- NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 1 Technology Needs Assessment.
Relevance of Technology Needs Assessment
The COVID pandemic has lit new creative ways to provide quality patient-centred clinical ideas locally. Despite the hardships in a locally prospering setting, hospice care has been severely organized, given the friendliness of supporting patient thought needs while planning the best viral responsiveness while remaining obvious with Spot for Medicaid and Government clinical consideration (CMS) rules of experience. The COVID Emergency Explanation Cover Waivers for Clinical Benefits Providers or CMS waiver 1135 expanded runs and relaxed regulations to help expand access to care and allow individuals from hospice to remain in hospice care during the General Prospering Emergency (PHE).
While virtual telehealth is not new to hospice care, this cutting-edge stage was not commonly used as hospice care is more hands-on to spread trust and cultivate affiliations. Modernized achievement technology can work with the vehicle of care that is unremittingly related and worked with across settings, conveyed in each down-to-earth sense, in any event with and framed into existing eye-to-eye models of care (Disalvo et al., 2021).
Virtual web conferencing or virtual teletriage can relate thought to patients in the country and underserved masses to give routine hospice care and recertification assessments and address assistance impact the trailblazer’s needs following short staffing and tainting countering concerns. The alliance should see the meaning of expanding the energy virtual visit program to continue preparing hospice care for those with life-confirming defilements.
The Needs Assessment is created to see where a cycle and a need do not match, causing a gap(s) in the process. Ein et al. (2022) state that there can be a capacity between what is open and what is required without a needs assessment. The evaluation can streamline cycles to expand productivity and decline costs by utilizing open technology. Moreover, it fits unequivocal needs. Creating a needs assessment can improve safety, quality, interest, and patient outcomes by allowing educators to close the openings. Explore our assessment NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 2 for more information.
Key Issues
Throughout the pandemic, clinical guardians continued to watch out for patient needs at the bedside locally. Virtual visit affiliations, as highlighted in the NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 1 Technology Needs Assessment, are offered for scheduled routine visits. Utilization of the unending virtual visit affiliations can be expanded to address patient needs in the late evening and off shifts by crisis-prepared professionals. Clinical escorts can address helper impacts continually and provide sincere plans to develop access for hospice patients to providers.
Virtual Teletriage in Healthcare
A fast and ideal response(s) to discretionary impact the board centres around that, notwithstanding, could forebodingly impact a patient’s exceptional fulfilment and cause useless strain. Utilizing virtual teletriage can oversee calm deferred results of assistance impacting the trailblazer’s need. Vid or conferencing in a crisis must review the requirement for up-close and personal consideration and smooth out the provider correspondence (Stockdill et al., 2021).
NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 1 Technology Needs Assessment
The consistent virtual visit relationship inside the hospice office at this point currently fills gaps in more nonvisible responsiveness to typical or homebound patients, diminishes trauma centre visits for the discretionary impact the supervisor rs, and reduces the hazard of viral straightforwardness for patients and staff, something which is indistinguishable. Sta finds the need. Starfight picking since Walk 2020 has led to the need to “think new.”
Enhancing V.”Dual Care Efficiency
The office began looking for inventive and innovative plans to benefit the union and increase the staff’s sufficiency. One course of action proposed is to expand the unending virtual appearance relationship by offering virtual crisis visits to address incidental impacts the board stresses while further developing the proficiency and efficiency of limited staff.
Expanding patient assistance during off progressions will instigate less fundamental concerns for case managers.
Extending the virtual teletriage affiliations business can reduce related stressors, such as work hours, high work help degree, and strain to seek after impetus decisions that impact patient patients inpatient passion lack, bundle, and withdrawal from patient thought. When alists leave the beleaveiably, seeing that a dose of speech consumption and horrible congeniality among serious and fun exercises can impact a patient’s inclination toward care is vital.
Partner buy-in from the interdisciplinary get-together (IDT) is essential for the valuable execution of virtual teletriage. The IDT joins hospice-informed authority, case managers, social workers, and profound thought. It ought to be solid in the change for validity, strong, accommodating incidental impact on the board, and further developing patient outcome(s). CMS reimbursement of hospice benefits is related to a deference-based Security Plan (VBID) and, in this way, joined to quality measures and patient satisfaction scores.
Telehealth Accessibility Challenges Addressed
The proposed Improvement will additionally empower quality scores related to patient satisfaction. While studies have shown that telehealth used as a piece of a steady IDT system for managing the hospice plan of care can gain ground, not all patients or parental figures approach the technology or web enrollment to utilize a telehealth modernized stage (Hughes et al., 2022).
More coordinated adults or patients who are not content with technology or need modernized assent will not likely profit from expanded virtual visit affiliation; these patients will push toward standard thought regardless.
