to the language barriers, which were the most affecting among all the possible obstacles to the curriculum design. Most students taking the CPM course are from other nationalities; therefore, many are forced to speak English as their maiden language. It was not easy to read the course time and again to simplify the above wording, but it was done with the aim of social inclusion of the nurse students who might have the English Language as their second language. Language can, therefore, be managed because learning with students from diverse backgrounds can only be accomplished reasonably and meticulously (Shamsuddin & Kaur, 2020).

Cultural Barriers

The students’ cultures are different, and it is also evident that students from other cultures and backgrounds have different learning processes. One of the limitations to effective learning was that the chosen pattern of the education/learning process required the curriculum and the teaching method to be best matched to the learning style of the whole class as designed at the beginning. Among these factors, one of the main challenges in developing this course was identifying other teaching methods after a potential culture of students to be enrolled in the CPM class was bound (Regmi & Jones, 2020).

Socio-Economic Barriers

​​Other external factors were also inherent throughout the development of the course, namely, instructors’ lack of permission to incorporate cultural factors when choosing learning approaches. Challenges inherent in embracing new approaches to learning and teaching result in considerable difficulty in assessing teaching and learning methodologies to measure the achievement of learning outcomes for a course (Shamsuddin & Kaur, 2020).

Barriers Related to Resources

It only approved the existent resource allocation with the newly provided curriculum for a long time. There was an estimate that the accreditation agencies may need to have a stake in this new liner on the CPM course with other courses offered in the program’s curriculum. Endorsement by accreditors was the major hurdle that created chances for supplying human and financial resources to assess and frame the pertinent parts of the CPM course (Regmi & Jones, 2020).

Knowledge Gap

The barriers to developing and designing courses mentioned above have given substantial insight into the process. It also took comparatively long to adapt the concept of CPM for course development. Before the administration of this course, the nurse educators in the institution had yet to be presented with the enhancement of the future of teaching styles and the kinds of learners across cultural diversity. This created many issues for the course and brought many challenges until the course was fully established and planned (Bell, 2020).

Moreover, apart from multiple facilitators elaborated throughout the paper, other types of learning experiences, ideas, and analyses of learning attitudes connected with the demographics of nurses may be applied to negate such impediments in different courses in the future. The culturally accommodating course structures and teaching measures are expected to improve the nurse students’ learning from the CPM course with respect (Ličen et al., 2020).

Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Educational Offerings

Therefore, nurses must be informed about cultural competency and its impacts on healthcare organization and practice. A course under development for nurses in their MSN program focuses on the right strategies for handling Chronic pain regardless of their culture (Handtke et al., 2019). Hypothesis 2 hypothesizes that cultural sensitivity is another significant factor in the CPM course.

The education level of nursing students will improve due to their enrolment in this class. The first one is that there are many students in a class, and most of them come from different cultures and ethnicities, thus making it possible for other students to learn about the different cultures of their fellow students (Holt, 2022). Students come to the class from one of these assessed cultures, which adds to the cultural dynamics of the healthcare these student nurses offer for chronic pain relief interventions as members of the interprofessional team, including physicians and other healthcare practitioners (Ličen et al., 2020).

The proposed course’s evaluation, metacognition, and group collaboration strategies also include aspects of cultural competencies. The potential elements also cultivate more enhanced and enhanced cultural sensitivity among the nurse students in the CPM course. One of these ways is the practical implementation of the strategies and experiences of these nurses in the natural healthcare environments of the partnering healthcare organization (Holt, 2022). The nurses in the CPM educational nursing course can get to know about the culture of the patients whom the staff of the different teams treats and can get some good views regarding how to deal with patients of other cultures in various methods but with equal concern for their culture (Ličen et al., 2020).

Evaluating Evidence

This evidence of cultural competency, represented by the CPM course, is highly ethical and moral and encompasses an advanced vision of nurses and specific skills for the field (Handtke et al., 2019).

Assessment Design for Course

​​The criteria for the assessment and its connection to the concept and goal of the course, together with the knowledge and skills that students are expected to acquire upon completion of the course, have been considered as the basic frameworks for assessment. The proposed cause will be evaluated through the subjective approach, contributing nurses ‘personal experience and individual knowledge. The reflective assessments include Incorporating essential practical hours with the course syllabus/curriculum. The evaluation will be the topical descriptions I have read or watched, the work we do here, sharing and applying different methods and tools, and the case approval of the chosen ones by each of us in the course. One of the assessment design plans will be to understand the course in which the nurses will comprehend the presented patient case and their performance in the interdisciplinary team (Subagja & Rubini, 2023).

Students are to present their progress in a course through written assignments where they reflect on what they have learned and how the nurses can apply this in their workplaces and various healthcare settings. The assessment appraisal ref: includes best practices (EBPs) about effective CPM practices. The groups comprised of the nurse students must be evaluated on their roller-skating performance in choosing the best EBPs within their interdisciplinary collaboration and identifying their findings (Lewis & Bryan, 2021). The documentation of these EBPs and student learning through assignments in a course will be evaluated upon completing the course for medical and health learners’ satisfactory health and standard curriculum functionality (Grech, 2022).


Thus, the CPM course is relevant in ensuring that nurse students are acquainted with successful techniques for addressing chronic pain. It is well understood that varying teaching and learning methods have been appraised concerning the proposed CPM course. In this regard, applying the VARK can help identify specific teaching approaches to facilitate outcomes for both the instructor and the student in the course. The teaching plan for the course is as follows: The identified subject topics, use of evidence, and interventions for chronic pain are incorporated into the identified topics of the course as follows; the assessment details following the indicated course for chronic pain have also been provided.
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