BHA FPX 4002 Assessment 3 Historical Trend Analysis

BHA FPX 4002 Assessment 3 Historical Trend Analysis

  • BHA FPX 4002 Assessment 3 Historical Trend Analysis

Historical Trend Analysis

Examining the previous health trends can be informative in understanding the previous and current state of groups’ health, and how the system of providing care has evolved.

By analyzing changes and trends in health data, factors, and interventions, it is possible to determine the previous successful approaches and identify the areas for improvements where proper measures can be implemented. It assists people in decision-making on health issues, the distribution of assets, and the health of the entire society (Parnell et al., 2019). The primary purpose of this paper is to analyze certain past tendencies in the sphere of healthcare.

Trends and Regulations

Among all the factors, the key aspects that define healthcare services are availability, delivery, and cost of healthcare. Improvement in healthcare accessibility is defined by the ability of individuals to get the required healthcare service when they need it.

This entails features such as the availability of the health care personnel, the proximity of the health facilities, and the cost of the services (Chen et al., 2019). Insurance, income, and cultural background can also influence the degree of a patient’s access to a physician.

Quality in health care services is defined as the ability and effectiveness of the care given, patient-centered, suitable, organized, and understandable (Lateef & Mhlongo, 2022). Quality measures can focus on indicators of evidence-based practice, patient results, and patient satisfaction.

Thus, the goal of high-quality care is to bring as much positive impact and as little harm as possible to patients and, at the same time, make the patient’s experience comfortable and positive. On the other hand, cost includes the financial aspect of the health care services meaning both the direct costs, for instance, medical costs, and the indirect costs, for example, loss of productivity (Coumoundouros et al., 2019).

Concerning cost considerations, these refer to the ability of patients and the population to pay for the care they need while at the same ensuring the future of the healthcare system (Bachynsky, 2019). Strategies to control costs usually include eliminating redundancy, enhancing the productivity of healthcare services, and encouraging the use of the most effective and least costly measures in the provision of care.

Healthcare is important since it enables people to receive treatment in the event of illnesses, get vaccinated, and practice healthy living. This means that people are in a position to seek the kind of attention that is required about their health, be it in good or in bad shape, and this is without regard to social or economic standing, geographical location, or any other factor (Edelman & Kudzma, 2021).

BHA FPX 4002 Assessment 3 Historical Trend Analysis

In the decades of 1800, 1900, and 2000, several laws in the United States, Governmental organizations, and Health Care Quality Improvement Programs have influenced health care services delivery. Health care and physicians’ licensing was not an exception and was taken over by the states in the nineteenth century to raise standards and competency in medical practice (Berrones, 2019).

The Hill-Burton Act of 1946 was focused on providing financial assistance for the development of hospitals and the same demanded free or reduced-charge services for the people who cannot afford the services (McCloy, 2023).

New programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid which were passed as part of the Social Security Amendments in 1965, paid medical attention to the elderly and the poor (Peters, 2024). In the 2000s the ACA of 2010 attempted to increase the number of people with health insurance and ONC worked to develop and promote the adoption of health technology and the sharing of data across the country (Hardyway, 2020).

According to the current evaluation, quality healthcare can be defined as patient-oriented, non-harmful, active, timely, effective, and financially feasible healthcare that meets the requirements and recommendations (Arifin et al., 2021).

It is crucial as it leads to the enhancement of the patient’s condition, reduction of the incidence of medical errors and side effects, enhanced patient satisfaction, and optimization of healthcare resources. During the 1800s, 1900, and 2000s, there were laws in the United States, regulatory bodies, and quality movements that affected care quality in healthcare services. In the next century, the American Medical Association was established; education and practices were strengthened and improved to a new height (Camison et al., 2022).

The Joint Commission (JC) began the accreditation of hospitals and healthcare organizations in the 1900s to support the provision of quality care (Niles, 2023). The AMA also introduced another code set known as Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) in the same year to document and define medical services and was updated on an annual basis (Fowlkes et al., 2023).

In the 2000s, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report named “Crossing the Quality Chasm” in which six objectives for improvement were described, and patient-centeredness and the application of evidence-based practices were identified (Berkowitz et al., 2023).

It contains two programs: the Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) and the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) Initiative (H. Q. I. ) as required for the improvement of quality where a person failed to report and they risk having their annual payment rates reduced (Godden et al., 2019).

Healthcare costs may be defined as the money spent on doctors’ visits, medical services, procedures, and medications, as well as the time and effort to get treatment and care for a sick family member (Amarachukwu et al., 2022).

This is because high costs can limit one’s access to quality care, create an economic burden on the user and their families, and put immense pressure on the entire healthcare system. Over the three centuries, namely, the 1800s, 1900s, and 2000s, laws, authorities, and quality projects in the USA have impacted the cost of medical services.

The first health insurance policy was issued in 1850 by the Franklin Health Assurance Company of Massachusetts. It encompassed both private and public health facilities for the treatment of those who had non-fatal accidents (Beik & Pepper, 2020).

Before the middle of the twentieth century, the AMA and AHA set the healthcare services’ structure and price and defined the healthcare delivery and payment systems. Medicare as well as Medicaid was introduced under the Social Security Amendments of 1965 and was a turning point in the management of the health care costs through insurance for the aged and families with low incomes besides the distribution of costs between the federal and state governments (Oberlander, 2023).

The ACA was signed into law in 2010; insurance was expanded, and cost-sharing subsidies and VBP systems were implemented to improve resource utilization (Crowley et al., 2020). MACRA and MIPS in 2015 eliminated the SGR and introduced MIPS which incorporated all the reporting mechanisms and favored value-based payment.

BHA FPX 4002 Assessment 3

Trend Analysis

Some alterations have been observed in the legal systems and implementations that have to do with health care about cost, safety, and availability. As pointed out by Peters (2024), the Social Security Amendments of 1965 paved the way for Medicare and Medicaid through which more elderly and low-income earners got health insurance.

BHA FPX 4002 Assessment 3 Historical Trend Analysis

This became possible, especially after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010; however, there are still racial and income disparities. Over recent years, there have been things such as the Joint Commission’s environmental standards and the Institute of medicine’s ‘crossing the quality chasm’ (Berkowitz et al., 2023).

Outlays were considered with the Medicare Prospective Payment System in 1983, and the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale in 1992. From the year 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) integrated value-based payment systems into the healthcare delivery systems (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2021).

The U. S. continues to have one of the highest healthcare costs among the developed countries even with the current efforts that have been made. This implies that even more must be done to ensure that the cost of healthcare is reduced without in any way diminishing the quality of services offered.


Looking at the healthcare sector over the years one can identify the trends that have occurred in regards to access, quality, and costs. Medicare and Medicaid are two such rules that have helped in bridging the gaps that exist in the provision of health care to people but the issue of the gaps remains a factor that requires attention.

Other aspects such as quality improvement, licensing, and patient-centered care have been raised to higher standards but issues such as care coordination are still evident. More people are concerned about the rising healthcare expenses and the search for strategies to reduce these costs without reducing the quality of healthcare or complicating access to healthcare services. This is possible through altering the regulatory system of health care and the delivery of services. Read more about our sample BHA FPX 4002 Assessment 2 Changes in Medical Education for complete information about this class.


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