NURS FPX 6210 Assessment 3 Strategic Visioning with Stakeholders

NURS FPX 6210 Assessment 3

NURS FPX 6210 Assessment 3

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Hello. My name is XYZ, and today, I will describe the city hospital’s Strategic vision to its stakeholders.

Strategical Visioning with Stakeholders

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Stakeholder strategic visioning is a critical process for healthcare organizations as it assists in ensuring that the organization and the stakeholder wells are in unity. This process involves assembling a number of interests, such as patients, clinicians, managers, and other related parties, to define the organization’s course of action.

In this way, the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare organizations could be improved through the comprehensive and adequately cemented vision and development of an appropriate strategic plan that could meet the objectives and expectations created by organizations, employees, and other associated stakeholders.

Summary of the Strategical Plan

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City Hospital is a healthcare organization that is engaged in the delivery of medical services to the populace within a metropolitan community. It has been in operation and offers its services to society through genuine provision of patient services. The strategy to birth the desired quality and safety in City Hospital as a component of the strategic plan entails the following: Patient satisfaction, healthcare staff training, reduction of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), and cultural competence.

The plan that was developed was done using the PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) cycle to pilot the strategy and improve the process. This method assists in checking the efficiency of the plan at a broader level as it is first tested at a smaller level to determine its feasibility and effectiveness at a broader level.

The strategy involves performing a comprehensive evaluation of the internal and external organizational systems so as to identify the organizations’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. (Omer, 2019).

The utilized outcome measures in the plan implementation entail boosting the staff members who undergo training on the main aspects of patient care, enhancing patient safety, and enhancing patient contentment in terms of elevated confidence in the competencies of the staff members.

However, the plan may come across some challenges like inadequate resources to train the staff, the time and resources to attend the programs by the staff, and the staff may resist change or may not be willing to accept other responsibilities for training.

Interpretation of SWOT Analysis

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Based on the result drawn from the business SWOT analysis indicators, several conclusions compelled me to realize that there is a need to promote quality as well as safety in the city hospital.

Among the weaknesses identified was needing to be more staffed with qualified personnel due to the COVID-19 restrictions, which resulted in the reduced quality of treatment, increased prescription errors, and staff burnout due to work overload. Of course, to enhance the results of services and reduce staff burnout, healthcare personnel have to obtain the necessary training, as described by Andel et al., 2021.

Even the hospital’s hand hygiene compliance and the hospital environment were also some of the areas pointed out as weaknesses, which could be written to help reduce HAIs and improve patients’ safety.

Healthcare teams and patients may also be enhanced by increasing patients’ communication in an effort to support patient-centered care (Sartelli et al., 2023).

It strives to give the local people top-notch medical care. Its purpose is to deliver safe and quality therapy to all patients across cultural backgrounds in the shortest time and to be acknowledged as a healthcare innovator in the field.

Short Term Goals

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The following is a plan for short-term goals for City Hospital with objectives of improving patient safety and quality within the next six months. The primary goal is to train and develop personnel. During the crisis, particularly with the deadly COVID-19 disease, personnel need to be prepared for contingencies.

It was to reduce the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections and enhance the general measures of infection prevention and control (HAIs). Measures of this nature, which are backed by empirical research, such as hand washing/ hand sanitization and environmental decontamination, will achieve this.

Third, to adopt patient-centered care, communication between the healthcare team and the patient should be enhanced. Patients’ self-rated health will increase, and patient satisfaction with health outcomes will be generally improved.

The fourth target is the reduction of HAIs in the Health Advisory Board. Practical interventions based on research findings that will retain hand hygiene and environmental cleanliness will achieve this aim. Fifth, best practice measures of infection prevention and control should be applied to help improve the safety of patients.

Mother unit best practices and statistical analysis will be implemented to enhance the results achieved. The sixth and final objective of the emergency reaction is the overall goal. Fire response training and preparation will do this (Bashaw & Keister, 2018).

