BIO FPX 1000 Assessment 5 Homework Genetics Lab

BIO FPX 1000 Assessment 5 Homework: Genetics Lab

  • BIO FPX 1000 Assessment 5 Homework Genetics Lab

Homework: Genetics Lab

There is strong evidence that genetic factors are highly critical in mapping an individual destiny, as it were, including his predisposition to certain diseases. This assessment examines the subject of gene transmission diseases, such as autosomal recessive dispatches that include Kayla, and chromosomal disorders like Emily Yang’s karyotype.

Reviewing pedigree charts and karyotype analysis enables individuals to grasp how genetic disorders are inherited and what the results can imply to the heirs (Verdoni et al., 2021). Also, this assessment relates to the aspects of risk assessment and genetic testing in relation to medical decisions. Understanding these concepts is crucial for effective genetic counseling and managing hereditary health issues, providing insights into both preventive and diagnostic strategies.

Chances of Individuals Inheriting the Autosomal Trait

To analyze the pedigree chart in relation to the autosomal trait and its likelihood to be inherited by the individuals, one must comprehend the patterns of inheritance of that trait. In the case of autosomal recessive disorders, parents need to be carriers of the recessive allele so that the progeny may inherit such disorders as cystic fibrosis, for instance (Gregg et al., 2021).

It is a condition that is caused by a recessive allele; in other words, the affected person must be homozygous, meaning they have the allele for the condition from both of their parents. This is because one of the parents is either a carrier that is heterozygous or has a disease that is homozygous recessive, and the other has the gene at least to be a carrier.

In a pedigree chart, affected individuals are typically darkened, and their genotypes can be inferred based on their parents’ genotypes. If two carriers have a child, there is a 25% chance that the child will inherit two recessive alleles (and thus have the condition), a 50% chance that the child will be a carrier but not affected, and a 25% chance that the child will not carry the recessive allele at all (Gulani & Weiler, 2023). By analyzing the family history and the pedigree chart, genetic counselors can estimate the probability of inheriting the trait and provide insights into the risks for future offspring.

The Gender of the Second Patient in a Lab Scenario

Sex in humans is established by two different types of sex chromosomes, which are in pair 23 of the chromosomes. Each individual typically has two sex chromosomes: females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and the other a Y chromosome. This chromosome is essential for defining the male sex since it consists of the SRY gene accountable for male sex determination (Rawal et al., 2024).

At the time of fertilization, the egg is contributed by the female, and this has an X chromosome; the sperm comes from the male and has either an X or Y chromosome. These chromosomes combine to determine the sex of the offspring that results from the mating exercise. For instance, Guess et al. (2024) highlight that sperm carries the Y chromosome, then the combination of XXY will develop male; given that sperm carries the X chromosome, then the offspring develops female.

In the case of Emily Yang, who is undergoing karyotype analysis during her pregnancy, the karyotype reveals that the baby has two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, indicating that the child is male. This is due to the presence of the Y chromosome, which triggers the development of male characteristics. Thus, Emily’s child is expected to develop as a male based on the current genetic analysis.

BIO FPX 1000 Assessment 5 Homework Genetics Lab

Modern research also supports the fact that the embryological development of testes occurs due to the SRY gene located on the Y chromosome and the secretion of male sex hormones such as testosterone. They help determine the male’s physical characteristics. The investigations on sex determination have enriched the understanding of genetic aspects of gender, including the investigations of the abnormalities of sex chromosomes and the effects they have on sexual development (Rawal et al., 2024).

For example, Turner syndrome (X0) and Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) are abnormal conditions in sex chromosomes with consequences to sexual differentiation and fertility (Acién & Acién, 2020). These genetic processes and abnormalities explain the diagnostic and clinical management of conditions associated with sex chromosome aneuploidy.

Results of the Karyotype

A karyotype is a state of all the chromosomes in the body organized in twos. It is applied to distinguish chromosomal anomalies that may influence the state of health. In the case of Emily Yang, the karyotype analysis shows that she has Trisomy 21, which indicates that she has three copies of chromosome 21 as opposed to the usual two. This unfortunate complication is referred to as Down syndrome, and this will be associated with different levels of learning disabilities.

Children with Down syndrome are likely to be slow in their learning abilities, as well as have developmental disabilities, and are likely to have heart problems or other related health complications (Antonarakis et al., 2020). Abnormal chromosomes lead to abnormal development and affect most organs in the body, such as the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

If neither Kayla nor Ann has any chromosomal abnormalities, their karyotypes would appear normal. In such cases, pedigree analysis is used to understand the risk of autosomal recessive conditions like cystic fibrosis. This method helps track the inheritance of the disease through family history and determines whether either Kayla or Ann carries the recessive allele associated with the condition.

