NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 3 Exploration of Regulations and Implications for Practice

NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 3 Exploration of Regulations and Implications for Practice

  • NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 3 Exploration of Regulations and Implications for Practice

Exploration of Regulations & Implications for Practice

As Reid et al. (2021) indicate, informatics is the area of practice that allows nurses to manage data using information and communication technology instrumental in enhancing the quality of and progressing health care. The Electronic Health Record normally reveals how a given technology has evolved over some time due to outcomes from informatics.

EHR ensures that the data is well handled and that any kind of bad thing happens less often through the reduction of paperwork as well as nurses’ load. This way, it is difficult for nurses to become burned out, communication becomes more effective, and the professional process is more effective (Esmaeilzadeh & Mirzaei, 2021). Thus, this essay will specifically consider the problem of safety to establish safety measures that can be employed with EHR.

Safety Issue Involved

Since healthcare is evolving, and improving, diseases are also becoming complex and drug mistakes complicate matters to the doctors further. It is noted that medical errors concern medications that go wrong every year and cause 7,000 to 9,000 deaths in the US (Tariq et al., 2022).

Few of the errors with medications are realized. Medication errors are threatening because they have the potential to harm the patient through administering the wrong drug, the wrong dose, or at the wrong time or year, or to the wrong patient. Yes, they cause bad results due to the development of allergies and bad effects that are experienced when the medicine is not suitable for them.

Medication mistakes are something and dangerous but they do not have to be if there are some safety measures to be adhered to. Medicine mistakes may be due to human error, poor communication, a prescription or note that is illegible or has been rewritten, or confusing similar names for different medications (Tariq et al., 2022).

Informatics Model & Safe Practice

While performing the described above actions, there is always a certain level of risk involved and potential for error, therefore, a computing model can be used to guarantee the safety of the practices. The Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) model is one of the kinds of plans.

As HIMSS has begun through the incorporation of eHealth into schooling, this project is to provide workers all the materials or tools that they need (TIGER, 2022). As it has been indicated earlier, to change health, it is imperative to involve people from different fields. This plan clearly explains procedural ways through which the nursing staff can perform activities safely to reduce drug errors.

Medications are potent and if taken erroneously, they cause patients many hardships and discomforts. If they have to spend more than the intended days in the facility due to these faults then they might not be satisfied with the care they received and the health of the patient will be expensive to treat.

Therefore the principle focus of the delivery of healthcare should be safety. EHR is one of the safest practices in the use of nursing technology that would yield positive outcomes. It becomes easier to monitor data in EHR and also saves time taken in writing orders that may be time-wasting and take a very long time when writing. Typing in EHR completes data that is more accurate than handwritten data and seems to remain longer (Tubaishat, 2017).

It has clinical alerts that could help the nurses identify the fact that the kind of analysis being done is wrong and needs to be corrected. Indeed, it is clear that getting to the patient information necessary for option choices and searching for the gaps in the processes is unproblematic. Nurse informatics workers need to ensure patient data confidentiality and proper usage of the data by others.

Intended Goals

The purpose of implementing EHR technology is to operationalize the reduction of drug errors and the lives that they take. Thus, the nurses as actual performers will be able to provide as much in terms of the necessity as possible, and this will positively affect the results and create more trust among the patients in the chosen healthcare company.

Its aims are targeted at improving the accessibility of information and data regarding patients for nurses to avoid the making of drug mistakes and to enhance their well-being while achieving it. This would assist the nurses in a way that they do not make the wrong diagnosis or dispense the wrong medicine by helping them look at the data to quickly arrive at the right drug to be administered to the patient based on the details.


EHR is today being adopted by several healthcare groups to raise the standards of care. Including specific alerts for doctors, an evaluated EHR study showed that the state of care and patient safety was increased. Thus, the EHR is beneficial to the nurses as they can review the patient data before physically attending to the patient. For this purpose, the present facility allows nurses to take a brief look at side effects prior to administering medicine (Upadhyay & Hu, 2022).

Again, with the help of EHRs, the doctor’s plan is more well-understood while others like drug errors can be easily identified and prevented from recurring. One research also concluded that EHR brought positive outcomes quickly and the bad results, including additional work, staff burnout, and interrupted processes, became enduring (Tsai et al. , 2020). Everything concerning efficiency, cooperation, the level of medical services, and accessibility improved. There is, therefore, improved workflow now, and there is a better perception of the staff and the patients.

Applying the Standards of Practice

It would ensure that safety work is conducted formulaically without causing interruptions and shuffling of schedules. A set of rules is provided by standards of practice to the healthcare workers. It operates a bit like a checklist to ensure that the work being done is safe. ANA has laid down standards of practice for nurses so that the workplace remains safe and moral and approaches the management with the issues that need to be addressed.

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the organization that specifies how nursing jobs should be performed. Such standards comprise formed by an assessment stage where any proper data should be obtained, a diagnosis stage where any data collected should be evaluated, identification of the outcomes involves guessing what happens, planning to achieve that outcome, implementing that plan, and then evaluating and monitoring that plan (Goodwin University, 2022).

The Code of Ethics also informs nurses how best to practice. It has four main principles: The four prominent moral considerations are identified as liberty, justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence (What Is Nursing? 2022). As nurses, you should know these principles: Although the principle of autonomy refers to the patient’s involvement in decisions to be made; the principle of beneficence constitutes a concept of doing good to both patients and persons working in health facilities, the principle of justice relates to fairness while nonmaleficence involves harming. The job of reporting any treatment that might cause harm is advanced in any institution meaning that any plan is also capable of harming.

