SOC 102 Topic 1 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

SOC 102 Topic 1 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
  • SOC 102 Topic 1 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology.

Theoretical Perspectives

Inside human science, there are three substitute perspectives through which people view the world. Each perspective mainly influences how people deal with their lives. Experts fanned out these three perspectives to understand how society sees the world. There are three theoretical perspectives: peculation, critical interactionism, and mystery functionalism. Due to monetary issues and the training structure, the theoretical perspective I use to see the world is focal functionalism. The world event of the Manchester show will assist the show with my humanistic perspective.

  • Battle and Interactionism Theories

Karl Marx fanned out battle speculation. This is an enormous expansion-level speculation on the planet overall and spotlights the uniqueness of different parties in the public eye. This hypothesis is based on how genuineness affects society, which is based on never-ending, never-ending. Marx settled speculation whenever it happened, considering how he saw that the notable or bourgeoise was answerable for the overflow and plants that made relationships. At the same time, the proletarians worked in progress lines, endeavouring to get cash (Claerbaut, 2015).

In addition, battle speculation is not stressed over cheating, uniqueness, and questions. Marx perceived that it was this disparity that would change how society limits. As the standard recalled that they were being exploited, they would get together to become more grounded to dispose of the industrialist standard.

Critical interactionism George Herbert Mead fanned out. This perspective is at the tiny small trim level, which is based on generally organised colossal interactionism, relies on how society interacts and how, overall, people are helped together through pictures that hold values (Claerbaut, 2015), which means that society knows the genuine way to deal with acting when in unambiguous conditions.

For example, when students are in a homeroom, they comprehend that they should be taking notes, holding on quietly, standing by without complaining, waiting patiently, standing by listening to the teacher, be careful. How the student acts in a homeroom is the opposite of how those comparative people will act with their get-together of buddies. Delegate interactionism proposes that people expect different parts when in a substitute situation.

  • Core Functionalism and Society

Crucial functionalism is, to a considerable degree, level French humanist and academic Emile Durkheim fanned out french humanist and academic Emile Durkheim fanned out a. Crucial functionalism is a perspective “that considers society to be a dependent game plan of parts and reason that collaborate to make society work” (Claerbaut, 2015, para. 7). It takes a gander at the basic plans that reveal a general and how each part helps keep the overall people with making. The speculation of central functionalism also plays five significant roles: religion, regulatory issues, arranging, family, and monetary perspectives. These positions all have an affirmation of how society acts. For example, administrative issues require attention to control and social media.

At any rate, the US political system will move from various countries. As shown by the three perspectives, the humanistic perspective that most tensely addresses my viewpoint on the world would be central functionalism. According to fundamental functionalism, society is moving towards balance (Claerbaut, 2015). Society ought to find ways of adjusting to changes to make harmony. One segment that I have seen is the cash-related issues of affiliations. For example, neighbourhood businesses would have to make changes to track down ways of managing and overseeing clients considering more imperative affiliations like Amazon.

SOC 102 Topic 1 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Also, these close affiliations would have to see the perpetual conclusions of the public power. Additionally, each piece of the five plans affirms the limited overall population. These factors are best shown in our educational system. Businesses will be responsible for public power. The public power will put those charges towards the school systems. The schooling system will show students who will at long find another calling, and the cycle continues. Everyone is novel and has various degrees of limits to help them sort out what they need to study. For example, my benefit is business and video changing, so taking classes in a school to get data about these subjects will help me set a calling around there to concentrate on helping me add to the overall people. To this end, there are better places that will likewise contribute to the economy.

  • Terrorism and Social Change

The Manchester Arena bombing was a world event that influenced countless people. The shooting occurred in Manchester, England, during an Ariana Grande concert. This attack resulted in 23 deaths, including the attacker, and 139 injuries. It is being treated as a terrorist attack (Macguire, Smith, Cumming, and Johnson, 2017). As an essential functionalist, I view the incident as a brief disruption in normal society.

Functionalists, as discussed in SOC 102 Topic 1: Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology, argue that such terrorist attacks lead to social change that reinforces and maintains a healthy society. With terrorism becoming an increasing issue, the government is implementing new regulations and efforts to strengthen societal cohesion. From this perspective, society will need to progress through this social challenge.

I did not select the other two perspectives because conflict theorists would view this attack as a demonstration of inequality. They believe that terrorism arises because perpetrators seek to feel superior to others. Additionally, the conflict theorist would see the attacker’s goal as spreading fear rapidly among the general public. Meanwhile, authority figures might perceive the situation differently, feeling greater personal distress and fear due to their connections with the victims. At the same time, functionalism would consider this a catastrophe for society but ultimately part of necessary social change.

In summary, SOC 102 Topic 1 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology provides a foundation for understanding how different sociological perspectives, such as functionalism and conflict theory, offer valuable insights into events like this. These perspectives can help individuals become more informed and develop a better understanding of how society responds to significant events. Functionalism, in particular, views social change as a process through which society adapts to new challenges.


Claerbaut, D. (2015). Grand Canyon University. (Ed.). Our social world: An introduction to sociology. Retrieved from: university/2015/our-social-world_an-introduction-to-sociologyebook1e.php

Macguire, E., Smith, A., Cumming, J., Johnson, A. (2017, May 22). Manchester arena suicide bombing: 22 die at Ariana Grande concert. NBC News. Retrieved from:

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