Seventh, the role of patient education should be enhanced to become a crucial aspect in the provision of care to patients. This will require patients’ education and the provision of appropriate tools and knowledge. The last eighth is aimed at enhancing the quality and safety of data collection and analysis processes.

This will require data collection on indicators such as patients’ results with a view to seeking areas of enhancement and trend evaluations. City Hospital’s short-term goals below will enable City Hospital to provide quality services, safety, and cultural competence in treatment (Millar et al., 2020).

Long-Term Goals and Timeline

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City Hospital has its long-term objectives, which are based on the safety and satisfaction of the services offered. In order to achieve these goals, evidence-based policies and procedures for improving the quality and safety in hospitals entirely will be put in place and operationalized periodically.

At City Hospital, greater attention will be paid to the enhancement of infection prevention and control to minimize the occurrence of HAIs. This may help patients avoid certain illnesses due to cleanliness and safety in the health facilities. Finally, for the employee retention and satisfaction measure, the hospital will focus on creating a good working environment and the prospects for employees’ growth and development.

City Hospital will employ its staff well, hence ensuring that they stick to the hospital and work diligently. This improves patient treatment.

City Hospital will enhance community partnerships to eradicate the sources of health afflictions and health disparity. Thus, for the hospital to accommodate these needs, the following are areas of concern in relation to the health of the people: food, water, and shelter. In this method, the care of the community is maintained, and the admission of the hospitals is managed well.

The following objectives will be achieved with the help of monitoring data collection and analysis: The quality and safety of the work in this hospital will undergo an assessment with the help of data. This will assist the hospital in the formulation of relevant decisions for the enhancement of patient safety and satisfaction, according to Michener (2020).

Strategic goals will be long term spanning about five years of realization. It should be noted that the planning for the second year will start in the first year, along with resource collection and financing. Initially, implementation will occur in years 3 and 4, and evaluations will be made in year 5.

New and efficient policies and procedures will be developed and implemented, and hospital employees will be trained. This period makes sure that the hospital achieves the corporate goals and objectives while fulfilling the patient’s needs.

Communication Strategy for Stakeholders and Members

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About the stakeholders and groups who are essential for the implementation and sustaining a strategic plan in City Hospital is the best way of coming up with a communication plan. Evaluating the elements of a communication plan should include identifying the specifications of the different stakeholders and departments and determining how to communicate with them.

Other interested parties may be patients, nurses, physicians, specialists in information technology, and pharmacists (Barbier, Squires, Chaudhry, & Li, 2020). To deal with this, the plan should highlight the number of interactions and the mode of communication. (Indeed, 2021).

These sources include proper messaging channels, video conferences, emails, seminars, regular meetings, etc., and they can help impart staff training and enhance patient care outcomes.

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In this case, if the plan that needs to be communicated to the workers of City Hospital is the strategic plan of the hospital, then here are the guiding principles to follow in the design of the communication process: Thus, regular, direct, and honest reporting of the specific measures of the plan’s advancement with the prospects and constituents of the facility may help to establish the truth and create buy-in.

Messages should also be targeted based on the interests, concerns, and perceived needs of the target groups in relation to the strategic plan to guarantee their continued support of the plan. Making the staff relevant to the plan and its implementation understand and be in a position to relay the plan as well as the benefits to other members of the organization can also go a long way in reducing inconsistencies that are usually witnessed in such organizations.

Furthermore, making periodic assessments of the impact of the communication strategy and incorporating the sentiments of the stakeholders and the constituencies in the method might be helpful when it comes to the incremental enhancement of the functionality of the communication strategy in the systematic course of the implementation (Barbier et al., 2020).

NURS FPX 6210 Assessment 3


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An organization usually has specialized personnel who would benefit from the strategic plan and its execution. The general aspects of trust, expectations, and engagement would require constant and effective meaningful communication between the project’s key stakeholders.

