NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote collaboration and Evidence-based Care

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote collaboration and Evidence-based Care

  • NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-based Care


Hello everyone, I’m Emily. Today, we will talk about the function of virtual cooperation in hospitals and what might improve the standard of patient care provided. What exactly is online interaction, then? A newly coined phrase, “Remote Cooperation,” refers to delivering medical services to individuals through numerous channels and telemedicine technologies.

When patients use telemedicine, they call the helpline, and the conversation is sent to medical authorities (Zhai, 2020). Professional investigators collect indications and send them to doctors and medical professionals. Using text messages or patient networks, doctors issue electronic recommendations. In this way, nurses have an essential role to play. They monitor the patient’s condition and contact them by telephone, webcam, or texting. Nursing staff schedule face-to-face meetings with the appropriate physicians in an emergency. Because of its many advantages, telemedicine is now used more frequently.


The example of a two-year-old child called Caitlyn is presented throughout this evaluation. She is displaying pneumonia-related indications. She was born with meconium ileus. She was hospitalized twice in the preceding six months due to indications such as accidental weight reduction, weak respirations, and diminished respiration frequency. Her residence is distant from the medical facility, making it challenging for the family to get to the physician daily. Collaboration with medical professionals, nursing staff, doctors, pulmonologists, and other medical practitioners guarantees that Caitlyn is receiving high-quality treatment.

Evidence-Based Care Plan

Caitlyn has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis after a thorough evaluation of her concerns. She resides miles away from the medical facility as was previously indicated, which makes it challenging for her to see a specialist. She may thus benefit from professional home-based care thanks to the evidence-based strategy. The healthcare program for Caitlyn is as follows:

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote collaboration and Evidence-based Care

The initial stage in Caitlyn’s treatment regimen is counseling her parents. The household must correctly communicate with physicians while the child is getting evidence-based virtual treatment plans (WHO, n.d.). In light of the present situation, the physicians suggested that Janice, Caitlyn’s mom, keep a close eye on their daughter’s health and help her to perform lung workouts.

Janice is urged to inform the physicians regarding her children’s safety. The available alternative in this respect is to use Webcam to ensure that her parents maintain digital contact with the medical staff (Zhai, 2020). If Janice detects something strange in Caitlyn’s pulmonary vital signs, she must promptly notify the medical personnel. Routine visits would be held through Webcam, and Janice may keep in contact with care staff in the event of just about any crises.

Social therapists and medical professionals work at the McHenry hospital. Social services often provide free multivitamins, primary treatment, and financial support for therapy to individuals. Counselors can evacuate Caitlyn and her parents in the event of an unexpected incident and can perform CPR on Caitlyn if she has respiratory issues. The financial situation, family size, and health history are additional factors that might be considered while creating the program. These elements influence the effectiveness of the therapy while also assisting in identifying the primary cause of the condition.

Evidence Base Model for Care Plan

Nursing professionals employed an evidence-based methodology to create a treatment protocol that complied with research-based criteria. Medical professionals use such frameworks to respond to all study objectives. For this evaluation, the IOWA Model was employed. To satisfy the requirements of biomedical studies, medical practitioners employ this accurate model (Cullen et al., 2022).

In this methodology, defining the issue is the initial process to find a precise solution. Once the issue has been identified, it is critical to identify trustworthy sources of current information. The validity of the resource is crucial since it might have an impact on the entire model. The third stage after locating a trustworthy source is to put the prototype into practice, and following that, the issue that was discovered has to be fixed. Incorporation is the model’s ultimate stage (Cullen et al., 2022).

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote collaboration and Evidence-based Care

The IOWA model was employed in Caitlyn’s instance. One such approach is used since it is among the most successful EBP approaches. It enables nursing staff and medical professionals to provide scientific-proof therapy. Nurses and other health providers use this approach to gather information from dependable sources and utilize telemedicine strategies (Cullen et al., 2022).

