NURS 602 Assignment 3.1 Healthcare Policy Project Reference List

NURS 602 Assignment 3.1 Healthcare Policy Project Reference List
  • NURS 602 Assignment 3.1 Healthcare Policy Project Reference List.


Please see the health coverage challenge: compare for assignment information.

Literature: look for the literature that is pertinent to your subject. Create an APA-formatted reference list encompassing at least five references for each planned section of your paper. No extensive references are required. Your last reference list might also range, relying on refining your previous paper. Make sure to apply severa sources and use articles no more significant than five years’ vintage (traditional times like Burwell v. Hobby Lobby are even though stated in modern articles).

NURS 602 Assignment 3.1 Healthcare Policy Project Reference List

Begin with a literature search for the assets diagnosed in the Healthcare coverage undertaking: assessment and available in the Maryville online library. Any article may be received via our Interlibrary loan tool (links to an outside internet web page) for free in 2 to a few business days. Then, enlarge your search for a perfect property that encompasses YouTube motion pictures.

More belongings you could consider encompass:

  • The Economist (links to an external ): Select a functional, helpful assistance center from a corporation or business enterprise.
  • Wall Street magazine: Visit the library homepage (hyperlinks to an outdoor). Select the Database listing. Pick “W.” Pick out Wall Street magazine.
  • The massive Apple Times: go to the library homepage (hyperlinks to an outdoor). Choose studies. Choose out large apple instances. Choose Create an Account. While you create an account, download the app from the app store and sign up to use your Maryville credentials.


One member of your group should submit the reference list. Do not submit copies of the articles.


  • Reference List

Thoroughness of Reference ListReferences thoroughly cover the topic.15 to >10.0 pts
 References mostly cover the topic.10 to >5.0 pts
 References partially cover the topic.5 to >0.0 pts
 References do not cover the topic.0 pts
Appropriateness of Reference ListReferences are all appropriate to the topic.15 to >10.0 pts
 References are mostly appropriate to the topic.10 to >5.0 pts
 References are partially appropriate to the topic.5 to >0.0 pts
 References are not appropriate to the topic.0 pts
Use of Proper APA FormatNo errors in format.10 to >7.0 pts
 A few minor errors in format.7 to >3.0 pts
 Many minor errors in format.3 to >0.0 pts
 Major errors in format.0 pts
Total Points 40
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