- NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development.
Course Development and Influencing Factors
Nursing educators play a crucial role in developing curricula in academic and clinical settings based on learning needs and meeting the standards set out by accreditation agencies. This paper outlines the new course that will be added to the existing attendant residency program (NRP) curriculum, the collaboration among stakeholders, and factors affecting the curriculum design, as discussed in NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development.
New Course: Smoke Evacuation in Operating Room
The new course that will be added to the operating room (OR) medical caretaker residency program (NRP) is a strong surgical smoke evacuation in the operating room. The course is designed to give staff training to new and existing active room medical attendants regarding the viable utilization of surgical smoke evacuation strategies during surgical procedures. Surgical smoke is created by the thermal destruction of tissue by the utilization of lasers or electrosurgical gadgets, and the smoke contains potentially hazardous toxic gases and vapors like benzene, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, bioaerosols, dead and live cellular material, and infections (The Joint Commission, 2021).
Long-term receptiveness to surgical smoke has been associated with lung diseases and issues, the transmission of infections, for example, human papillomavirus, and responsiveness to intensifies apparent as mutagenic and carcinogenic by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The course best fits in the curriculum during the focal point of the NRP whenever the learners can attend the simulation labs and preceptor-drove clinical. Education and appropriate tools enable and engage learners to provide verification-based quality care and satisfy regulatory guidelines.
The Rationale for Adding a course to a selected curriculum.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) anticipates that managers should give their representatives safe and sans hazardous working conditions. Surgical smoke safety is an increasing concern among perioperative personnel; notwithstanding, strong smoke-evacuation strategies and regulations are lacking nationwide. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) investigators distinguished that surgical smoke guidelines are not continued in clinical settings and call for staff education on sans-smoke operating rooms (Vortman & Thornton, 2021).
According to The Social class for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reports that consistently, more than one-half million healthcare laborers, including surgeons, attendants, surgical technologists, and other healthcare professionals, are introduced to surgical smoke (2017). Advanced technological tools are available to achieve smoke evacuation in surgical suites; the smoke evacuation is inadequate because of various barriers, such as lack of education, awareness, work culture, and individual perception.
Surgical Smoke Evacuation Training
Therefore, it is critical to develop a training program to educate the perioperative personnel regarding the potential health hazards of surgical smoke and to use confirmation-based strategies to create a safe workplace. Surgical smoke, or a surgical peak, is generated when tissue is cut, coagulated, or fulgurated using an electrical stream (Bree et al., 2017).
Another reason to add surgical smoke evacuation training is to satisfy the regulatory and practice guidelines from the regulatory bodies. Several states are pushing for legislation for the mandatory utilization of smoke evacuation strategies for all surgical techniques.
According to the Association of periOperative Enrolled Medical Attendants (AORN), Rhode Island, Colorado, Kentucky, Oregon, Illinois, Arizona, Washington, Georgia, and Connecticut have passed laws mandating the utilization of a smoke evacuation framework for all surgical frameworks in all hospitals and freestanding ambulatory medical strategy facilities (2022). To defeat the barriers to surgical smoke evacuation and further encourage compliance, the operating room staff should be educated regarding advanced, verification-based smoke evacuation strategies and regulatory standards and provide cutting-edge gear to achieve the outcomes (Fencl, 2017).
Smoke Evacuation in Operating Room: Topic Outline
It is essential to see the necessities of the learners and determine program targets before developing the new curriculum. A gap analysis will be beneficial in distinguishing the gaps between confirmation-based practice and clinical practices (Jager et al., 2020). The surgical smoke safety course prepares operating room medical caretakers to create a hazardous workplace by effectively using smoke-evacuation strategies during various surgical methodologies. The course will be a one-day training program that consists of classroom training, video presentations, demonstration of gear use, hands-on training on smoke-evacuation hardware, test, capability validation, and end-of-course evaluation.
The course includes surgical smoke, surgical strategies that create smoke, and the dangers of prolonged receptiveness to surgical smoke. The educator will give various confirmation-based smoke evacuation strategies in the OR to create a sans-hazard workplace. In addition, the educator will train the medical caretakers to use smoke evacuation hardware, such as an electrosurgical gadget with vacuum capability, inline channels, and hand-controlled vacuum gadgets, as outlined in NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development.