Evaluating Positive Benefits to Patient Outcomes 

Evidence-based methods constantly call for the latest studies that educate healthcare providers and nurses about current therapies. As a consequence, the patient’s therapeutic options may enhance. This aids nursing staff in adopting efficient treatment procedures. Additionally, it enables excellent communication between medical practitioners and patients. Nursing staff may instruct individuals on handling various health-related circumstances (Lv & Qiao, 2020).

The Rationale for Decision-Making for Care Plan

Evidence on Caitlyn’s treatment regimen was gathered from several sources and websites to satisfy reliability criteria. The CINHAL, which is the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Medline databases were utilized as digital resources. We may examine scientific studies in PubMed, an approved resource, to properly appreciate indications, etiology, predominance, and potential treatments.

An inventory of healthcare and related medical publications is called CINHAL. Several publications are in favor of using telemedicine services and e-health. They demonstrated how telemedicine might assist distant individuals in getting medical care (Hirko et al., 2020). Telemedicine is defined as providing medical support using video/audio mobile applications in the article ” Direct-to-consumer telemedicine.” During the COVID-19 epidemic in 2019, telemedicine gained popularity. It worked well for virtual patients, and studies have demonstrated that people are still using it long after the epidemic (Elliott & Yopes, 2019).

The Medicaid insurance included telemedicine for general, psychiatric, and critical care areas, according to a different article titled ” Telemedicine 2020 and the next decade “. Urban regions benefitted greater, yet this innovation also supports remote areas (Dorsey & Topol, 2020).

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies, Benefits, and Challenges

Multidisciplinary cooperation enables distant individuals to receive healthcare advantages while at home. The multidisciplinary team’s participants use webcams to interact with one another and the client. Either healthcare providers or patients gain from it. After deliberation, participants determine the best course of therapy for the individuals (Cowie et al., 2020). Every step of the way, individuals and their families are updated regularly. She is also conscious of every stage of Janice’s kid’s therapy.

In addition to the advantages, there are certain difficulties as well. Breakdown of communication brought on by poor connection and inability to utilize communication equipment is a significant problem. Participants and the entire multidisciplinary collaboration should receive training on how to use virtual technological tools. The staff might be unable to obtain health information because they need more education. Nevertheless, EHR may be used to fix this (Electronic Healthcare Records). EHR uses various technologies, such as Electronic Monitoring Tools and Easy Patient Interaction, to maintain electronic health information documents (Badawy & Radovic, 2020).


Implementing a virtual care program is particularly advantageous since individuals get high-quality treatment delivered straight to their homes. By utilizing this evidence-based treatment strategy, every kind of illness may be addressed, no matter how extreme. Multidisciplinary cooperation has a crucial role to fill in this situation. Data transmission among the individual, their household, and the medical staff is necessary to guarantee that synchronized treatment is being provided. Read more about our sample NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 for complete information about this class.


Badawy, S. M., & Radovic, A. (2020). Digital approaches for remote pediatric healthcare delivery during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: Existing evidence and a call for further research (preprint). JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting.

Cowie, P., Townsend, L., & Salemink, K. (2020). Smart rural futures: Will rural areas be left behind in the 4th industrial revolution? Journal of Rural Studies, 79, 169–176.

Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Tucker, S., & Edmonds, S. (2022). Evidence-based practice in action: comprehensive strategies, tools, and tips from university of Iowa hospitals & clinics, second edition. In Google Books. Sigma Theta Tau.

Dorsey, E. R., & Topol, E. J. (2020). Telemedicine 2020 and the next decade. The Lancet, 395(10227), 859.

Elliott, T., & Yopes, M. C. (2019). Direct-to-consumer telemedicine. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 7(8), 2546–2552.

Hirko, K. A., Kerver, J. M., Ford, S., Szafranski, C., Beckett, J., Kitchen, C., & Wendling, A. L. (2020). Telehealth in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for rural health disparities. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(11).

Lv, Z., & Qiao, L. (2020). Analysis of healthcare big data. Future Generation Computer Systems, 109, 103–110. 

WHO. (n.d.). Digital implementation investment guide (DIIG): integrating digital interventions into health programmes.

Zhai, Y. (2020). A call for addressing barriers to telemedicine: health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1–3.

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