BUS FPX 3040 Assessment 1 Recruitment and Selection

BUS FPX 3040 Assessment 1 Recruitment and Selection

  • BUS FPX 3040 Assessment 1 Recruitment and Selection.

Recruitment and Selection

For an organization to succeed, there should always be mechanisms for sourcing for and identifying the right people from a pool of candidates. This evaluation looks at the movie ‘Java Corp.’, a maker of iced tea and cold coffee that follows their recruiters through various stages of the hiring process. Java Corp. adopts a comprehensive approach to laying down competent and integrating personnel into staff. We investigate their job evaluation, recruitment, selection, and assessment methods.

Also discussed are the legal aspects of the recruitment and selection process, with a strong focus on EEO rules and all other legal requirements on non-discrimination that the latter must follow to ensure equal opportunities during recruitment. Thus, the most significant metrics of the efficacy of the established Java Corp. selection process are the time to fill, hiring quality, diversity and inclusion, cost per hire, applicant satisfaction, and attrition rates.

Analyzing the Role of the Recruiter at Java Corp

The recruitment process at Java Corp., an iced coffee and tea specialist, is a universal set of activities used to locate the most suitable candidates. For an organization’s staffing process to be effective, the role of a recruiter must be defined. Job analysis is important for Java Corp recruiters to determine what set of skills, qualifications, and experience is required from each candidate for a vacant position (Munthe & Sopiah, 2021).

For instance, if the recruiter were in the process of identifying the critical technical competencies to employ a new IT supervisor, then he or she would liaise with the IT section of the organization. Feedback from the present workers, supervisors, and every other interested party will be relayed so that good job descriptions can be written to aid the company’s long-term vision.

BUS FPX 3040 Assessment 1 Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment for firms such as Java Corp., a fast-growing firm, is challenging as there is cutthroat competition in recruiting qualified candidates. Thus, the techniques that can help the organization focus on its sources of qualified people are to motivate the workers to climb up the corporate ladder and become managers and supervisors. Furthermore, social media, the internet, and industry-specific advertisements are also part of the external sourcing methodologies (Bhuiyan et al., 2021).

For the process to move on to the next step of hiring, the recruiters must perform their task well in shortlisting and filtering candidates. To manage and filter the first screening and narrow down to what Java Corp. considers important skills and experience, as will be outlined under the job description, the company may use the applicant tracking system, commonly abbreviated as ATS (Oracle, 2022).

Interview Process

Employee status seekers are responsible for Java Corp.; this means creating suggestible interview processes to discover whether people fit the available positions. Another way that it can be done is through behavioral interviews, especially when trying to determine whether a candidate meets the qualifications required for a management position in terms of his or her working experience and values (Elliott, 2022). Based on the job, Java Corp. may request some aptitude tests, written tests, or assessments (Campion et al. 2019).

The design shown in (12) may be used where a recruiter wants to assess a candidate’s ability to solve problems and make good decisions. Resume checks are one of the ways that recruiters ensure that their applicants are telling the truth (Hendricks et al., 2019). Suppose a recruiter is seeking to employ a security manager, for instance. In that case, they can always contact the other employers to find out whether the candidate was as good at undertaking the security docket as they claim to be.

Java Corp recruiters are involved in extending offers and discussing the terms of working when the candidate has been sourced. For instance, the recruiting manager, the HR department, and the hiring manager may develop an attractive compensation package to attract the selected applicant.

Recruitment Process for Java Corp

To obtain, screen, and keep excellent human resources given the organization’s strategic goals, Java Corp. has a keen recruitment strategy. To create job descriptions for the open positions, a job analysis must be carried out based on the input of the relevant participants, which may include department heads and existing workers (Munthe & Sopiah 2021).

As much as this is the case, ensuring that the company requirements are fully understood and that the right job descriptions are prepared will be important. While sourcing for supervisory and management staff, there is a concerted effort in sourcing from internal and external sources at Java Corp.

One should always hire from within to retain the best employees, and job ads on social media platforms and job sites help advertise unseen positions (Bhuiyan et al., 2021). ATSs improve efficiency during screening and shortlisting by establishing the first screening process to match the posted job description relative to the critical skills and experience, Oracle, 2022.

This cuts down the time spent in recruiting and ensures only the best candidates are moved to the next level. Java Corp, being particular about its hiring process, has questions from a company perspective to establish culture fit and also experience (Elliott, 2022). From the method described above, it is evident that interpersonal skills are important in management and supervisory roles; thus, this technique tests for them.

For instance, case analysis during the selection for operation management positions can be useful in Java Corp, as problem-solving skills and the ability to make decisions are pertinent skills for operations management positions (Hendricks et al., 2019). Calling a candidate’s previous employers for further details and, more importantly, seeking employers’ evaluation of the candidate is a standard practice in conducting reference checks (Hendricks et al., 2019).

BUS FPX 3040 Assessment 1 Recruitment and Selection

With proper research, you can minimize the risk of hiring employees who may not fit into the company and ensure that they have the right company values. Employment and bargaining for terms of employment are the final stages in the recruitment exercise. Thus, the key to the recruiting and selection process is for Java Corp.’s recruiting team to collaborate with HR and hiring managers to create the best salaries for potential employees.

This is the most suitable recruitment strategy for Java Corp. by the company’s particular needs and potential future development. This strategy employs both tier-one and tier-two approaches consisting of strategic sourcing, besides prescreening and evaluation framework, to bring on board candidates who can join the company immediately to do the jobs awaiting them as well as contribute to the success of Java Corp. in the long run. This broad strategy of establishing a talented group of workers contributes to the achievement of organizational objectives through a connection between the recruitment process and the organization.