In both situations, the aspect of genetic counseling plays the pivotal role of both introducing and guiding as to how the conditions must be tackled (Wainstein et al., 2022). If Emily were to be counseled genetically, the counselor would have to explain that trisomy 21 originates from an extra chromosome and the consequences that she is bound to face in terms of health and development. When counseling Kayla and Ann, the counselor would evaluate carrier status, the chances of inheriting or transmitting cystic fibrosis, the management, and support. The idea is to explain why that is the case and to support families so that they would better grasp the potential consequences of health and reproductive choices.

BIO FPX 1000 Assessment 5

Positive and Negative Ramifications of Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is of great potential value to patients and their families primarily because of the information it can deliver about the probability of contracting an inherited disease. It can also assist in the early identification of individuals with a particular disease and present prospective handling of the diseases prior to any sign.

Thus, detection of the genetic profile to ailments such as breast cancer can result in early tests and precautions (Angeli et al., 2020). Moreover, it can lead to effective treatment. Finally, it is always helpful to be aware of one’s genetic makeup or hereditary disorders that the partners are carrying, so family planning should be informed.

Nonetheless, there is also potential for genetic testing to present certain risks. A negative consequence, therefore, is the psychological effect or burden that results from being informed about the genetic probabilities of the citizens of the world. Privacy is also an issue whereby the insurer or employer is able to misuse the genetic information that has been tested on the individual.

Moreover, some individuals may face dilemmas in their reproductive options or even family disputes as a result of the outcome of those tests when they are told about conditions they might pass on to their offspring (Dimond et al., 2022). Therefore, although genetic testing is beneficial, there might be implications that are important to consider. For example, one might be prepared for such results competently with a genetic counselor.


Knowledge of autosomal traits, gender determination, and karyotype results contributes to wise knowledge concerning inheritance and health susceptibilities. Such disorders include cystic fibrosis, which occurs when both parents are carriers of the trait in question and, with specific probabilities, can be inherited.

The sex chromosomes define gender; individuals with the Y chromosome develop male characteristics. Chromosome analysis, for example, in Emily’s case, Down syndrome, indicates chromosomal imbalances that impact development. Decision-making has the advantages of early variety in different and accurate targeting; however, it also possesses disadvantages in terms of psychological impact and privacy, so comprehensive consultation is crucial. Read more about our sample PSYC FPX 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development-Application of Theory for complete information about this class.


Acién, P., & Acién, M. (2020). Disorders of sex development: Classification, review, and impact on fertility. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(11).

Angeli, D., Salvi, S., & Tedaldi, G. (2020). Genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancers: How many and which genes to test? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(3).

Antonarakis, S. E., Skotko, B. G., Rafii, M. S., Strydom, A., Pape, S. E., Bianchi, D. W., Sherman, S. L., & Reeves, R. H. (2020). Down syndrome. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 6(1).

Dimond, R., Doheny, S., Ballard, L., & Clarke, A. (2022). Genetic testing and family entanglements. Social Science & Medicine, 298.

Gregg, A. R., Aarabi, M., Klugman, S., Leach, N. T., Bashford, M. T., Goldwaser, T., Chen, E., Sparks, T. N., Reddi, H. V., Rajkovic, A., & Dungan, J. S. (2021). Screening for autosomal recessive and X-linked conditions during pregnancy and preconception: A practice resource of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). Genetics in Medicine, 23(10), 1793–1806.

Guess, T., Wheeler, F. C., Ashwini Yenemandra, Schilit, S. L. P., Anderson, H. S., Bone, K. M., Carstens, B., Conlin, L., Dulik, M. C., Dupont, B. R., Fanning, E., Gardner, J.-A., Haag, M., Hilton, B. A., Johnson, J., Kogan, J., Murry, J., Katarzyna Polonis, Quigley, D. I., & Repnikova, E. A. (2024). A multi-center analysis of individuals with a 47,XXY/46,XX karyotype. Genetics in Medicine, 14, 101212–101212.

Gulani, A., & Weiler, T. (2023). Genetics, Autosomal Recessive. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Rawal, L., Sindhu Prabhash, Kumar, R., Sharma, G., Mohd Shariq, Sumit Jangra, Nakra, R., Lal, V., & Vamshi Krishna Thamtam. (2024). 46,XX males with SRY gene translocation: Cytogenetics and molecular characterization. Journal of Rare Diseases, 3(1).

Verdoni, A., Hu, J., Surti, U., Babcock, M., Sheehan, E., Clemens, M., Drewes, S., Walsh, L., Clark, R., Katari, S., Sanfilippo, J., Saller, D. N., Rajkovic, A., & Yatsenko, S. A. (2021). Reproductive outcomes in individuals with chromosomal reciprocal translocations. Genetics in Medicine, 23(9), 1753–1760.

Wainstein, T., Elliott, A. M., & Austin, J. C. (2022). Considerations for the use of qualitative methodologies in genetic counseling research. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 32(2).

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