Implementing Evidence-Based Practice
Hello to everyone! I am Sarah and I welcome you all to my poster presentation on using NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 evidence-based practice to address Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) in overweight adolescents. T2D is a major health concern in this population, and our presentation will lay out a comprehensive plan to close the gap between available knowledge and clinical practices (Abdelhameed et al., 2024). Despite the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes among adolescents, gaps in access to effective therapies persist. Join me as we look at measures to improve diabetes control and general well-being in overweight teenagers.
Develop a PICOT Question for a Chosen Clinical Problem
PICOT Question
In overweight adolescents (aged 12-18) with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) (P), how does the implementation of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention program, including nutritional education, physical activity promotion, and behavioral therapy (I) compared to standard diabetes management approaches (C), influence glycemic control and overall well-being (O) over a twelve-week period (T)? this was the topic i selected for our work
Clinical Problem: Overweight adolescents (aged 12-18) with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D).
Population (P): Overweight adolescents (aged 12-18) with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D).
Intervention (I): Implementation of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention program, including
- Nutritional education
- Physical activity promotion
- Behavioral therapy.
Comparison (C): Standard diabetes management approaches, which may not include the comprehensive lifestyle interventions specified.
Outcome (O): Influence on glycemic control and overall well-being.
Timeline (T): Over a twelve-week period.
Background on the Clinical Problem
The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) among the adolescents has increased in recent years, especially among those who are overweight (Perng et al., 2023). Overweight teenagers are more likely to develop T2D due to insulin resistance and bad lifestyle choices. This growing health risk necessitates specific solutions. Lifestyle modification programs that include dietary education, physical activity promotion, and behavioral treatment have been effective in improving glycemic control and general well-being in this population (Galaviz et al., 2019). Notable studies, such as Kumar et al.’s (2021), underline the importance of targeted therapies for overweight adolescents with T2D in addressing this expanding public health concern.
Outline an Action Plan to Implement the NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Project
The Recommended Practice Change
Implementing a comprehensive lifestyle intervention program for overweight adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) necessitates considerable shifts in present methods. The proposed modification is based on NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 evidence that lifestyle treatments are successful (Galaviz et al., 2019). It comprises nutritional education, physical activity promotion, and behavioral therapy.
Proposed Timeline for Implementation
Phase 1: Literature Review and Protocol Development (2 months)
This initial phase will prioritize a complete literature analysis to identify the most recent evidence-based approaches for managing T2D in overweight adolescents. The data will help to shape a personalized strategy that incorporates beneficial measures such as nutritional education, physical activity promotion, and behavioral therapy (Obita & Alkhatib, 2023).
Phase 2: Staff Training and Pilot Implementation (3 months)
NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Implementing Evidence Based Practice
The second phase focuses on the necessity of personnel readiness. Healthcare providers will receive specialized training to become acquainted with the developed methodology. Concurrently, a pilot implementation will be undertaken to assess the interventions’ feasibility and effectiveness (Pinhas-Hamiel & Zeitler, 2023).
Phase 3: Full-Scale Implementation and Evaluation (6 months)
The final stage is the widespread adoption of the comprehensive lifestyle modification program throughout the target population. Over the next six months, continuous monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to examine the influence on glycemic control and general well-being in overweight adolescents with T2D (Boucher et al., 2019). This extended review period allows for a more in-depth understanding of the program’s long-term effectiveness and possible advantages.
Tools or Resources Needed to Support the Project
- Developed customized pain assessment instruments to monitor glycemic management.
• Designed and distributed teaching materials for both teenagers and healthcare practitioners.
• Established communication mechanisms, including regular check-ins and feedback sessions, to drive continuous improvement during implementation.
Stakeholders, Opportunities for Innovation, and Potential Barriers
Engaging stakeholders is critical to the success of the comprehensive lifestyle intervention program for overweight adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Adolescents and their families, healthcare practitioners, school administrators, and instructors are all important stakeholders (Jones et al., 2021). Adolescents and their families are critical to the success of lifestyle interventions because they play a key role in making changes at home (Obita & Alkhatib, 2023). Healthcare providers are instrumental in delivering and monitoring the intervention, while school administrators and teachers contribute to the broader support system.
Connecting with schools to create integrated educational programs provides innovative options. This method can create a comprehensive learning environment that goes beyond the therapeutic context. Furthermore, harnessing technology for remote monitoring and assistance provides a chance to improve stakeholder communication and engagement, ensuring ongoing and individualized support for adolescents with T2D (Sugandh et al., 2023).
Potential Barriers
Despite these opportunities, some challenges can arise. Limited access to resources, a typical issue in healthcare interventions, might jeopardize program performance. Advocating for community support and forming relationships with local organizations and businesses can help to overcome resource constraints. Another major barrier is resistance to lifestyle changes, which can be overcome by using motivating tactics and implementing peer support programs that emphasize the collaborative effort toward better living (Dwivedi et al., 2021).
Outcome Criteria for Evaluation
Outcome Measures
Specific outcome measures will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the comprehensive lifestyle intervention program for overweight adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Improved glycemic control, as assessed by lower Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, is a quantifiable indicator of the program’s efficiency in managing blood glucose levels (Casadei et al., 2021). Furthermore, validated quality of life measures will be used to assess the intervention’s overall impact on teenagers’ physical, emotional, and social dimensions (Alzahrani et al., 2023).
