BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

  • BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods.


The very first, and maybe most difficult, phase in qualitative research is choosing a study subject and developing a research-based topic from it. Most probably, the researcher will begin with a subject and, as the researcher studies and investigates, narrow it down to a research problem that can be addressed using qualitative techniques.

Qualitative research is also employed in health care to uncover challenges and impediments to practicing improvement by examining the causes of particular behaviors. Investigating patients’ choices in anti-hypertensive medications is an excellent example of this. However, the qualitative research question chosen for this assessment is, “How can pressure sores among elderly patients be prevented due to lack of movement or a particular lying position after abdominal surgery?”

The qualitative research method is imperative for data collection as it helps in providing insights into the issue and gathering requisite information. However, during surgery, there is a possibility of multiple complications. Sometimes, the after-effects of the surgery can lead to various side effects.

Pressure sores can be named as an after-effect of surgery and can cause the patient great discomfort (Getie et al., 2020). There is a need for proper care before and after the surgery to decrease the chances of complications such as the development of pressure sores.

Qualitative Methodology

There are various methods to identify the problem and find the required solutions. In order to have a precise idea about the problem and situation of the patients, it is imperative to adopt an adequate data collection approach. Previous research has shown that the qualitative method can help gather the required information from the target group allowing the researcher to draw meaningful conclusions (Dechasa et al., 2021). By using several methods of qualitative research study, investigators get information on the key demographic, location, or incident. The most popular kinds of qualitative data methods are listed below.

Ethnographic Method: The investigator must integrate into the setting and stay with the group discussion as part of the ethnographic method. This kind of engagement is carried out to comprehend the persons’ cultures, issues, ambitions, and objectives. Researchers do not need to develop any testable hypothesis for this.

Narrative Research Approach: The narrative research approach gathers data over an extended period. A coherent tale requires a series of events. It also begins with a theme and covers several life circumstances, much like a fiction narrative. The story approach may be utilized in business to comprehend the many difficulties the target audience faces (Ngozwana, 2018).

Phenomenal Approach: The term “phenomenological” refers to the research of phenomena, such as occurrences, circumstances, or emotions. The most excellent way to explain something from several perspectives and contribute to the body of knowledge is to do so. Similarly to that, it emphasizes individual experiences.

Grounded Theory: A grounded theory approach offers an explanation, justification, or concept for the occurrence. By gathering and studying evidence regarding phenomena, it seeks to create new hypotheses.

Case Study: The case study technique collects data over a long period. It entails thorough awareness of a topic, such as an occasion, person, organization, or setting.

Historical Approach: The historical method recounts previous occurrences to comprehend current circumstances and anticipate future decisions. Based on a speculative notion, it responds to the research queries. Later, this method tested the concept using various resources to identify possible problems (Ngozwana, 2018).

A complex healthcare qualitative research question, including pressure sores, may be investigated using the case study qualitative approach by identifying several components that interact with one another. The scenario being viewed will be actual. It could include a therapeutic decision-making approach in the area of professional nursing.

Qualitative Data Collection Strategies

Different strategies are used to collect qualitative data. There are two categories: primary and secondary data collection techniques.

BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

“Primary Data” refers to information gathered specifically for a particular study issue. A scientist may gather data using the main data collection methods by getting the subjects’ answers. Surveys, interviews, demonstrations, and field studies are used to gather primary data.

Interviews: Most academics use interviews to get qualitative data. These interviews might be used to quickly understand the participants’ behaviors, attitudes, and viewpoints. Interviews were divided into organized, semi-structured, and unorganized categories. Unstructured interviews are conducted according to the interviewer’s ideas, whereas structured interviews are conducted according to a script or set of criteria.

Surveys and Questionnaires: These surveys will include a mix of closed- and open-ended inquiries. They are used in business-to-business market research to assess various potential replies.

The unstructured surveys category will include queries that invite unstructured replies. They are called “subject guides” and are known as guided dialogues. They are primarily appropriate for in-depth interviews (face-to-face, depth telephone interviews) (Thambinathan & Kinsella, 2021).

Observations and Focus Groups: Researchers might observe the participants’ actions, events, or physical traits. This approach applies to sociological, ethnographic, and empirical research. The focused group method involves highly skilled researchers assembling a focus group of 10 to 18 individuals and thoroughly analyzing their comments to capture their opinions and ideas. The study will focus on specific topics relevant to the organization funding the study.