Communication of the project may vary depending on its stakeholders, and thus, the communication plan should consider these variables.  Effective communication should then be maintained on an ongoing basis as the implementation of the strategic plan commences to ensure that all the stakeholders remain supportive.

Essential Steps for Skills Adjustment

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Duties and responsibilities, goals and objectives, roles and tasks, and activities of City Hospital’s framework, processes, and shared values, as well as its management, employees, and competencies, therefore, need to be coordinated with the organization’s strategic objectives to attain the set quality and safety improvements. Analyzing the malfunctioning of the fabrication process using the McKinsey 7-S model will assist in enhancing the performance of the organization (Chmielewska et al., 2022).

This performance model has to be applied by a leader in order to connect the organizational performance and the objectives suggested. The following actions are necessary for achieving alignment: The following actions are required for attaining alignment:

Self-assessment Related to the current organizational structure of the hospital: Take precautions and find out what needs to be changed to achieve the strategic goals.

Systems and processes, procedures that define and facilitate the attainment of strategic plans, including clinical ones and quality improvement programs, templates, forms, and tools.  It helps in setting common values, which are oriented toward aspects such as quality and safety (Satyendra, 2020).

The sick cannot afford complexity, so we must cultivate an organizational culture that is open and encourages the healthcare teams to take responsibility for their actions and take a teamwork approach to address management issues. Evaluate the capability of staff members and create education schemes that coincide with the strategic objectives.

Specific Steps for Alignment with Short-Term Goals

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To achieve the short-term objectives, initiatives in relation to staff services in the hospital, infection control procedures, patient communication, and hand hygiene have been developed on the premises of City Hospital.

First of all, it is necessary to design a staff training program that involves classroom and practical training for personnel to enhance their abilities. The areas that are going to be stressed during the course will include infection prevention and control, communication, and patient-centered care.

Comparatively, City Hospital will educate personnel with qualified specialists and health practitioners. Evaluation of the staff performance will be conducted before and after the training in order to establish the impact of the program. This will help the particular hospital to look for areas for development and alter the training program. Reduce HAI rates by enhancing infection control and prevention methods.

Third, the hospital will implement an evidence-based policy in matters concerning infection prevention and control (Masters, 2019). Measures/standards will enhance Hand washing /sanitizing and Environmental Cleaning procedures. To eliminate HAIs, the hospital will educate patients as well as visitors on infection prevention. HAI rates will be measured in the hospital, and changes will be made to improve the outcome.

Another critical aspect of health and treatment that the hospital considers paramount is the patients’ ability to speak with their practitioners. There is a plan to enhance teamwork in the hospital in that all the healthcare team will be required to follow best practices in communication, and the hospital will organize for personnel to learn active listening and empathic communication.

The hospital will involve the patients in any decisions that are to be made regarding their care, and testimonials will be given to their wishes. Patients’ communication satisfaction will be ascertained, and organizational procedures will be adjusted to enhance this critical aspect. Last of all, the management of City Hospital will adopt evidence-based hand hygiene and environmental cleaning techniques to reduce HAIs.

Employees will take cleaning products from the hospital. The team will use compliance comments to promote responsibility. Song et al., 2022 Staples The following auditing and feedback will increase hand hygiene and environmental cleanliness of the hospital:

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The following parameters can be used to evaluate the implementation of the orientation program and its success: Following parameters can be used to assess the implementation of the orientation program and its success:

Performance metrics: Evaluation of the result indicators, including the effect of orientation and onboarding, uses the examination of patient results and staff turnover (Hook, 2023).

Staff feedback: Feedback from the staff members who have enrolled in the orientation and onboarding programs will help us understand their efficiency.

Time to competency: Measuring the time to proficiency of the staff members means that they will be aware of possible lapses in the orientation and onboarding programs that require a rethink.

Employee engagement: Measuring the level of engagement provides an understanding of whether or not the employees are satisfied and committed to the hospital’s strategies.

Thus, matching City Hospital’s performance indicators with its strategic objectives and assessing the effectiveness of such orientation programs will help the hospital determine the areas of quality and safety it would require to achieve.