Safety Requirements and Regulatory Considerations
A key issue of expanding virtual teletriage affiliations is cost affiliation. Cha ges to the organizational plan and quickening IT cutoff points should stay reasonable. The office should use laptops and tablets to help data application(s) for consistency and regulatory purposes. CMS’s current CMS’s structure for hospice affiliations is worth-based reimbursement that attacks part quality measures (QM) wiped out from hospice thing sets (HIS) and documentation. IT ought to revise documentation to meet regulatory guidelines for charging and reimbursement. The quality and consistency office will cooperate with the data. t turns, and IT will change charging and coding practices for virtual teletriage visits to be billable as urgent visits.
NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 1 Technology Needs Assessment
Virtual appearance should agree to Clinical Thought Convenience and Responsibility Act (HIPAA) rules to safeguard patient information. The office should be separate and take a risk while safeguarding thriving information (PHI) electronically. The alliance provides network safety sets, disseminates, and includes video conferencing encryption software to ensure patient PHI is watched and secure. Se shaky mecUse stages, such as Facetime, Skype, or Zoom, can instigate potential security concerns (Kovac, 2021). The patient and patient should be confirmed before a virtual treatment visit.
The reliable plan to expand virtual teletriage access addresses squeezing needs and stresses to zero in on zeroing for extremely close assessment relying on the, depending once. His incessant ocean continues to be used for routine nursing visits. MS perpetually and perpetually requires in-person assistance with visiting exactly as expected; the virtual visit can be used in the centre between the middle of need. Ir al visits Virtualinancially wise framework for supporting selection to the select fonts willing and prepared to share using the modernized stage.
Organizational Change
The organizational drive is essential to moving standard crisis cycles to new virtual teletriage processes. A nation will assess using different crisis techniques and proposed virtual teletriage, including the key costs of staff, software, and virtual teletriage processes. The cost of this will be overall.
Working on the spending plan of the connection. Bar will be outlined to lead the improvements of how assessments and decision trees will be used during a virtual crisis visit. The tutoring and standardization of evaluation will streamline correspondence to provide a wide picture of patient thought needs.
The augmentation of virtual visits in hospice will not override the in-person nursing visit for patient assistance. The Improvement of virtual treatment will give the board ideal, patient-centred care responses to questions, concerns, and assistance. In a couple of moments, patients can be on an exceptionally essential level overviewed by a clinical guardian; arranging can be given to patients and parental figures instead of holding tight for an hour or longer for an eye-to-eye assessment. The assumption is that the association can provide patient-centred care while expanding the ampleness of open staff and working on lenient outcomes.
Further, patient assistance will lessen the business-related stressors of the clinical boss case manager, providing a superior balance between work and personal life and thereby reducing burnout and compassion fatigue. As outlined in the NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 1 Technology Needs Assessment, telehealth and teletriage are utilized in various clinical areas. With essential technical and organizational support, the development of teletriage can drive sustained progress and enhance patient outcomes.
Disalvo, D., Agar, M., Caplan, G., Murtagh, F. E. M., Luckett, T., Heneka, N., Hickman, L., Kinchin, I., Trethewie, S., Sheehan, C., Urban, K., Cohen, J., Harlum, J., Long, B., Parker, T., Schaefer, I., & Phillips, J. (2021). Virtual models of care for people with palliative care needs living in their homes: A systematic meta-review and narrative synthesis. Pal tive Medicine, 35(8), 1385–1406.
Haase, K., Drury, A., & Puts, M. (2020). Supportive care and eHealth: A narrative review of technologies, interventions, and opportunities for optimizing care in patients with cancer. Cli Journal of Oncology Nursing, 24(3), 32–41. https://doi.org/10.1188/20.cjon.s1.32-41
Hughes, M. C., Vernon, E., Kowalczyk, M., & Zhou, H. (2022). Experiences of caregivers and hospice leaders with telehealth for palliative care: A mixed methods study. Ann Palliative Medicine, 11(7), 2302-2313.
Kovac, M. (2021). HIP and Telehealth: Protecting Health Information in a Digital World. Jou al of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy, 6(2), 6-9. https://doi.org/10.5860/jifp.v6i2.7556
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Privacy Concerns with Telehealth Should Prompt Review. (20 ). He is Risk Management; Atlanta, 42(11). Retrieved February 5, 2023. Rea Paul, L., Salmon, C., Sinnarajah, A., & Spice, R. (2019). We used videoconferencing for rural palliative care consultations with elderly patients. Care in Cancer, 27(9), 3321–3330.
Stockdill, M., Barnett, M., Taylor, R., Dionne-Odom, J. N., & Bakitas, M. (2021). Tel health in Palliative Care: Communication Strategies from the COVID-19 pandemic. Cliq al . Journal of Oncology Nursing, 25(1), 17–22. https://doi.org/10.1188/21.cjon.17-22