
NURS FPX 9100 Assessment 5 Virtual Check-in 2

NURS FPX 9100 Assessment 5
  • NURS FPX 9100 Assessment 5 Virtual Check-in 2.

Virtual Check-In

  • Video Check-in and Feedback on Project Guidelines

The video check-in was mostly about the progress of a certain healthcare project. The student, the preceptor, and the professor joined the video check-in. This meant that there was supporting evidence to support the contention that EHR-based alerts indeed assisted in increasing attendance. In addition to that, the teacher said that I should not use complex phrasing, should not start sentences with words like ‘it is,’ ‘there are,’ and ‘this paper,’ I should follow APA style, and the evidence should be the main guide of the project.

  • Objective, Guidelines, and Collaboration in Project Execution

The prime objective was to achieve 27. Six percent of healthcare workers who are vaccinated fight flu tools. The teacher stressed the importance of explaining to the students how the result measure would be assessed and to use simple language. As for the sharing of papers, there might be some technical issues, but the focus returns to the project.

There are guidelines on how the plan will be filled out, reminding that the language used should be simple and the meanings of measurements should be well understood. The final sentences of the work mostly included thanks and supporting messages to each other, which is proof of the group collaboration. This was easy to interact with because the check-in process was fast, and the people were nice and appeared willing to assist.

Reflection on Progress and Learner-Led Communication

Many changes were discussed on the plan during the virtual check-in. The session provided all the proof needed to show that there was no adequate practice at the project site, and the compliance rate was very low compared to the standards recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The review of the prior works provided sufficient grounds to support the hypothesis that the EHR system prompts will assist people to adhere to their plans (Wijesundara et al., 2020). It outlined the project and made executing the proposed project activities even more critical.

The discussion in the virtual check-in for NURS FPX 9100 Assessment 5 Virtual Check-in 2 was positive and centered on the learners themselves. Some notes from the teacher included comments on the language used in some parts of the charter and a style used, namely APA, and ensured enough evidence to support the project. The most helpful part was the instructor’s emphasis on how the result measure would be evaluated or measured; it helped me reflect more on the evaluation process.

The teacher ensured that there was fluid communication regarding progress, issues, and questions, even in the absence of the supervisor. The teacher was always willing to assist, sometimes even if it wasn’t the scheduled time, and the contact was also excellent. The check-in made the students aware that they were in a group. Hence, they gained the confidence to take charge of their learning and projects.

The questions include:

  1. Does the idea need more research?
  2. What changes should be made to the APA style?

Reflection on Addressing Uncertainties and Plans

During the virtual check-in, the participants could discuss several questions related to the concept of a charter. The first concern was how the group could develop sufficient data for the project. However, more literature review was conducted, and much-supporting information supported the suggested solutions and revealed a practice gap at the project site. I liked that the teacher knew how to ensure that proof was guiding the project.

It meant that the study was progressing in the right manner and direction. The exact toolkit used for the project was spelled out: the healthcare worker fight flu toolkit and the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Confirmation was useful in refining the work and ensuring that the interventions that were to be used were using the right tools as per WHO guidelines.

  • Revisiting the Plan and Ensuring Clarity Before Submission

The teacher proposed revisiting the plan and ensuring that every aspect of it is well understood and that there is clear understanding before submitting it. The end measure, a 27, will be explained in detail as part of the review. Learners enrolled in institutions with a 6% vaccine compliance rate as a datum would be tested or reviewed. The teacher emphasized the need to keep things simple and to the point when passing out information.

The way of filling in the charter can be improved with the teacher’s help and understanding of the nature of assessments. It will be obvious. The teacher was friendly enough to assist the students with any queries or concerns they had at the end of the plan. The ongoing help will be quite helpful in answering any questions and ensuring the plan is all set to be submitted.


Virtual check-in demonstrated the evolution of the project within the hospital environment. The discussions showed that EHR-based alerts enhance attendance, which is crucial in the new agenda of vaccinating 27 percent of the population. Positive feedback could be made via peers, mainly on the content, wording, and charter proof.

To avoid confusion, the teacher’s direction and constant help bring the plan the direction and the growth it requires. It also ensures that learning is mutual or shared and extremely constructive. Explore our sample NURS FPX 9100 Assessment 6 Project Charter for complete information about this class.


Chapman, L., Kelly, M., Raymond Simon Piggott, Carr, B., Courtney, G., McDonagh, R., O’Connell, B., Bannan, C., Cunningham, C., & Briggs, R. (2023). An electronic medical record reminder is independently associated with improved opportunistic influenza vaccination rates for older inpatients. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh/the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh53(3), 169–172.


Wijesundara, J. G., Ito Fukunaga, M., Ogarek, J., Barton, B., Fisher, L., Preusse, P., Sundaresan, D., Garber, L., Mazor, K. M., & Cutrona, S. L. (2020). Electronic health record portal messages and interactive voice response calls to improve early season influenza vaccination rates: Randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research22(9), e16373.


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