NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation

  • NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation.

Stakeholder Presentation

Our plan is intended to shake the very foundations of healthcare and shift it from the illness-oriented and reactive approach towards the proactive, preventive, and people-oriented model. The ideal future would be that every person would go through care that is first-rate and accessible when they need it, where the main focus is not only treating diseases but, also, promoting wellness and raising the level of quality of life.

We will abide by the guidelines and protocols that are proven evidence to ensure that the care we render is not only effective but also safe and cheap. By evaluating clinical methods and interventions over time we attempt to constantly improve the quality of care we provide (Davis & Miller, 2022).

Moreover, our dedication to evidence-based practice is the greatest proof of our accountability and transparency approaches in healthcare provision. Through exposure and transparency of evidence-based decisions, we expect to strengthen the ties between patients, colleagues, and the larger community. We will realize a future where everyone gets care based on evidence-based practice that is grounded in scientific rigor, compassion, and the pursuit of excellence.

Organizational or Patient Issues

The healthcare system faces a major structural issue which is disintegrated care delivery in the form of: More frequently than not, this issue is responsible for poor care coordination in hospitals that ends with communication impediments, delivery of redundant services, medication mistakes, and, finally, substandard patient outcomes. By way of an example, those patients with a wide range of health care needs may run into several providers, including their specialist doctors, without good information sharing and management of care plans.

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation

This is the most serious problem as patients get bad patient conditions, higher healthcare utilization, and decreased satisfaction with their care (Smith & Johnson, 2020). Healthcare institutions are exposed to financial penalties, decreased reimbursement rates, and a damaged reputation due to readmission of preventable readmissions and operation outcomes (Brown et al., 2019). The healthcare plan that we propose aspires to resolve the current burning issue by adopting the Collaborative Interdisciplinary Team (CIT) model.

Here, healthcare professionals from various fields of work collaborate to devise global care plans that are customized to each patient’s specific needs. Through its promotion of consistent communication, joint decision-making, and mutual accountability among team members, the CIT method guarantees coordinated and organized care (Jones et al., 2021). If such an approach is not adopted, the cycle of uncoordinated care will continue, resulting in missed opportunities, jeopardized patient well-being, and the vulnerability of care providers, which ultimately jeopardizes the quality of healthcare provision.

Evidence-based Interdisciplinary Plan

An interdisciplinary plan is our strategy to tackle the problem of medication mistakes among the elderly using a package of studies and new practices. The plan was based on a thorough literature review and practices; several effective strategies that are applied will be presented below. As a first step, we suggest that the pharmacists, physicians, and nurses of the team should conduct regular comprehensive medication reviews (CMRs) according to the conclusions of the research of Gillespie et al. (2019) that outlined the positive effects of CMRs in correcting medication-related issues in the elderly.

Also, we will adopt the standard reconciliation medication procedures recommended by The Joint Commission (2020) during care transitions. This will yield accurate medication lists and minimize discrepancies Besides that, patient education and empowerment will be also prioritized through the usage of findings that showed that the patients of the elder age group with the use of comprehensive medication education significantly improve their medication adherence, and there are fewer errors (Zhang et. al. 2021).

In the end, technology for health information will be used, which will minimize medication management processes’ complicatedness and will optimize medication safety. Implementation of these strategic and evidence-based approaches, will be central in our multi-disciplinary care plan that will aim to minimize the risk of medication errors, improve medication safety and ultimately upturn the quality of care that our geriatric patients receive.

How the Interdisciplinary Plan could be Implemented And Human and Financial Resources would be managed

In the implementation of the interaction strategy, aimed at solving the medication error problem among elderly patients, we will do it taking into account both human and financial resources using a strategic management approach. Initially, we will create interdisciplinary teams that will consist of pharmacists, physicians, nurses as well as other relevant healthcare staff that will handle the different aspects of the plan implementation.

The teams that will be directed to the field will be trained properly, in practical aspects of medication management and communication among all team members, to enable effective collaboration and coordination. Besides, we will spend some money, and use the money to buy health information technology tools such as electronic health records and clinical decision support systems to simplify the processes and achieve safety in giving medicine.

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation

These cases illustrate the application of a healthcare facility in the same context as an example that deployed a medication management team made of personnel supported by an electronic medication reconciliation software which significantly lowered medication errors and improved patients’ safety (Smith et al., 2020). Labor resources will be efficiently managed for the correct staffing levels corresponding to the needed skill mix to work within interdisciplinary teams.

On the other hand, performance monitoring and evaluation will be done so that resource optimization and best clinical outcomes are ensured. A budget will be allocated and spent wisely to pay the salaries of the staff, support continuing education and training programs, make wise technology buys, and strive for quality improvement. Creating a culture where knowledge is readily shared and lessons are learned from the ‘real-life’ examples, will help us to successfully introduce our collaborative plan, eradicate medication errors, and improve the quality of care for the elderly.

Evidence-Based Criteria to Evaluate the Degree

The implementation of our interdisciplinary plan for correcting problems with medications among seniors will be quantified using evaluation criteria built upon scientific evidence coming from the referenced literature in healthcare. The first action will be a comprehensive medication review using as an example the study of Gillespie et al (2019), where the introduction of CMRs led to the identification and resolution of elderly patient’s medication-related issues.

In this role, medicine-taking adherence will be measured using patient-reported outcomes and take-home supply medicines such as the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, which is inspired by the studies of Zhang et al. (2021) data which reveals that patient education can improve treatment adherence in this population.

Lastly, we will assess the ADE reductions by looking at their pre- and post-process incidence rates, which have been dramatically decreased. Medication reconciliation and coordinated care significantly impact the number of ADE cases. Besides, patient satisfaction will also be assessed using validated surveys, for example, the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ-18) presented by Marshall et al. among other studies that support the assertion that integration of the patient-centred interventions and interdisciplinary model care models have positive effects on patient satisfaction (Smith et al., 2020).

Thus, the next step will be the assessment of the financial impact of the interdisciplinary plan by pinpointing savings from preventing the incidence of medication errors and ADEs and referring to the case of the cost-effective analyses. Through using these optimal criteria we are to evaluate our cross-disciplinary project precisely for its achievement of setting the goal for improvement and for guiding the future quality improvement efforts.


Finally, our interdisciplinary plan to tackle medication errors in elderly patients constitutes an integrative and evidence-based approach to enhancing medical error eradication and patient health outcomes. Through medication reviews holistically, reconciliation process, education, and medical information technology integration, we intend to improve the medication use process and better the medicine adherence of elderly patients. We will determine our project’s success using evidence-based criteria taken from credible medical literature sources.

These criteria will include drops in medication errors, upturns in medication adherence, decreased adverse drug events, raised patient satisfaction, and incurred cost savings. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and continuing care quality improvement, we are sure to achieve the improvement goal of the community healthcare organization and continuous improvement for elderly patients. Read more about our sample NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 1 for complete information about this class.


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