The educator will use recordings and PowerPoint presentations, and the learners will be outfitted with printed material to track. Popup tests and discussions will be incorporated to assess the learners’ understanding of the topic during the class. Hands-on training will be given to use the smoke-evacuation gear safely. There will be the capability. Verification and a test at the end of the class to assess the learning results. An end-of-course evaluation audit is also included, and the participants will want to evaluate the course content, the educator’s performance, and any recommendations. The topics in the course align with AORN’s Periop101 training guidelines to meet the accreditation agencies’ regulatory standards.
Collaboration Among the Interdisciplinary Team
Curriculum development, evaluation, and revisions are the ultimate responsibility of faculties and nursing educators; nevertheless, collaboration with the multidisciplinary team is critical for the program’s viable planning, development, and implementation. Verification-based practices are crucial for safe and quality healthcare. Change in clinical practices based on the verification-based recommendations for smoke evacuation requires multidisciplinary collaboration as it affects the entire surgical team.
The interdisciplinary team contains administrators, support educators, physicians, quality and safety individuals, medical caretakers, anesthesia providers, and other surgical team individuals. Internal and external stakeholders have a common interest in change in practice to advance nursing education and work on the population’s health. The internal stakeholders include administrators, physicians, medical attendants, anesthesia providers, quality control personnel, and attendant educators. External stakeholders are regulatory agencies, accreditation bodies, and legislators who cooperate for population health.
Collaboration is crucial during the course training and implementation of the practice improvement initiatives phase to increase staff acceptance and team engagement (Tharp-Barrie et al., 2019). Another rationale for multidisciplinary collaboration is to bring alternate points of view during the curriculum design so the team can see the program goals and guarantee those are aligned with the organizational strategies. Forming a curriculum and implementation panel with representatives from all disciplines is essential for stakeholders’ acceptance while developing program goals, timelines, training modalities, and implementation.
Internal Factors’ Influence on Curriculum Development
Several factors affect curriculum development. For staff development, curriculum development begins with assessing the external and internal organizational factors influencing the curriculum. Curriculum development in nursing education should be based on the external and internal stakeholders’ viewpoints and the utilization of the best current confirmation in nursing and health professions education (Keating, 2014). Institutional and framework-level factors act as internal and external agents of curriculum development; curriculum results, in turn, influence these internal and external factors (Jager et al., 2020).
Internal factors affecting the curriculum design and implementation of new courses are primarily the organizational construction and the mission and reasoning of the institution. Other crucial internal factors that affect the curriculum design are the spending plan, the learner population, physical assets for teaching, governance, and internal program approval (Oermann &Gaberson, 2019). Organizational construction affects course development and implementation, whether public or private, tageous or not, and profit.
Healthcare Financial Planning Education
Financial plans are one of the most crucial factors in today’s healthcare sector. Financial planning involves analyzing the program’s cost, advantages, and measures to control consumption. The learner population is another internal factor to consider while developing new curricula, as the learners include various ages and educational backgrounds. Physical assets include classrooms, simulation hardware, educational materials, and other supplies for staff education (Oermann & Gaberson, 2019).
It is a strong strategy for securing backing and material assets for education demonstrates the connection between educational programs and the goals of an organization, primarily assuming that program results and cost-viability analysis support the positive advantages of investment in education. Individuals from the board distinguish the expected outcomes and make recommendations for developing the curriculum based on the organizational goals. The primary responsibility of medical attendant educators is to cultivate the curriculum and staff education on smoke evacuation strategies.
External Factors’ Influence on Curriculum Development
External factors that influence the curriculum beyond the institution play a critical role in curriculum development and implementation, resulting in changes in clinical practices to encourage population health further. External frame factors that affect the curriculum design are local area, demographics, regulations and accreditation, healthcare framework, financial assistance, the nursing profession, and government and political bodies. The location of the program’s local area influences the accessibility to learners, educators, and learning assets.
Demographic factors include learners’ age, orientation, socioeconomic status, educational background, and so forth (Keating, 2014). This information is vital when designing a curriculum that incorporates adult learning theories and various learning modalities.
While developing a curriculum for surgical safety training, support educators should consider external factors, similar to accreditation standards and legislation. The Joint Commission and OSHA have recommendations and guidelines to adhere to for the safety of healthcare providers. AORN’s surgical smoke evacuation legislation is another critical factor that affects the surgical smoke safety course. Furthermore, several states have considered surgical smoke evacuation legislation, and five states have enacted legislation (The Joint Commission, 2021).
Institutional Impact on Curriculum Design
The organization’s mission is to provide accessible, affordable, equitable, and verification-based quality care to individuals and the local area through capable healthcare providers (Kaiser Permanente, 2018). The mission statement of the NRP is that through education, training, and mentorship, the NRP aims to prepare new graduate attendants to offer top-caliber, verification-based care to enhance the clinical consequences of patients. The institution’s mission aligns with the mission of the NRP to give verification-based quality healthcare to individuals through knowledgeable and talented healthcare providers.