Secondary data are those that have already been gathered and are easily accessible from other sources. These secondary data are more manageable and less expensive than primary data. Usually, secondary data is gathered via desk-based research. Once the researcher has obtained the secondary data, its validity and dependability are assessed.

The researcher thus considers secondary data to be highly credible and adequately cited in the scholarly literature. Secondary data is categorized into internal (from the organization which is under observation) data which is regularly provided by management, and external data (information from outside the company) that is gathered from a variety of sources, including the internet, magazines, books, databases, non-governmental statistics data, and population data (Thambinathan & Kinsella, 2021).

Our research proposal will focus on conducting interviews to solve the qualitative research question on pressure sores. Consent will be taken from the participants before starting the interview as individuals have different views towards such research.

Therefore, it is crucial to clarify the purpose of the interview and how it can help improve the health facilities for the target population. These similar themes will help in giving a precise idea about the issue. In addition, the participants will be encouraged to provide their responses openly through developing a friendly relationship with them (Dechasa et al., 2021).

Importance of Targeted Data Collection  

Targeted data collection is essential to address bigger health concerns. Looking at the data from a bigger perspective will enable us to strategize smaller pieces of information into a relatively bigger puzzle solution (Dechasa et al., 2021). The complexity of abdominal surgeries and their link to the complications are collected as part of the analysis.

BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

Thus, observing the linkages can help healthcare facilities determine targeted factors and improve them accordingly (Lavallée et al., 2018). Some surgical complications need exact times and stages of occurrence to get the intensity and medication levels right.

Hence, such information is extremely relevant and needs to be appreciated by analysis methods (Pressure Ulcers Qualitative Research Critique—2196 Words | Assessment Example,n.d). Additionally, asking targeted and comprehensive questions will help elderly patients recall the information accurately. Hence, correct recitations of answers decrease the chances of error (Lavallée et al., 2018).

Importance of Conducting Interviews

An interview permits the researcher to receive individual and original data straight from a source, following the needs of the study. Structured interviews may reach the target audience in large numbers. They also enable the control of samples and are simple to execute and fast to get trustworthy results. Compared to postal surveys, which are only suitable for literate respondents, interviews get a better return, and asking the right questions may lead to direct and comprehensive knowledge about a topic or circumstance (Thambinathan & Kinsella, 2021).

Challenges in Conducting Interviews

Interview studies may be highly time- and money-consuming to conduct. Bias outcomes might arise during an interview. For instance, the respondent’s responses may vary depending on how they perceive the interviewer’s race, class, age, or physical attributes.

Interview research provides less anonymity, which is a significant worry for many respondents. Since respondents might be located in any region of the globe or nation, there is a limitation of availability to participants (unlike when research is conducted using postal surveys) (Thunberg & Arnell, 2021).


To reiterate, properly understanding qualitative methods and data collection techniques is essential in developing an interpretation of the data. As many variables are involved, studying how each might dependently or independently affect data analysis is vital. Similarly, interviews help observe the body language of the patients themselves. Read more about our sample BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 3 for complete information about this class.


Dechasa, D. B., Worku, T., Baraki, N., Merga, B. T., & Asfaw, H. (2021). Burnout and associated factors among nurses working in public hospitals of Harari region and Dire Dawa administration, eastern Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE, 16(10), e0258224.

Getie, A., Baylie, A., Bante, A., Geda, B., & Mesfin, F. (2020). Pressure ulcer prevention practices and associated factors among nurses in public hospitals of Harari regional state and Dire Dawa city administration, Eastern Ethiopia. PLOS ONE15(12), e0243875.

Lavallée, J. F., Gray, T. A., Dumville, J., & Cullum, N. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to preventing pressure ulcers in nursing home residents: A qualitative analysis informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework. International Journal of Nursing Studies82, 79–89.

‌Ngozwana, N. (2018). Ethical dilemmas in qualitative research methodology: Researcher’s reflections. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 4(1), 19–28.

Pressure Ulcers Qualitative Research Critique – 2196 Words | Assessment Example. (n.d.). Free Essays. 

Thambinathan, V., & Kinsella, E. A. (2021). Decolonizing methodologies in qualitative research: Creating spaces for transformative praxis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20(2), 160940692110147.

Thunberg, S., & Arnell, L. (2021). Pioneering the use of technologies in qualitative research – A research review of the use of digital interviews. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1–12.

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