Organization’s Legal Considerations

Several legal provisions ensure that in an organization’s case, the selection and/or recruiting process is just and does not discriminate. Any employment regulation violation might result in litigation and monetary fines. Java Corp., like any other business, has employment policies and procedures that govern employee hiring. Since every individual must have an equal opportunity to be hired by Java Corp.

without discriminating against their age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or handicap, the company should strictly adhere to EEO. Thomson Reuters (2022) posited that EEO is largely implemented under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Employment discrimination is prohibited in the United States for any employer with 15 employees or more, as prescribed in Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Executive Order No. 12067 prohibits discriminating against qualified persons with disabilities, and Java Corp. cannot violate the Americans with Disabilities Act. Disabled individuals have a right to request accommodation for reasonable needs during the hiring process by organizations ACT (Weible, 2023). This telecom company ensures the favorable treatment of candidates as much as possible during selection.

At Java Corp., the federal government requires that the company not consider the age of applicants it will be hiring. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2022), the Americans with Disabilities Act 5th Amendment prohibits discrimination against anyone over forty and above. This means that the company cannot refuse work applicants based on age or make age a reason for denying people a job.

FCRA rules apply to Java Corp. if it performs a background check in its hiring practices. This statute regulates one type of information related to consumers, which includes credit reports (Kagan, 2019). The organization should ensure that each applicant signs before they undergo the background check. When any negative conclusions are drawn from the information found, then candidates should be informed.

The rules and regulations ensure that Java Corp. has a legitimate and fair hiring procedure for hiring their employees. The company may seek legal advice for legal issues and should periodically review and revise its policies and procedures due to continuous changes in employment legislation. In this method, Java Corp. minimizes risk, cuts potential legal liabilities, and increases diversity within the company.

Measuring Success of the Selection Method at Java Corp

To ensure that Java Corp’s selection process is consistent with the general company objectives, a variety of significant criteria is applied to the selection process. This is applicable in a firm such as Java Corp., particularly where it is growing at a fast pace; consequently, the time-to-fill empty jobs is one of the key performance indicators that will determine the relevance of this approach in the hiring process. Business-friendly procedures mean that the organization can fill crucial posts with competent candidates.

Another activity is the calibration of quality in the personnel selection process, meaning the evaluation of the selected candidates based on the defined criteria such as performance, skills, personal traits, etc. Organizations can approximate the positive impact of high-quality hiring on organizational values and performance by assessing elements such as the performance reviews of their employees, retention rates, and feedback from managers and subordinates.

BUS FPX 3040 Assessment 1 Recruitment and Selection

Hiring diversification measures can be said to be important in confirming the success of Java Corp. when it comes to the implementation of a hiring strategy. Another method of checking how far a company is from its ideal of hiring a diverse and inclusive workforce is to analyze the proportion of these minorities hired from within the new joiners (Van Vulpen, 2019). Another important measure of financial effectiveness is the cost per hire, which measures the costs incurred during recruitment in a search for the right balance between efficiency and quality of human capital (Van Vulpen, 2019).

By conducting surveys and using feedback mechanisms, we are also in a position to determine applicant satisfaction from the application process to the interviewing process. Organizations that do extra for the applicants are more popular with the would-be workers, which makes them develop a good employer brand image (Van Vulpen 2019).

The turnover rate is an important figure to look at, but it may be worthwhile to monitor the turnover rate among newly recruited workers to have a clearer idea of how the selection process is faring day after day. It is always a good sign when the turnover rate is low. This is because the applicants that were recruited were fitting into the organization’s culture, and this is always good for the morale of the employees.


The notion of Java Corp’s recruiting and selection processes depicts the commitment to the quality of employees. This way, we have seen how Java Corp. choreographs its advertising and the office discussions it brings into recruiting techniques based on its corporate goals while analyzing the recruiter’s function and the dynamics of the recruiting process. The hiring process and legal factors put stress on inclusion and fairness; they are highly relevant to the problem.

The highlighted key performance indicators of Java Corp. demonstrate its success in efficient job filling, diversity, promotion of fiscal responsibility, and achieving the happiness of employees in the long run. This research proves that Java Corp., as one of the leading employers in the competitive market, actively modifies its activity to meet new demands based on continuous feedback.


Bhuiyan, M. Y. A., Karim, M. M., Nath, S. K. D., & Latif, W. B. (2021). Conceptual framework of recruitment and selection process. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 11(02), 18-25.


Campion, M. C., Campion, E. D., & Campion, M. A. (2019). Using practice employment tests to improve recruitment and personnel selection outcomes for organizations and job seekers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(9), 1089-1102.


Elliott, J. (2022, July 27). Behavioral interviewing: What it is and tips for getting started. U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Hendricks, C. A., Rupayana, D. D., Fisher, P. A., & Robie, C. (2019). Factors affecting compliance with reference check requests. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27(2), 139-151.


Kagan, J. (2019). Fair Credit Reporting Act (CRA). Investopedia.


Munthe, R. A., & Sopiah, S. (2021). Recruiter’s strategy for identifying hybrid skills in job applicants. Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science, 1(2), 120-125.


Oracle. (2022). What is an applicant tracking system?


Thomson Reuters. (2022, May 10). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act: The basics you should know.


U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2022). Age discrimination.


Van Vulpen, E. (2019, August 26). 19 recruiting metrics you should know about. AIHR.


Weible, C. (2023, March 30). The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). PEAT.


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