Impacts of Regulatory Constraints

Concerning the options of care, one must state that they should be orchestrated bearing in mind various legal responsibilities. A professional nurse is he or she who complies with rules made at any level including national rules, hospital rules, or state rules. There are several such governing bodies like the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) that do factor this in.

This means that for the various regulatory factors, it is necessary to embrace and transform EHR with enthusiasm to enhance its implementation. To bring the staff to the adoption of EHR (Electronic Health Records, n. d. ), no amount of training should be transacted.

Essentially, EHR implementation calls for the appropriate skills, and there should be less paper. Performance in the area of the Joint Commission should also be improved and a safe and competent network needs to be created.

NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 3 Exploration of Regulations and Implications for Practice

Now touching on the discussion on regulations to consider when implementing the technology one has to think about the HIPAA standard of practice for the privacy of the data saved in the EHR. The information that is saved should be concealed and it should be locked with the help of a password.

The system must be accessible to allowed people only. This information has to be secured because it is sensitive and all gaps in security create room for the abuse of patients, which is wrong (Rosenbloom et al., 2019). Health informatics for nurses is being demanded by both government and non-government organizations hoping to better inform people and help maintain safety.

Structure of Ethical & Legal Practices

Thus, in applying the field of computing as applied here with EHR some legal and moralities have to be considered. Another major ethical concern in the use of EHR is that it may be difficult to keep people’s data confidential if security is not sound. They have discovered that if nurses do not understand how EHR works or more so have not been trained on how to work on it, it takes a lot of time.

It may not be ethical for a third party to become so keen on the data recorded by this technology. Individuals have to adhere to the prohibitive measures and formulation of security to the dotted ‘T’. One should also consider social implications such as, whether the data that is being saved is indeed required and who can access such data (Jacquemard et al., 2021).

Also quite pertinent and requiring extensive thinking is the implementation of EHR. To achieve this the right way it takes a lot of money, time, and education. Occasionally, some people may have concerns as to the validity of the data stored in EHR, more conceptually they may wonder about the data’s credibility. Shall also consider other effects particularly the legal issues when undertaking any operation under EHR.

For example, it can be ensured that while data is being collected throughout the system the data such as age or gender is not altered in any way. Some of the legal issues that could arise with EHR are invasion of patient privacy, errors in the records, or even loss of crucial details (Balestra, 2017). The accuracy of the data has to be maintained at all costs so that none of the data is recorded after a meeting especially the last comments from people who may not have had prior knowledge of the EHR’s alert or suggestions.

Because of this, the people working in the nursing computers need to understand the law and ethics about the prevention of disclosures of patient information and be guided by the code of ethics.

NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 3


Stakeholders are everyone who can be affected by the results of the process and they must be involved throughout the process to ensure that the technology is implemented and applied appropriately. For data to be sent quickly, there should be adequate communication with all the individuals involved in the issue e.g. meetings and talks. It means that they have to be attentive and participate to address any issue and maintain the confidentiality of the patients.

A team consisting of nursing staff, nurse informatics staff, Information technology (IT) inspectors, doctors, hospital board members, and members of the billing team will be involved. Nurse informatics would let in new ideas and can cover the gaps in health care that were recognized, particularly if it concerns drug mistakes. In this case, since nurses and doctors would directly interact with the patients, it would be very relevant for them to be involved in the manner in which it is implemented.

Thus, the role of the billing team is to ensure that the system is compatible with the billing strategies of the organizations. The IT auditors will ensure that there are no weaknesses in the security of the patients and all the policies are being complied with. Last but not least, the board of EHR will decide on the major financial strategies for the EHR’s dictionary and the ways it operates.

Doctors and nurses among other stakeholders in the healthcare facility must be educated to know how to use the EHR safely and efficiently. The other parties that require visibility of the mistake include the people working in health care and the people who work in nurse computing need to be able to search for any clinical gaps that may exist. Read more about our sample NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration for complete information about this class.


Balestra, M. L. (2017). Electronic health records: patient care and ethical and legal implications for nurse practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(2), 105–111.

Electronic Health Records | Digital Healthcare Research. (n.d.). AHRQ.

Esmaeilzadeh, P., & Mirzaei, T. (2021b). Using electronic health records to mitigate workplace burnout among clinicians during the covid-19 pandemic: Field Study in Iran. JMIR Medical Informatics, 9(6), e28497.

Goodwin University. (2022b, May 13). What are the ANA Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses?

Jacquemard, T., Doherty, C. P., & Fitzsimons, M. B. (2021). The anatomy of electronic patient record ethics: a framework to guide design, development, implementation, and use. BMC Medical Ethics, 22(1).

Reid, L., Maeder, A., Button, D., Breaden, K., & Brommeyer, M. (2021). Defining nursing informatics: A Narrative Review. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

Rosenbloom, S. T., Smith, J. R. L., Bowen, R., Burns, J., Riplinger, L., & Payne, T. H. (2019). Updating HIPAA for the electronic medical record era. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 26(10), 1115–1119.

Tariq, R., Vashisht, R., Sinha, A., & Scherbak, Y. (2022). Medication dispensing errors and prevention. Stat Pearls.

TIGER. (2022, April 6). HIMSS.

Tsai, C. H., Egham, A., Davoody, N., Wright, G., Flowerday, S., & Koch, S. (2020). Effects of Electronic Health Record Implementation and barriers to adoption and use: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Analysis of the Content. Life, 10(12), 327.

Tubaishat, A. (2017). The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 44(1), 79–91.

Upadhyay, S., & Hu, H. F. (2022). A qualitative analysis of the impact of electronic health records (EHR) on healthcare quality and safety: Clinicians’ lived experiences. Health Services Insights, 15, 117863292110707.

What is the Nursing Code of Ethics? (2022).

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