NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster Recovery Plan

Hello! My name is Deidre. Today, I will present a disaster recovery plan for the COVID-19 pandemic in Lake Park.

In this assessment, I have chosen to analyze the accident recovery strategy implemented by Lake Park Hospital. People from low-income backgrounds, in particular, will face specific difficulties in receiving treatment, which the strategy intends to alleviate. Based on the MAP-IT framework, I shall describe the integral parts. Taking into account social, economic, and cultural factors, the emphasis will be on community safety measures and hospital readiness for future earthquakes.

Lake Park Hospital: Disaster Recovery Plan

In Lake Park, Georgia, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant socioeconomic disparities within the community. This issue is multifaceted, encompassing challenges related to healthcare access, economic stability, education, and social support systems. The pandemic disproportionately affected individuals from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds, exacerbating existing disparities and highlighting the need for targeted interventions to address these inequalities (Capella University, n.d.).

The catastrophic event posed emergency harm to the region and caused long-term adverse effects to the survivors. The lack of hospitals near the community increased the burden on Lake Park Hospital. The lack of resources in the Lake Park Hospital increased barriers to care provision (Capella University, n.d.). The hospital administration needed more resources and planning to respond promptly to this disaster. The admitted patients were reported to be exposed to despaired and low-quality measures of care during the hazard.

Overview of Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

First, we’ll go over the basics of a DRP and why you need one. It is a known fact that natural calamities are simultaneously unpredicted and unavoidable and can substantially impact cohorts and communities with their aftereffects. Recovery from these disasters, such as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes, is a significant concern of the community and requires collective efforts to plan an emergency response to the unforeseen hazards caused naturally to the population.

A DRP is necessary to ensure a streamlined response to an emergency or disaster. It helps to generate solutions regarding the problems based on assessing the nature of the catastrophe (Kusumastuti et al., 2021). In order to reflect more on the significance and the factors affecting the efficiency of a DRP, I will describe the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Lake Park Hospital and the community, considering socioeconomic disparities and vulnerabilities.

Socio-economic, Cultural, and Health Determinants

Social Determinants of Health

Education, housing, and social support networks are all examples of social determinants of health that significantly impact health outcomes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lake Park community faced several socioeconomic disparities. People of lower social status had low access to care due to low education and poverty (Capella University, n.d.). Individuals with limited access to quality education or stable housing may experience poorer health outcomes and face greater challenges in disaster recovery (Benfer et al., 2021). Social isolation, lack of community cohesion, and mistrust in institutions can hinder effective communication, collaboration, and coordination of disaster response efforts.

Cultural Factors

Cultural beliefs, practices, and language barriers can influence healthcare, adherence to preventive measures, and utilization of healthcare services during disasters. Cultural competence and sensitivity are essential in disaster recovery efforts (Young & Guo, 2020). The impact of the pandemic on Lake Park has been far-reaching (Capella University, n.d.). The DRP will ensure that interventions are culturally appropriate and respect diverse community needs and preferences.

Economic Factors

Individuals from lower economic backgrounds may face financial constraints that limit their access to healthcare services, medication, and preventive measures. Economic instability, such as job loss or low wages, can exacerbate stress and mental health issues, reducing resilience and ability to cope with disasters (Young & Guo, 2020).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lake Park community faced several economic problems (Capella University, n.d.). A great number of companies have gone out of business, which has caused a great deal of unemployment and economic uncertainty (Capella University, n.d.). The education of Lake Park’s youth has been severely interrupted due to school closures and limited access to remote learning resources, which has worsened healthcare inequities.

Interrelationship of the Factors

The interplay between economic, social, and cultural factors creates complex dynamics that impact community safety, health, and disaster recovery efforts. Economic disparities contribute to unequal access to healthcare resources and services, exacerbating health inequalities and increasing vulnerability to disasters (Botzen et al., 2019). Social barriers, such as a lack of social support networks and community resources, can amplify the adverse effects of socioeconomic disparities on health outcomes and hinder effective disaster response and recovery (Benfer et al., 2021).

Cultural factors influence risk perceptions, trust in healthcare providers, and adherence to public health guidelines, shaping individuals’ behaviors and attitudes toward disaster preparedness and recovery efforts. Addressing socioeconomic disparities and their interconnectedness with social, cultural, and economic factors is essential in developing comprehensive disaster recovery plans that promote equity, resilience, and community well-being.

Proposed Disaster Recovery Plan MAP-IT

At Lake Park Hospital, the protocols of caregiving and facilitation were found inadequate; hence, a prompt DRP was needed as per assessments. The DRP will address the ambiguities of disaster management practices in a healthcare facility. MAP-IT ( mobilize, assess, plan, implement, track ) is a recognized approach proposed by Healthy People 2030 that effectively plans and evaluates healthcare interventions to ensure quality care, particularly in recovering from the adversity of natural disasters. By following the five stages of mobilization, assessment, planning, execution, and tracking, the approach efficiently creates a structured, time-oriented strategy for disaster recovery (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2019).

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan

The procedure to devise a DRP according to the MAP-IT framework is as follows:

Mobilize: The first step is to mobilize the community volunteers willing to contribute to the cause of well-being. They will form a coalition of health professionals responsible for handling the COVID-19 pandemic and working for the healthcare of affected patients (Community Tool Box, 2019).

Assess: Healthcare leaders will examine the available community resources and determine the community’s needs to be addressed. They will ensure that the community’s socioeconomic, cultural, and personal needs are prioritized by the DRP to be implemented (Community Tool Box, 2019).