These strategic objectives are as follows: The training of the maximum number of healthcare personnel, thus improving patient satisfaction by decreasing adverse occasions. Education and training of the employees will assist in changing some unconstructive behaviors for the benefit of the patients.

Application of Strategic Plan and Its Results

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Likely the implementation and results of the strategic plan of City Hospital will be assessed according to the performance standards that would affect the overall measure of the accomplishment of goals. This can be done by assigning measurable targets to all the laid down goals, for instance, the various indicators like patient satisfaction, low incidences of HAIs, and the number of staff that have been trained in important patient care areas.

It should also incorporate data collection and monitoring on a regular basis to understand where the hospital could be failing or where it could improve. Thus, daily, weekly, and monthly communication with the staff, patients, other members of the hospital community, and other interested parties allows us to get the necessary feedback and determine what approaches and actions of the hospital require improvement (Glassdoor Team, 2021).

Impact of Various Considerations on Strategic Plan

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Ethical, cultural, and regulating factors may play a role in the formation and application of the City hospital’s strategic plan. It has to address the cultural and ethical requirements of the population it serves as well as statutory ones.

Culturally, City Hospital has to take the aspects of diversity into account in formulating the plan to cater to the diversity of the people that the hospital is serving. This ranges from the essential facets such as the language, religion, and even ethnic background of the employees.

Notably, the hospital should guarantee that all actions respect ethical values and principles, such as patient self-determination, maximization of benefits, non-harm, and fairness (Six Dijkstra et al., 2020). City hospitals must obey federal, state, and Sandoval laws for several reasons. The strategic plan cannot violate any legal requirements, including patient safety and quality, data security and privacy, etc.

Consequently, since healthcare is a challenging field to navigate, there could be the possibility of conflicts arising due to a variety of reasons that may include sharp cultural differences, ethical questions, and even regulatory concerns when aligning the organization’s culture with the strategy as proposed in the course of developing the main strategic plan.

To manage such issues, there are legal requirements that must be met by healthcare institutions, such as cultural competence, tensions, and balance between ethical principles, as well as legal and regulatory requirements when addressing patients’ needs. Overlooking these critical elements renders the venture legally liable and financially punishable.

It may hamper the proper implementation of the proposed course of action and consequently have severe impacts on the well-being of patients. In such cases, City Hospital must ensure it finds a way of addressing the issue with respect to the rights of all the stakeholders while still ensuring it has complied with the legal, cultural, and ethical standards (Varkey, 2021).

Relevance of Cultural and Ethical Factors to Strategic Plan

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The tactical plan from City Hospital concentrates on improving the information provided to its patients and their involvement in the healing procedure, improving the expertise and skills of health services staff, improving the implemented approach to infection prevention and control, and improving communication among health care teams and patients. The purpose of the mentioned programs is to improve the patient security level and the quality of care.

Cultural issues are relevant to this strategy because many patients have different cultural backgrounds, and their hospitals’ cultures may differ as well.

Thus, the hospital must guarantee that all employees have undergone training that will allow them to treat the patients from a multicultural perspective, therefore increasing patient satisfaction and confidence in the hospital’s services (Russell et al., 2023).

Since this approach involves enhancing virtue, which is a core ethical principle, ethical issues have equal applicability.

Thus, patients will receive an advantage in one form or another since HAIs have been reduced in some methods. Patients need to receive adequate care during such incidences; thus, the responses of the hospital to crises and catastrophes will also be ethically checked (Zhang et al., 2021).

Even though the application of this approach supposes compliance with the rules governing patient safety and care quality, the regulatory factors are especially significant. Some of the regulations that the hospital has to adhere to include those related to emergencies, patients’ information confidentiality and security, and infection prevention and control.

As we have seen, the major areas that this strategy plan seeks to address mostly rely on the employee and personnel’s competency. An adequate workforce will help make the necessary diagnosis for patients and give them the proper treatment as early as possible.

