- BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Research Plan
Research Plan
BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Research Plans are essential for every healthcare facility, as they help identify the research problem and purpose statement. Hence collective and efficient techniques can be used to solve the healthcare concern. Furthermore, solutions can be developed to ensure the safety of the patients.
Pressure sores are hospital-acquired conditions that commonly occur due to lack of movement. Similarly, older patients who stay in the hospital for an extended period are more susceptible to growing pressure sores. This paper will highlight a research plan to help improve strategies to reduce pressure sores’ development concerns in elderly patients.
Research Problem
Pressure sores cause unnecessary health safety liability for the patient and the healthcare facility by creating health complications. Studies have estimated that one to three million people yearly suffer from pressure sores-related health problems (Afzali Borojeny et al., 2020).
Similarly, it is estimated that approximately 60,000 patients face critical health problems due to medical complexities caused by pressure sores. Along with health concerns, pressure sores have created significant financial drawbacks for hospitals as these healthcare facilities have to spend more than 3.6 million dollars annually on treating pressure sores (Afzali Borojeny et al., 2020). Hence, there is a crucial need to address and solve the issue.
BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Research Plan
The research problem helps to understand the problem and its potential gaps, hence working as part of a strategy. The research problem will provide the research plan with direction for the importance of risk management through credible literature research. Thus, the research statement will analyze the researched cases for the best possible solutions for patients who develop pressure sores due to lack of movement.
Purpose Statement
The purpose statement helps to highlight the importance, purpose, and direction to identify possible solutions for the health concern. Additionally, this paper will provide an understanding of pressure sores due to lack of movement after surgery. Different data collection methods are utilized to gather data. These include exhaustive, comprehensive, and specific information data collection approaches.
Using these approaches, researchers can individually observe patients and their behavior regarding pressure sore concerns (Getie et al., 2020). The purpose statement collaboratively works with the research statement. The connection between these two statements helps bridge the knowledge gap about the identified health problem, such as pressure sores (Afzali Borojeny et al., 2020).
Furthermore, identifying an underlying medical problem will ensure better healthcare and prioritize the patient’s well-being. In this case, nurses and other professional healthcare staff will work together to resolve pressure sore health concerns.
Research Question
The research questions aim to answer the following question: How can pressure sores problems be reduced in elderly patients, especially after surgery, due to immovability? Currently, no care techniques are available for medical professionals to observe sore development.
Furthermore, there are no specific protocols to help treat and monitor the progression of pressure sores in elderly patients in the United States (Gertie et al., 2020). Hence, nurses’ inadequate hands-on training and knowledge raises pressure sores health concerns and makes it a persistent health problem (Dechasa et al., 2021).
Data Collection Methods
Researchers have different data collection methods to choose from. It is essential to select the most adequate and accurate methods to ensure patients’ safety and health. The most suitable method is to collect data using qualitative means.
Qualitative Data Collection Method
The first qualitative research phase is choosing a study topic and target population. After that, a research-based topic is developed. Hence, the researcher will begin with the identified subject. As the researcher studies and investigates by narrowing down the research information to look for answers using qualitative techniques., potential solutions will help effectively understand the issue.
A qualitative approach is employed by observing particular behaviors and working toward health care to uncover challenges and improve medical practices. Moreover, the Qualitative research question chosen for this assessment asks how immobility can lead to the development of pressure sores in elderly patients post-surgery (Getie et al., 2020).
BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Research Plan
The qualitative research method is crucial for collecting and analyzing data. It will form the basis for understanding the current situation regarding the health problem and acquiring appropriate information. However, surgery is sometimes complicated, and complications can arise due to its complexity.
Along with this, many times, post-surgery complications can lead to various aftereffects. Pressure sores can result from the aftereffect of surgery; hence, the patient can experience discomfort and pain (Getie et al., 2020). Therefore, proper care is needed pre and post-surgery to decrease the possibility of complications, including pressure sores.
Different strategies can be used to collect qualitative data. Researchers mostly use primary and secondary data collection techniques.
BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Research Plan
Primary Data collection gathers information specifically for a target study topic or issue. Researchers use surveys, demonstrations, field studies, and interviews to collect this data. Most commonly, interviews are conducted to obtain immediate qualitative raw data.
These interviews are a quick and easy way to understand the participants’ behaviors, reactions, attitudes, and thought processes. Furthermore, based on the type of theme and questions, they are further classified into organized, unorganized, and semi-structured subcategories.
In unorganized interviews, interviews are conducted according to the interviewer’s direction and thus have a conversational tone, whereas organized interviews are held according to a pre-defined script.
Similarly, surveys and questionnaires are also used. Often, these are in-depth interview questions. Lastly, observations and Focus groups help the researcher’s team observe their participants over a period of time for a particular action or behavior.
On the other hand, secondary data refers to data that has already been gathered previously. It contributes significantly to comparison studies as the data is readily available and accessible. This data type is available as credible and scholarly literature or official websites (Thambinathan & Kinsella, 2021).
BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 4 Research Plan
This research proposal will focus on the primary data collection technique by conducting patient interviews. Thus, qualitative research will help solve the complexity of pressure sores. However, it is essential to ask for consent from the patients. The volunteer participants might have different thoughts and ideas about such research.
Therefore, it is essential to explain the interview’s purpose, potential research highlights, and how it can help improve the health and safety of the targeted patients. Additionally, an effective and positive interview atmosphere should be created so patients feel encouraged and comfortable answering the questions. Interviewers’ friendly behavior will further help participants as they recall unpleasant memories of pressure sores (Dechasa et al., 2021).
Contextual Measurement Reliability and Validity
The collected data need to be reliable and valid. The researchers aim to get consistent data that agrees with credible literature. Similarly, combined collected data will be analyzed to draw similar problem patterns (Dechasa et al., 2021). Thus, researchers can use these patterns together with scholarly literature to evaluate the reliability and validity of the data.
In conclusion, pressure sores can lead to severe health complications in patients. Therefore, the problem statement and purpose statement will significantly help identify patterns to solve the problem of pressure sores among older patients.
Using targeted qualitative data collection strategies, healthcare researchers can target the leading cause of the health problem, thus ensuring patient health safety and preventing future cases. Read more about our sample BHA FPX 4010 Assessment 3 for complete information about this class.
Afzali Borojeny, L., Albatineh, A. N., Hasanpour Dehkordi, A., & Ghanei Gheshlagh, R. (2020). The Incidence of Pressure Ulcers And Its Associations In Different Wards Of The Hospital: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 11(171).
Dechasa, D. B., Worku, T., Baraki, N., Merga, B. T., & Asfaw, H. (2021). Burnout And Associated Factors Among Nurses Working In Public Hospitals Of Harari Region And Dire Dawa Administration, Eastern Ethiopia. A Cross-Sectional Study. PLOS ONE, 16(10), e0258224.
Getie, A., Baylie, A., Bante, A., Geda, B., & Mesfin, F. (2020). Pressure Ulcer Prevention Practices And Associated Factors Among Nurses In Public Hospitals Of Harari Regional State And Dire Dawa City Administration, Eastern Ethiopia. PLOS ONE, 15(12), e0243875.
Shiferaw, W. S., Akalu, T. Y., Mulugeta, H., & Aynalem, Y. A. (2020). The Global Burden Of Pressure Ulcers Among Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 21(1).
Thunberg, S., & Arnell, L. (2021). Pioneering The Use Of Technologies In Qualitative Research – A Research Review Of The Use Of Digital Interviews. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1–12.