Informing NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Practice, Guidelines, or Policies
The intervention’s positive outcomes have important implications for NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 evidence-based practices, recommendations, and policies in the management of type 2 diabetes among overweight adolescents. The collected data will provide significant insights to build NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 evidence-based guidelines tailored specifically for this group, influencing future initiatives and standardizing best practices in the sector. The findings gathered will be critical for healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and researchers, laying the groundwork for improved T2D management strategies that take into account the special needs of overweight adolescents.
These outcome criteria are consistent with the American Diabetes Association’s most recent diabetes management standards, and they acknowledge the importance of not only glycemic control but also adolescents’ general well-being in successfully managing T2D (ADA, 2021).
Evaluation of Evidence
Search Strategy and Databases Used
I used comprehensive search approach, focusing on terms such as “overweight adolescents,” “Type 2 Diabetes,” “glycemic control,” and “lifestyle intervention program.” This method ensured me a thorough examination of the most recent evidence on the management of type 2 diabetes in overweight adolescents.
Summary of Findings
Significant evidence was found in the literature review to support the necessity for a change in practice when it comes to managing Type 2 Diabetes in overweight adolescents. Galaviz et al. (2019) conducted studies that highlighted the efficacy of lifestyle interventions, such as behavioral therapy, physical activity promotion, and nutritional education. According to Kumar et al. (2021), customized therapies are urgently needed for this population. The formulation of the suggested intervention program was influenced by the insights into NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 evidence-based strategies for T2D management offered by Obita and Alkhatib (2023). Pinhas-Hamiel and Zeitler (2023) enhanced comprehension on the necessity of staff training in the effective implementation of interventions, whereas Boucher et al. (2019) emphasized the need for ongoing evaluation to ensure long-term efficacy.
Abdelhameed, F., Giuffrida, A., Thorp, B., Moorthy, M. K., & Gevers, E. F. (2024). Exploring the Surge in Paediatric Type 2 Diabetes in an Inner-City London Centre—A Decade-Long Analysis of Incidence, Outcomes, and Transition. Children (Basel), 11(2), 173–173.
ADA. (2021). Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care, 45(Supplement_1), S17–S38.
Alzahrani, O., Fletcher, J. P., & Hitos, K. (2023). Quality of life and mental health measurements among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 21(1).
Boucher, S. E., Gray, A. R., de Bock, M., Wiltshire, E. J., Galland, B. C., Tomlinson, P. A., Rayns, J., MacKenzie, K. E., & Wheeler, B. J. (2019). Effect of 6 months’ flash glucose monitoring in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes and suboptimal glycaemic control: managing diabetes in a “flash” randomised controlled trial protocol. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 19(1).
Casadei, G., Filippini, M., & Brognara, L. (2021). Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) as a Biomarker for Diabetic Foot Peripheral Neuropathy. Diseases, 9(1), 16.
Dwivedi, Y. K., Ismagilova, E., Hughes, D. L., & Carlson, J. (2021). Setting the Future of Digital and Social Media Marketing research: Perspectives and Research Propositions. International Journal of Information Management, 59(1), 1–37. Sciencedirect.
Galaviz, K. I., Narayan, K. M. V., Lobelo, F., & Weber, M. B. (2019). Lifestyle and the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes: A Status Report. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 12(1), 4–20.
Jones, H. M., Oyebode, O., Melendez-Torres, G. J., & Al-Khudairy, L. (2021). Professional stakeholder’s views of adolescent weight management programmes: a qualitative study. BMC Research Notes, 14(1).
Kumar, P., Srivastava, S., Mishra, P. S., & Mooss, E. T. K. (2021). Prevalence of pre-diabetes/type 2 diabetes among adolescents (10–19 years) and its association with different measures of overweight/obesity in India: a gendered perspective. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 21(1).
Obita, G., & Alkhatib, A. (2023). Effectiveness of Lifestyle Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions for Childhood Obesity and Associated Comorbidities among Children from Minority Ethnic Groups: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients, 15(11), 2524.
Perng, W., Conway, R., Mayer-Davis, E., & Dabelea, D. (2023). Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes: The Epidemiology of an Awakening Epidemic. Diabetes Care, 46(3), 490–499.
Pinhas-Hamiel, O., & Zeitler, P. (2023). Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents- A Focus on Diagnosis and Treatment (K. R. Feingold, B. Anawalt, M. R. Blackman, A. Boyce, G. Chrousos, E. Corpas, W. W. de Herder, K. Dhatariya, K. Dungan, J. Hofland, S. Kalra, G. Kaltsas, N. Kapoor, C. Koch, P. Kopp, M. Korbonits, C. S. Kovacs, W. Kuohung, B. Laferrère, & M. Levy, Eds.). PubMed; MDText.com, Inc.
Sugandh, F. N. U., Chandio, M., Raveena, F. N. U., Kumar, L., Karishma, F. N. U., Khuwaja, S., Memon, U. A., Bai, K., Kashif, M., Varrassi, G., Khatri, M., Kumar, S., Sugandh, F., Chandio, M., Raveena, F. N. U., Kumar, L., Karishma, F. N. U., Khuwaja, S., Memon, U. A., & Bai, K. (2023). Advances in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus: A Focus on Personalized Medicine. Cureus, 15(8).
Tag: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice