- BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Quantitative Research Questions and Methods.
The quantitative method helps in observing events or situations that impact people. It allows researchers to develop research questions that can include numerical values, providing accurate data for analysis.
Therefore, it is imperative to ask a quantitative question cautiously and select an adequate method to answer it. The quantitative question designed for older adults having problems with pressure sores after post-abdominal surgery in the US will be discussed in the next part.
Quantitative Research Question
How often do medical healthcare facilities ensure that patient safety precautions are correctly followed to prevent the development of pressure sores in post-abdominal surgery procedures?
Based on the research mentioned above, question underlined hypothesis can be designed to analyze the issue in a better way;
H1 (Alternative hypothesis): Medical healthcare facilities ensure that patient safety precautions are correctly followed to prevent the development of pressure sores in post-abdominal surgery procedure
H0 (Null Hypothesis): Medical healthcare facilities do not ensure that patient safety precautions are correctly followed to prevent the development of pressure sores in post-abdominal surgery procedure
It combines risk management with risk evaluation results in risk assessment. Risk analysis refers to various techniques and approaches for detecting and assessing possible future occurrences that might influence present circumstances.
In contrast, risk assessment refers to drawing assumptions and conclusions from the risk analysis findings. Another crucial thing management must do is to oversee a group and its members in this process(Archibald et al., 2019).
Quantitative Methods and Data Collection
Quantitative methods analyze statistical and numerical data. The data collected through this method is measurable. Furthermore, researchers have classified quantitative research into different categories, such as descriptive, correlational, and experimental (Awali et al., 2018). These methods make data collection reliable and error-free (Quantitative Analysis of Pressure Ulcers, n.d.).
BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Quantitative Research Questions and Methods.
In quantitative approaches, numerical data collected by scientists to address their study concerns is analyzed using statistical tools. A parameter in quantitative research is anything that varies, such as an intervention strategy, medication, climate, etc. Dependent and independent variables are the two different types of variables. In its most basic form, the independent variable is the variable investigators employ to influence their response variable.
Correlational: When comparing two data sets, investigators look for relationships between variables.
Descriptive: Researchers try to characterize several variables when studying a certain phenomenon or activity. For instance, they could use a descriptive technique to comprehend how climate change affects a plant’s or an animal’s life cycle (McGrath et al., 2018).
Experimental: To comprehend the consequences of a variable, investigators plan an experiment that allows them to manipulate a variety of variables. This may include forming groups of participants. The variable will be presented to the intervention class to examine its impact. The control group provides information questions about when the variable is missing. For instance, in research on online education, the treatment group would get their training electronically, while the positive control might obtain conventional face-to-face tuition.
Quasi-experimental or Quasi-comparative Methods: Investigators will try to ascertain the potential impact of a variable (if any) using quasi-experimental or quasi-comparative methods. Several data points (causes) and dependence relationship variables (effects) may be included in these investigations, which makes it more difficult for scientists to determine if A can cause B or whether X, Y, and Z are also at play (Moser & Korstjens, 2018).
The correlation method of data collection is significant in checking the relationship between variables. This method can precisely help understand the extent of the relationship between different variables, including the healthcare facilities and the development of pressure sores, by justifying the hypothesis.
The selected methodologies are relevant to analyzing the issue as they can potentially gather important information from older adults about the problem of pressure sores after abdominal surgery and the role of hospital facilities in adequately addressing the issue.
Quantitative Data Collection Tools or Strategies
Different tools or strategies are used for collecting and analyzing quantitative data. Quantitative data helps understand the issue precisely by dividing variables into dependent and independent variables based on their identified nature. Quantitative data can be tallied or represented numerically.
It is often used to research occasions or degrees of concordance. Moreover, it is gathered using a well-structured questionnaire that includes questions that begin with “how much” or “how often? “The numerical nature of quantitative data makes it both decisive and objective. Additionally, quantitative data is extensively categorized for computational and numerical analysis, providing more opportunities to visualize it using graphs and charts.
BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Quantitative Research Questions and Methods.
Probability sampling is a precise sampling technique that uses some kind of randomly chosen method and enables scientists to derive a probability conclusion from information gathered randomly from the intended audience. Probability sampling allows scientists to get information from individuals in the population they are keen to explore, which is one of its finest features.
Person-to-person interviews are a common technique for gathering data. The interviews conducted to gather statistical evidence are more organized, with the researchers asking only the prescribed questions (Heath et al., 2018).
Surveys/questionnaires: For quantitative or experimental studies, surveys and questionnaires made using online survey programs are essential for gathering data online. The surveys are created in a way that validates the actions and confidence of the responders. Quantitative surveys often include questionnaires and rating scale items because they make measuring respondents’ attitudes and behaviors easier.
Observations: This technique of gathering quantitative data is relatively easy to use and uncomplicated, as the name implies. By employing approaches like counting the number of individuals present at a particular event at a specified time and a specific location or the number of participants in a defined spot, investigators may obtain quantitative data by evaluating patients in this manner (McGrath et al., 2018).
The use of close-ended questions will save time for participants, as direct answers are required to complete the survey. Furthermore, the close-ended questionnaires are helpful in the current study, as they will help determine the relationship between sore development among older adults after post-abdomen surgery and the contribution of healthcare facilities in addressing the issue.
Importance of Targeted Data Collection
Interviews are often employed to acquire data for the study. Quantitative questions are completely closed-ended, require specified responses from a set of possibilities, and provide data that is often examined quantitatively. These characteristics are identical to surveys. On the other hand, qualitative inquiries include open-ended inquiries that allow the responder the flexibility to communicate their ideas on their own terms. All things aside, there are several reasons why interviews are appropriate for gathering information for study investigations (Lobe et al., 2020).
Depending on the breadth of the material acquired and the experience of “essential informants,” the investigator will likely get insightful knowledge. Interview questions build on the communication abilities that researchers currently possess and call for essential equipment.
Interviews are a more adaptable approach to gathering data. During this time, the area of investigation may need to be adjusted. Thanks to direct interaction at the interview’s starting point, data may be verified for correctness and appropriateness as they are being gathered.
Comparing interviews to surveys, surveillance, and experimentation, the process has a more human aspect. Individuals enjoy the infrequent opportunity to speak in detail about their thoughts to individuals whose goal is to pay attention and take note of them without judgment (Heath et al., 2018).
Official rules often contain standardized questions, recognized answer alternatives, and data descriptions, which direct uniform data-gathering procedures. Operational data are now collected using a variety of federal and state data quality standards. The variable application and limited scope of these guidelines may need to improve the consistency of the data collected.
In certain circumstances, such as for members of the CALD and LGBTI groups and those with disabilities, complete evidence about a person’s history cannot be determined from a single data item. When this is tried, it often misrepresents individuals with more significant risks and access challenges. Additionally, it might lead to further misunderstandings of specific ideas that individuals outside of particular groups could only partially grasp (Clark & Vealé, 2018).
Using quantitative methods to address research problems not only improves current health concerns but also allows for the initiation of a way to develop a solution for them. Furthermore, it is essential to focus on the issue and the target population when adopting a particular methodology. Read more about our sample BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Research Plan for complete information about this class.
Archibald, M. M., Ambagtsheer, R. C., Casey, M. G., & Lawless, M. (2019). Using Zoom videoconferencing for qualitative data collection: perceptions and experiences of researchers and participants. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18(1), 1–8.
Awali, Z. M., Nagshabandi, E. A., & Elgmail, A. (2018). The Effect of Implementing Pressure Ulcer Prevention Educational Protocol on Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude and Practices. Nursing & Primary Care, 2(4), 1–7.
Clark, K. R., & Vealé, B. L. (2018). Strategies to enhance data collection and analysis in qualitative research. Radiologic Technology, 89(5), 482CT485CT.
Coleman, S., Nixon, J., Keen, J., Wilson, L., McGinnis, E., Dealey, C., Stubbs, N., Farrin, A., Dowding, D., Schols, J. M. G. A., Cuddigan, J., Berlowitz, D., Jude, E., Vowden, P., Schoonhoven, L., Bader, D. L., Gefen, A., Oomens, C. W. J., & Nelson, E. A. (2017). A new pressure ulcer conceptual framework. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(10), 2222–2234.
Ebi, W. E., Hirko, G. F., & Mijena, D. A. (2019). Nurses’ knowledge of pressure ulcer prevention in public hospitals in Wollega: a cross-sectional study design. BMC Nursing, 18(1).
Heath, J., Williamson, H., Williams, L., & Harcourt, D. (2018). “It’s just more personal”: Using multiple qualitative data collection methods to facilitate participation in research focusing on sensitive subjects. Applied Nursing Research, 43, 30–35.
Kaur, N., Vedel, I., El Sherif, R., & Pluye, P. (2019). Practical mixed methods strategies used to integrate qualitative and quantitative methods in community-based primary health care research. Family Practice, 36(5), 666–671.
Lavallée, J. F., Gray, T. A., Dumville, J., & Cullum, N. (2019). Preventing pressure ulcers in nursing homes using a care bundle: A feasibility study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 27(4).
Lobe, B., Morgan, D., & Hoffman, K. A. (2020). Qualitative data collection in an era of social distancing. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19. Sagepub.
McGrath, C., Palmgren, P. J., & Liljedahl, M. (2018). Twelve tips for conducting qualitative research interviews. Medical Teacher, 41(9), 1–5. Tandfonline.
Moser, A., & Korstjens, I. (2018). Series: Practical guidance to qualitative research. Part 3: Sampling, data collection and analysis. European Journal of General Practice, 24(1), 9–18. Tandfonline.
Quantitative Analysis of Pressure Ulcers. (n.d.). NursingAnswers.net.