Other targeted improvements include the quality of care since it will be delivered by a qualified workforce, which, together with strict adherence to infection prevention and control measures that incorporate evidence base to reduce HAIs, will be achieved by those who will be trained (Russell et al., 2023).

Potential Conflicts

Cultural, ethical, and regulatory factors can significantly impact the success of a strategic plan aimed at improving staff services, infection prevention and control, patient-centered care, and patient safety. Conflicts may arise when staff members hold different cultural beliefs and values or when they are required to adopt new ethical standards that conflict with their personal beliefs.

Additionally, regulatory requirements may impose limitations on adopting specific strategies, or the organization may face legal consequences if it fails to comply with regulatory requirements. To mitigate these conflicts, nurse leaders must understand the cultural, ethical, and regulatory factors relevant to their strategic plan and develop strategies to address them.

This may include providing cultural competency training to staff, developing ethical guidelines and policies that align with the organization’s values and beliefs, and ensuring that the organization remains in compliance with regulatory requirements while still achieving its strategic goals.

Nurse Leader’s Role in Successful Implementation of Strategic Plan

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In order to effectively put in place and support the strategic plan described in the paper, my primary responsibilities as a nurse leader are as follows. Therefore, the first plan I will make is to consult with other workers when developing the strategic plan to ensure its conformity to the mission and vision of the organization.

Secondly, I would make sure that all the staff and stakeholders understand the plan in order to receive everyone’s cooperation and support and achieve the set strategic goals as outlined in the plan. Third, continuing quality improvement whereby staff should be encouraged to design the quality improvements that are desirable and should be assisted by the necessary resources.

Moreover, I will recommend ways of improving the availability of nursing staff to prevent burnout even for my benefit because, as the writer Kelly et al. (2019) say, personal well-being should not be forgotten by a nurse leader and manager to deliver on the health care goals and objectives effectively.  A couple of the assumptions include that the staff members are willing to change and adopt new paradigms for care delivery processes.

Last, my leadership skills, knowledge, and expertise allow me to lead the staff and stakeholders through the implementation of the strategic plan, as well as maintain the proper implementation within the state.

Real World Example

For instance, a nurse leader can implement a project aimed at improving delivery processes, which in turn can reduce medication errors and adverse drug outcomes. Another such practice might be the application of an evidence-based approach for the prevention of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients.

A nurse leader might formulate a project to increase hand hygiene compliance and measure environmental cleanliness to decrease hospital-acquired hospital infections. These activities would include other healthcare professionals, members of staff, and patients, as well as the continual gathering of data to evaluate the effectiveness of programs concerning implementation and utilization.

In this way, the essential skills, knowledge, and experience of nurse leaders, as well as their performance in improving patients’ experiences and outcomes, can be demonstrated through such activities.

Leadership Attributes Required to Implement Strategic Plan

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The leadership of a nurse in this process is significant as leadership abilities determine the effectiveness of the strategic plan’s implementation and maintenance (Uzarski & Broome, 2019). The following leadership qualities and skills can help in this regard: It should also be noted that a nurse leader can drive the team to the accomplishment of goals through vision, setting proper and constant expectations, collaboration, and encouraging people to show empathy.

This is an excellent way to develop team members’ agreement on performance and translate it into achievable objectives and targets, manage change, prepare for contingencies, and ensure that team members’ needs and concerns are met. In addition, professional development that includes education, coaching, and social connections could enhance the leadership abilities of the nurse leaders and contribute to the organization’s achievement.


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The improvement of quality and safety was the concept on which the strategic plan of City Hospital was based. Stakeholder management involves communication strategy, health care organizations standards, and assessment of the hospital’s results relative to the current standards.

Besides, the cultural, ethical, and regulatory requirements have to be taken into account when implementing the plan. Such attributes and skills are fundamental for a nurse leader as he or she formulates the plan, and personal development should be recognized.

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