The new course added to the NRP will train the new graduate medical attendants to provide verification-based patient care by creating a safe and sans-hazard operating room. The NRP’s way of thinking is to train new graduate medical attendants to encourage mastery and transfer learning into clinical settings through verification-based practices, as discussed in NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development.
For example, the program gives exhaustive staff training on smoke evacuation strategies, hands-on training on gear, and mentoring for new medical caretakers before transitioning into operating rooms. The thorough curriculum offers essential tools to learners to use smoke evacuation gear safely during medical strategies. To minimize the theory-practice gap during the transition into clinical practice, educators must encourage a curriculum that shines brilliantly on organizational strategy, mission, and regulatory standards.
Internal and External Stakeholders Collaboration
Curriculum development and implementation of a new curriculum is a collaborative task that involves internal and external stakeholders. Translational science is the application of research that leads to demonstrate-based practice that spans scholarship and research. It transcends many disciplines and, accordingly, leads to interdisciplinary cooperation and verification-based practice based on the latest logical achievements and research in health care, nursing, and education, particularly in nursing (Keating, 2014). A multi-professional collaboration gives various aspects and points of view on the program and the program’s results.
Stakeholder Collaboration in Curriculum
The NRP was established utilizing the work-integrated learning component of the Pedagogical Framework. Work-integrated approaches advance the application of theory in the workplace by providing students with open learning entryways in the classroom and clinical settings. Internal stakeholders include administrators, sustain managers, educators, physicians, attendants, and quality improvement personnel. External stakeholders that play a vital role in curriculum design are accreditation agencies, legislators, and individuals in the local area.
The NRP for OR medical attendants and the smoke evacuation training requires collaboration between the internal and external stakeholders for financial allocation and secure funding from external agencies. While designing the new curriculum, failure to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders may bring about stakeholders’ dissatisfaction, implementation issues, and compliance issues.
In conclusion, curriculum design is the ultimate responsibility of educators; nevertheless, it is a collaborative effort among internal and external stakeholders. Healthcare institutions are to provide a safe and without-hazard environment for patients and laborers; therefore, the smoke evacuation in Operating Room training course curriculum, as outlined in NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development, is created to train new graduate attendants to give quality care to patients and individuals from the surgical team through confirmation-based practice and advanced innovation.
The curriculum reflects the organizational mission while meeting the regulatory requirements and proposed educational outcomes. The curriculum is the foundation of every program. In solicitation to establish an exhaustive curriculum, it should incorporate all stakeholders’ ideas, opinions, and viewpoints (Jeng-Cheng et al., 2022). Read more about our sample NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development for complete information about this class.
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. (2022). Everyone Deserves a Smoke-Free OR. Retrieved from aorn.org: https://aorn.org/government- affairs/policy-agenda/surgical-smoke
Bree, K., Barnhill, S., & Rundell, W. (2017). The dangers of electrosurgical smoke to operating room personnel: A review. Sage Journals. Doi:https://doi-org.library.capella. https://aedu/10.1177/2165079917691063
Fencl, J. (2017). Guideline implementation: Surgical smoke safety. AORN Journal: The Official Voice of Perioperative Nursing; Denver, 105(5), 488-497. https://adoi:10.1016/j.aorn.2017.03.006
Jager, f., Vandyk, A., Jacob, J. D., Meilleur, D., Vanderspank-Wright, B., LeBlanc, B., Chartrand, J., Hust, C., Lalonde, M., Rintoul, A., Alain, D., Poirier, S., & Phillips, J. C. (2020). The Ottawa model for nursing curriculum renewal:
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Kaiser Permanente. (2018). Mission and History. Retrieved from kaiserpermanente.org: https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/pages/quality-safety
Keating, S. B. (2014). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company. https://adoi:10.1891/9780826174420.0010
Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. (2019). Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education (6th ed.). Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated. Tharp-Barrie, K., Williams, T. E., El-Mallakh, P., & MacCallum, T. (2019). Design and implementation of clinical competency evaluation system for nursing students in medical-surgical wards. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8(4), 1408-1413.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, March 30). Surgical Smoke. Retrieved from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/healthcarehsps/smoke.html
The Joint Commission. (2021, June 09). Surgical Smoke Legislation Gaining Traction Across the Country. Retrieved from The Joint Commission: https://www.jointcommission.org/resources/news