Plan: In the future, the third step will involve devising a plan of action to manage disasters. This plan will include distributing the available resources to address the needs of the community inhabitants. Deadlines and milestones will be allocated for productive completion, ensuring efficient coordination and timely response efforts. (Community Tool Box, 2019).

Implement: Then appropriate strategies will be developed. It includes making medical teams, setting up emergency shelters, and providing essential medical supplies. (Community Tool Box, 2019).

Track: The plan will be monitored to ensure a resilient community. This will involve regular assessments and evaluations of the response strategies, including the effectiveness of resource allocation, coordination among stakeholders, and the ability to adapt to evolving circumstances. (Community Tool Box, 2019).

Social Justice and Cultural Sensitivity

Ensuring health equity for patients, families, and communities requires a commitment to social justice and cultural sensitivity. Social justice principles address systemic disparities, ensuring equitable access to resources and healthcare services, particularly for marginalized groups (McFarland & MacDonald, 2019).

Cultural sensitivity enables healthcare providers to understand and respect diverse cultural backgrounds, fostering trust and facilitating tailored care that meets the unique needs of individuals and communities (McFarland & MacDonald, 2019). By integrating social justice and cultural sensitivity into healthcare practices and disaster response efforts, healthcare providers can mitigate disparities, promote trust and engagement, and advance health equity.

Impact of Health and Governmental Policy on Disaster Recovery Plan

The roles of government and administrative institutions are significant in devising legitimate municipal, national, and local disaster management. Policies devised by the government help healthcare organizations to cope with disastrous situations. Various community organizations work in the region to manage emergencies like COVID-19.

The Stafford Act of 1988 is the primary law governing disaster response and relief efforts in the United States. It allocates financial and resource-based aid to states, non-profits, and local governments to respond to disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic (Perls, 2020). It also enables the deployment of federal resources like medical personnel and equipment to areas with significant outbreaks, offering coordinated support to alleviate the pandemic’s burden.

The Disaster Recovery Reforms Act of 2018 (DRRA) prioritizes recovery efforts following disasters, with the goals of reestablishing social resilience and encouraging reconciliation among impacted communities. In the context of COVID-19, DRRA provided crucial resources and support for communities dealing with the aftermath of the pandemic, including economic revitalization programs and mental health services (Nixon, 2022). It also emphasizes optimizing disaster recovery efforts nationwide, facilitating coordination between federal, state, and local agencies for a more efficient response to the challenges posed by COVID-19.

Healthy People 2030 Plan: The Healthy People 2030 Plan centers on preparedness for unforeseen calamities and natural disasters, focusing on educating, preparing, and reworking strategies to mitigate disaster-related factors (Santana et al., 2021). This framework is vital in promoting education and preparedness efforts tailored to the pandemic response. By emphasizing collective action and addressing emerging health challenges, Healthy People 2030 aims to improve public outcomes, including reducing the spread of COVID-19, enhancing healthcare infrastructure, and bolstering community resilience in the face of future pandemics.

Evidence-Based Strategies for Communication and Collaboration

Results from the DRP can only be as good as the interdisciplinary caregiving team’s ability to quickly coordinate and align their efforts. Here are a few ways that the caregiving team can improve their communication and work together more efficiently:

Integrating Team-Work

To effectively contribute to combating the adverse effects of COVID-19 in Lake Park Hospital, leaders should ensure the organized hierarchy of its disaster management team. It should be done by assigning roles and responsibilities concerning emergency management and dealing with the patients affected by disasters (Glauberman et al., 2020). Team-building exercises, training sessions, and milestones should be encouraged to ensure coordinated and collaborative working of interprofessional teams for productive outcomes in an emergency.

Auxiliary Aids and Tools for Cultural Competence 

It is important to use several tools to assess community members and ensure cultural competence. Disaster management staff, for instance, would benefit from cultural training that teaches them to respect and honor local customs, religions, and beliefs (Kaihlanen et al., 2019). Furthermore, translation devices and interpreting gadgets can overcome language barriers, allowing an equitable and managed caregiving process for patients after disasters. It will help to improve the collaboration of interdisciplinary teams.

Establishing Effective Communication through SBAR 

To overcome obstacles like prejudice, infectivity, and lack of trust, emergency recovery workers like nurses must actively seek out conversation. SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) is the best strategy to improve communication among team members (Sukesih & Faridah, 2020). Open dialogues, nonverbal cues, and transparency in discussions between caregivers can help improve collaboration and communication.

Communication Channels

The leadership of healthcare facilities should make use of a variety of communication channels, such as internal systems, public announcements, and social media, to guarantee that healthcare teams and the community at large are kept promptly and efficiently informed (Botzen et al., 2019). Integrating innovative technology, such as a dedicated mobile app, will facilitate communication, data management, and remote patient monitoring (Botzen et al., 2019). Grounded in evidence-based practices, this strategic communication plan will strengthen the hospital’s resilience and responsiveness in future crises.


In conclusion, effective communication and collaboration are foundational pillars in disaster recovery efforts. It helps address the socio-economic disparities highlighted by events such as the COVID-19 crisis in Lake Park, GA. Communities can promote health equality and resilience by enhancing response efficiency, reducing errors, and overcoming communication obstacles through evidence-based measures that boost interprofessional collaboration.

Team building, SBAR, technology utilization, and communication channels facilitate smooth coordination among interdisciplinary teams. It will be essential in building more resilient communities capable of effectively managing disasters. Read more about our sample NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1 for complete information about this class.


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