NURS 600 Assignment 3.1 Frankl Book Critique/Alternate Assignment

NURS 600 Assignment 3.1 Frankl Book Critique/Alternate Assignment
  • NURS 600 Assignment 3.1 Frankl Book Critique/Alternate Assignment.


Man Should Search for Significance by Viktor E. Frankl is one of the most fascinating pieces of composing that provides readers with the experience of a hopeless search for the significance of life (Shantall, 2020). Arranging a discussion concerning the horrendous periods he survived in the concentration camp and his knowledge as a psychiatrist, Frankl fittingly states his thesis that the major thought of man is not the desire for pleasure or power but rather the will for significance.

  • Purpose, Survival, and Healing

This pursuit is basic to prosperity and strength, even against the shroud of oppression. Interestingly, Frankl explained the sort of existential analysis suggested as logotherapy after being imprisoned in a concentration camp where he first saw that those who discovered a purpose in life were alive. This book gives us a striking philosophical vision and offers hands-on therapeutic approaches relevant to almost an extensive assortment of practice areas, including nursing. Explore our assignment NURS 600 Assignment 8.1 Theory Project Evaluation for more information.

Primary Thesis and Development of Logo-therapy

The primary struggle of the creator regarding the purpose of humans is that the need to find significance is the primary motivator and can work even in a concentration camp. Based on his experiences in one of the concentration camps where he and his soul mate were saved and secured for a seriously extensive timespan, Frankl based his theory of Logo-therapy on the way that those individuals not settled to find significance in their lives were mostly prepared to stand horrendous trials than others (Lewis, 2020).

  • Paths to Life’s Meaning

Logotherapy, therefore, posits that life’s significance can be discovered in three ways: there is a standard conviction that in work (accomplishment of something significant), in affection (responsibility for another person through caring about them), and at times of darkness (boldness). Rehashing Alcibiades’ speech in the Symposium, Frankl’s suffering and what he observed in the concentration camp caused him to understand that it is the will to live and the search for suggestions that will help one survive and stay sane.

Development of Nursing Theory

Nursing theory has advanced using personal experiences, clinical practice, theory, and starter studies. Similarly, nursing theorists observe veritable situations and incidences of nursing practice, concisely inspect patterns, and foster concepts that handle these patterns (Tinashe Timothy Harry and Roelf Van Niekerk, 2023).

Theories in nursing are made to manage the possibility of prosperity and care services, organize practice, and offer a structure for proof-based practice. They often survey all over comprehensiveness, apply to individuals’ physical, profound, and spiritual states, and suggest the holistic definition that Straightforward described.

Relevance of Logo-therapy to Nursing Theory and Development

In nursing theory and progression, therapy’s focus on a patient’s physical and spiritual aspects is useful, and its essential postulate, which is will to significance, is significant in the nursing practice (Chen, 2023). Personal reflection: Relating Frankl’s work to primary nursing theories. In contrast, in nursing theories, one cannot resist the desire to see that Frankl’s thought that suffering is tolerable when one has a purpose in life applies to most basic nursing theories. For instance:

  • Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

It eliminates the objectivity of a scientific strategy for managing the treatment of patients, calling for usually caring nurse-patient interactions while addressing concerns of the patient’s subjective consciousness.

  • Patricia Benner’s From Novice to Expert

Making skills are developed through experience, and a significant relationship with the patients is stated in the model, which reflects the possibility of Frankl’s search for significance through work.

Relevance to Nursing Knowledge and Advanced Practice

The sidekick material is suitable for the space of nursing knowledge and the area of advanced practice as the work emphasizes the significance of dealing with the psych-spiritual and existential wants of the patients (Guhady & Al-Azirjawi, 2021). The nurses themselves can apply the principles of logotherapy while working with the patients to express the significance of suffering experiences for patients, inspire assumptions, and prompt patients’ personal and spiritual consideration. For instance:

NURS 600 Assignment 3.1 Frankl Book Critique/Alternate Assignment

  • Nurses can assist patients in this clinical consideration setting by fostering their understanding of their value through ordinary existence, which could help them with superior personal satisfaction despite their often terminal conditions.
  • Adjusted correspondence and psychotherapeutic approaches can be very strong in the administration of psychological prosperity patients by which the patients are encouraged to set personal objectives and gain a positive mindset towards life, including overseeing depression and uneasiness disorders.

Opinion of the Book

Frankl’s Man’s Search for Significance is a timelessly inspiring and instructive book that speaks about the human classic of spirit and the ability to find purpose regardless of when everything is lost (Coetsier, 2022). Frankl’s autobiography and his professional practice can fittingly be known as a scholarly and moral depiction of the solace accessible when one finds significance all through typical regular existence.

  • Insightful for Nursing Professionals

This nature of the blog makes it especially charming to individuals interested in psychology, philosophy, or clinical benefits because it incorporates their encounters with theoretical knowledge. Especially for nursing professionals, the book is outstandingly insightful as it emphasizes the principles of person-focused care and how assisting patients in discovering significance in life can be both restorative and successful.


In conclusion, NURS 600 Assignment 3.1 Frankl Book Critique/Alternate Assignment explores how Man’s Search for Significance by Viktor Frankl stands as one of the most provocative books, shedding light on how human beings can survive even with striated torment. It provides profound insight into human resiliency and the significance of individuals’ lives. Frankl fostered therapy principles from his horrendous and enlightening experiences in concentration camps, aligning with nursing principles that emphasize solidarity, wholeness, and patient-centeredness.

The relevance of Frankl’s work to contemporary nursing practice is evident in NURS 600 Assignment 3.1 Frankl Book Critique/Alternate Assignment, where the patient’s purpose serves as a source of inspiration and fosters overall well-being. This book exemplifies the necessity of meaning and acts as a guide for clinicians, aiding patients in navigating life and reflecting on their mortality.


Chen, E. (2023, August 30). Life after the holocaust: How survivors managed to find success.

Coetsier, M. G. S. (2022, July 26). Rahner’s Edges – Incarceration from a prisoner’s perspective.; Brill.

Guhady, G. M., & Al-Azirjawi, A. A.-H. (2021). Intellectual emptiness and its relationship with the Histronic personality of the postgraduate students of Kerbala university. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(4), 8199–8224.

Lewis, M. H. (2020). Viktor Frankl and the book of job : A search for meaning., 1–100.

Shantall, T. (2020). The lıfe-changıng impact of Vıktor Frankl’s logotherapy. Springer international publishing.

Tinashe Timothy Harry, & Roelf Van Niekerk. (2023). Searching for meaning in the life of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf: A call to meaningful responses to tragedies. Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 9(2), 93–103.

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