
NURS 600 Assignment 1.2 Theory Project Sign Up for a Theorist and Reflection

NURS 600 Assignment 1.2 Theory Project Sign Up for a Theorist and Reflection
  • NURS 600 Assignment 1.2 Theory Project Sign Up for a Theorist and Reflection.


Both Dorsey and Murdaugh, who have passed disparity on to demonstrating nursing as significant figures of the nursing hypothesis, have profoundly added to the comprehension and progress of nursing care (Jean-Baptiste, 2022). It offers speculative twists that invite information on the significant aspects of nursing, including prosperity directly and prosperity progression. In this explanation paper, Dorsey and Murdaugh were chosen for an explanation based on their existence and significance to current nursing practice.

We study the theories because we wish to learn about numerous factors that impact prosperity habits and the methods that advance positive prosperity results among individuals, groups of relatives, societies, and communities. Dorsey and Murdaugh, as well as other regular advocates, are a surprising source of information that should be considered in proof-based practices and thus help deal with the patient’s consideration. This assignment will investigate the secret basis for the singular selection of Dorsey and Murdaugh as our central purpose and describe the contributions of their theories toward the progression of nursing information and practice. 

Rationale for Selection

Dorsey and Murdaugh were picked as the recipients of the hypothesis, known to share a significant obligation to the nursing hypothesis, which was more similar to quick prosperity and progress (Froncek, 2020). The underlined explanation of their speculative system provides an especially made heads or tails of the significance of the interconnection of individual activities, sociocultural conditions, and prosperity outcomes. We will illustrate the prosperity direct change by studying the work and separating the tips that can be useful and strong in moving prosperity and forestalling turning out to be sick.

  • Nursing Theories and Practices

Besides, the espoused theories of Dorsey and Murdaugh stick to the objective of the course being taken, incorporating nursing theories under the careful consideration of patients and in the update of their prosperity outcomes. These party members set forward the ideas of a holistic strategy for overseeing illnesses, patient strengthening, and the social and customary determinants of prosperity, which are the middle principles of nursing practice, making their theories extraordinarily instructed and deserving of pursuit by us students. A basic analysis of the nursing hypothesis, expanding our insight and fostering clinical skill in an assortment of preparing settings, will be what we will look at from Dorsey and Murdaugh.

Overview of Dorsey and Murdaugh’s Theories

The theories of Dorsey and Murdaugh have a wide span of driving ideas and laws that vigorously impact nursing care. Their hypothesis shows that individuals’ prosperity behaviours consolidate an interested, personal, and average dimension. Their works stress that the social setting of the prosperity behaviours occasion should be grasped and that the suitable interventions embraced should be designed to respond to individuals’ and communities’ first needs and desires. Significant terms like self-suitability, prosperity beliefs, and social support have a ton of bearing on prosperity prompts, and these are central to Dorsey and Murdaugh’s speculative model (Dickey et al., 2022).

NURS 600 Assignment 1.2 Theory Project Sign Up for a Theorist and Reflection

Among the values implied, the patient is all’s strengthening, and the patient-supplier cooperation is closely associated with nursing principles. These cause nurses to see the nurse-patient joint effort as a necessary clinical consideration. Through their hypothesis, stating that the basic mechanisms of prosperity lead to change, Dorsey and Murdaugh’s explanations become scientifically significant information that creates asserted frameworks for evading the disease and the progress of prosperity. Applying the useful components of the disease model fittingly, nurses can have an additional, comprehensive perspective on the diverse interactions, including social determinants factors, with disease outcomes and driving patient-focused care.

Strategies for Presentation

It is significant to inform Dorsey and Murdaugh’s theories about our social event, such that the key things that sum up their systems are consolidated without losing their consideration and understanding. On an uncommonly basic level, the speech shall completely discuss the implementers’ backgrounds and their use in the nursing hypothesis (Heinsch et al., 2021). This lays a good ground to discuss issues like self-reasonability, beliefs in prosperity, and social networks, which are the mainstays of their speculative model.

  • Visual Aids and Examples

Charts, diagrams, and infographics that use visual aids are outstandingly useful tools for giving an additional spot of visibility and illustrating the accessibility of these pertinent concepts. Besides, using affirmed examples applicable to the issue could assist in associating troublesome speculative concepts to rehearse (Heinsch et al., 2021). Having some anecdotes further brings the social occasion to this point. The social affair could be considerably more if the most reasonable understand Dorsey and Murdaugh’s theories in their conventional routines and keep their prosperity at their centre.

NURS 600 Assignment 1.2 Theory Project Sign Up for a Theorist and Reflection

Comprehension of confusing matters requires clear, succinct, and easily accessible information. Thus, one should distinguish complex theories from digestible parts so that simple words cover obstinate concepts (Heinsch et al., 2021). The model can serve as a similarity or similitude to simplify immense and testing ideas and thus make them easier for diverse listeners to grasp. Besides, sharp elements like unstable discussions and social occasion discussions will give the students in that mode a total understanding of the subject.


In conclusion, nurses who should ensure the believability of their strategy for overseeing prosperity lead, and progression must assess that this hypothesis is of the essence. Made by such multidisciplinary teams, it leads to outstanding discoveries on the sensitive relationship between individuals’ behaviours, their socio-cultural environment, and prosperity. Such findings assist us with obtaining the right skills to design better clinical benefits systems based on the singular needs of patients to offer more persistent, focused care.

Dorsey and Murdaugh’s findings, as discussed in the NURS 600 Assignment 1.2 Theory Project Sign Up for a Theorist and Reflection, will be presented in a way that is easy to understand and interesting, thus assisting with stirring understanding, allure, and materialness concerning the objective social occasion. Close to the finish of this endeavour, we need to have accomplished some significant mental stimulation and sparked themes on personalized methods of affecting wellness and forestalling illness in various clinical consideration settings.


Dickey, S., Krienke, L., Rosemberg, M. A., & Bell, S. A. (2022). Home-based care and mental health during a disaster: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Applied Gerontology42(2), 213–220. https://doi.org/10.1177/07334648221128559

Froncek, J. (2020). Incarcerated adults’ perceptions of remaining opiate free upon Release. Regis University Student Publications (Comprehensive Collection)https://epublications.regis.edu/theses/986/

Heinsch, M., Wyllie, J., Carlson, J., Wells, H., Tickner, C., & Kay-Lambkin, F. (2021). Theories informing eHealth implementation: Systematic review and typology classification. Journal of Medical Internet Research23(5), e18500. https://doi.org/10.2196/18500

Jean-Baptiste, D. M. (2022). Individuals with sickle cell disease using SBAR as a communication tool: Secondary data analysis. Repository.escholarship.umassmed.eduhttps://doi.org/10.13028/kyap-9c16

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