NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader
  • NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader.

Managing the Toxic Leader

The constraint of clinical chaperons to give quality nursing care and affirmation of patient prospering can be either revived or decreased by the approaches to managing acting and actions support leaders. Support leaders with experience with information genuinely work to improve communication and go to gatherings to update cooperation (Wolk et al., 2019).

Cooperation and nursing performance are key for accomplishing organizational goals, with nursing leadership expecting a crucial part in clinical managers’ performance. (Alsadaan et al., 2023). A toxic leader can incite expanded tension among staff, dissatisfaction, detachment, lower nature of care, and horrible patient results. This paper considers Jackie’s performance as a leader and the implications of her conduct on the organization’s mission and goals. It concludes with an action plan to improve Jackie’s leadership limits. 

Evaluation of Leadership Performance

The chaperone leader sets the unit vision of getting an ideal, patient-focused carer. They are convincing in managing the patient experience and empowering a firm workspace where clinical orderlies remain mindful of giving exceptional consideration (Collins et al., 2019). The American Organization of Conscious Supervisors has made limits illustrating beyond what many would consider possible and capacities to arrange clinical regulator leaders.

The principles established by the Clinical Advantage Leadership Coalition in 2004 encompass professionalism, communication, relationship management, clinical advantages, environment knowledge, leadership, and business standards (American Organization of Expert Administrators [AONE], 2016). In NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader, these key aspects are crucial in addressing leadership challenges. Essential components of effective leadership include fulfilling commitments, demonstrating strong conflict-resolution skills, and fostering trust and authenticity through clear communication.

Jackie’s Leadership and Communication

As the seat of the patient consideration conferences, Jackie is responsible for genuinely conversing with the interdisciplinary gathering and attending the patient consideration conferences. Jackie has only inconsistently taken an interest and shows up later than pondered when she shares. She also neglected to mention that the patient consideration conference had been dropped to the interdisciplinary gathering. These approaches to managing and acting do not satisfy the standards of clinical regulator leaders in terms of communication, leadership, or professionalism.

Support leaders are responsible for monitoring the clinical situation and supporting and giving nursing staff assets to stay mindful of patient security (AONE, 2016). Kyle has a patient security concern as to how to organize K.C. unequivocally. He has contacted Jackie for additional directions, which Jackie has not given him. She has neither worked with nor attended the patient consideration conference or a singular gathering with Kyle. K.C. is turning out to be more serious, expanding the bet to both staff and other patients.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader

Expert leaders expect to help the nurses set up in overabundance and be mindful of patient achievement while safeguarding themselves and others from hurt (AONE, 2016). As the unit is escaping influence, Jackie has not satisfied these standards of a convincing clinical chaperon leader. The clothing standard for work clothing drives flourishing and conveys professionalism and authenticity among the staff and patients.

By showing up in a too-short, sequenced dress, 3-inch heels, and giant gold band circles, Jackie sabotaged her dependability by not consenting to the clothing regulation of professionalism. Her footwear decision and giant band circles are other than a security risk while working in a mental unit with muscular patients, further compromising the general prospering of her unit.

Implications of Organizational Mission, Vision, and Goals

Jefferson Clinical consideration is a little familiar fundamental access neighborhood the mission “to hold the trust and improve the strength of the organizations we serve” (Jefferson Clinical advantages, n.d., mission, vision, and values section). They are turned around, giving top-score care through compassion, uprightness, regard, and cooperation. Jefferson Clinical Advantages, in like manner, endeavors to create an uncommon work environment concerning change among fun and serious activities and strong leadership (Jefferson Clinical consideration, n.d.)

Jackie’s strategy for managing and acting inconsistently when attending patient consideration conferences does not support or construct trust inside the area. Does it demonstrate or show collaboration? This conduct contradicts the organization’s mission and values, provoking the region to hesitate to confide in the thriving professional and look for care elsewhere. Patient consideration conferences are a fundamental piece of interdisciplinary cooperation that is significant for giving exceptional consideration to the patients at Jefferson Clinical Advantage.

  • Impact of Poor Leadership

Jackie has been made mindful of patient thriving concerns that have not been paid special attention to, which upsets convincing cooperation (Wolk et al., 2019). Mental long-term units are commonly offbeat, making this a moving environment for clinical guardians to work. An incident of leadership presence could increase dissatisfaction, while leadership presence has been connected with improved communication, staff progression, and better free and formal help (McMurray et al., 2023). Jackie’s lack of straightforwardness and existence contributes to the strain and frustration of the nursing staff working in a generally upsetting unit (McMurray et al., 2023).

Dissatisfaction and separation of clinical chiefs are connected with dreadful tolerant results and reduced retention of nursing staff (Alsadaan et al., 2023). This toxic workspace could lead clinical supervisors to conclude that Jefferson Clinical Advantages is not an exceptional work area accomplishing clinical guardians tracking down elective business. Without clinical experts, Jefferson Clinical Advantage would not be able to meet its goals of giving compassionate, quality consideration exceptionally close (Jefferson Clinical Advantage, n.d.).

  • Jackie’s Professionalism and Appearance

Jackie’s work clothing does not push regard from the patients or staff and needs professionalism as far as possible as a person from nursing leadership. How Jackie introduces herself does not make or connect with trust, contrary to Jefferson Clinical Advantage’s conveyed mission. Jackie’s ongoing approaches to managing acting could, from an overall perspective, riddle Jefferson Clinical Consideration’s capacity to be a confided-in organization to improve the thriving of the organizations they serve and be a fair organization where clinical guardians need to work.

Action Plan to Improve Leader Performance

The performance improvement plan for Jackie will zero in on changing ways to oversee acting to fulfill the standards and expectations of the expert leader work. Using the S.M.A.R.T. objective configuration of Unequivocal, Quantifiable, Conceivable, Material, and Time express, Jackie’s goals will include:

1. Communicate with staff and interdisciplinary frills three days sooner concerning patient consideration conferences with a set-up plan for essential patient issues.

2. Arrive at all understanding consideration conferences about fifteen minutes before the gathering, ready to dismantle ongoing concerns and give updates and contributions regarding patient consideration and status.

3. The attire worn while working will meet the organizational clothing regulation framework in the expert management set of standards procedure.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader

Following three months, staff and individuals from the interdisciplinary gathering will be analyzed to evaluate whether the social modification goals are being met to improve cooperation, communication, and patient success. Gatherings can be conducted to assess these modifications’ effect on understanding success and staff soul.

Nursing has embraced proof-based practice and developed a continual learning and improvement culture.

Notwithstanding, nursing leadership has been postponed to embrace a proof-based strategy for managing how they lead and make due. Decisions considering previous experience, personal perspectives, and intuition lead to lamentable workplaces and staff dissatisfaction (Välimäki et al., 2023). Proof-based leadership more unquestionably integrates evidence-based practice among clinical orderlies (Välimäki et al., 2023).

  • Improving Leadership Through Training

Broadly complete mental consideration requires interdisciplinary gatherings to participate, with clinical results influenced by how well gatherings can team up. Pack planning interventions have been shown to improve results, decline separation, and enhance cooperation (Wolk et al., 2019). Proof-based leadership planning will help Jackie get the fundamental information, cutoff focuses, and capacities to be a strong leader.

TeamSTEPPS is a proof-based preparation program to improve professional communication and cooperation (Organization for Clinical Consideration Exploration and Quality [AHRQ], n.d.) Executing the TeamSTEPPS planning system will assist Jackie with better monitoring the situation in her unit, improving her leadership limit, and communicating to help and regard suppliers of clinical advantages (Wolk et al., 2019). TeamSTEPPSS is a sharp structure to enhance Jackie’s leadership confines and further Jefferson Clinical Advantages’ mission and vision to give quality consideration as a confided in connecting clinical advantages organization.


Support leaders play a significant role in the quality of care provided by the nurses they guide. The leadership approaches influence patient safety, improved outcomes, staff engagement, and satisfaction (Alsadaan et al., 2023). In NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader, the importance of strong leadership in fostering a positive work environment is emphasized. Evidence-based leadership training ensures leaders develop the necessary skills to align with organizational vision and goals. Effective leaders drive change by enhancing communication, collaboration, and professional commitment, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes (Collins et al., 2019).


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Jefferson Healthcare. (n.d.). Our values

McMurray, R., Credland, N., Griffin, M., Hamilton, P., & Harness, O. (2023). Toxic absence: Why leader presence matters in times of crisis. Journal of Nursing Management2023, 1–7.

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Wolk, C., Stewart, R. E., Cronholm, P., Eiraldi, R., Salas, E., & Mandell, D. S. (2019). Adapting teamstepps for school mental health teams: A pilot study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies5(1).

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