- NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 3 SAFER Guides and Evaluating Technology Usage.
SAFER Guides and Evaluating Technology Usage of Virtual Nursing
As clinical benefits technology continues to push, implementing virtual nursing inside long-term settings has emerged as a promising framework to manage quiet consideration and address challenges. MaineHealth Clinical Center (MMC) is considering the implementation of virtual nursing, a technology-setup solution to work concerning understanding considerations in their long-term units.
Through virtual nursing, clinical directors can utilize their clinical strength to convey care, education, and monitoring to patients from a unified location, engaging them to work with and convey help fundamentally more proficiently while working on the utilization of nursing resources (Schuelke et al., 2019). This approach connects with clinical guards to monitor patients, give continuous consultations, and direct care from a concentrated location, using the dominance of the entire consideration group (Cloyd & Thompson, 2020).
To ensure a helpful implementation, the organization will incorporate the Achievement Confirmation Components for EHR Flexibility (SAFER) Guides, as discussed in the NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 3 SAFER Guides and Evaluating Technology Usage, made by the Office of the National Facilitator for Flourishing Information Technology, to assess the status and potential risks related to this technology (Sittig et al., 2022). This innovative technique can give proficient and commonsense consideration while enrapturing the integration of various educational materials, electronic records, accounts, and radiographic pictures for the patient’s bedside visualization (Schuelke et al., 2019).
SAFER Guides Findings: Areas of Strength
The SAFER Guides examination uncovered a few areas where MMC’s long-term units are performing ideal in preparation for the implementation of virtual nursing. The SAFER Guides demonstrate that the long-term units have well-established work unending cycles set in a position to consistently work with virtual nursing in the ongoing consideration conveyance model. The examination suggests
Virtual Nursing Implementation Evaluation
The nursing staff inside the ongoing units have fundamental limits and confidence in utilizing information technology to help the adoption of virtual nursing; the SAFER Guides findings demonstrate that the long-term units have strong frameworks positioned to attract patients and their families to the virtual nursing care process, ensuring convincing communication and collaboration (Sittig et al., 2022).
The long-term units have strong interoperability between the virtual nursing stage and the ongoing electronic prospering record system, enabling consistent information exchange and patient information among the pioneers. The SAFER Guides reveal that the long-term units have overviewed and addressed all huge authentic and legal necessities to ensure the safeguarded and beguiling implementation of virtual nursing.
The examination shows that the Maine Clinical Center power group is devoted to the helpful adoption of virtual nursing, giving the fundamental resources, getting ready, and changing the pioneer’s support. The SAFER Guides findings show that the long-term units have developed strong clinical administration and oversight frameworks to ensure the quality and security of virtual nursing care conveyance (Sittig et al., 2022).
Technology Infrastructure and Integration
The examination suggests that the long-term units have a solid and secure technology structure that is in a position to help with the sending and operation of virtual nursing. The SAFER Guides uncover that the ongoing units have completed wide information security and thriving attempts to shield patient information and stay aware of the faithful nature of the virtual nursing structure.
Additionally, the clinical content inside the virtual nursing stage has been thoroughly investigated and changed to the organization’s work processes, ensuring a consistent integration with existing clinical practices (Sittig et al., 2020). The examination shows that the long-term units have a strong culture of continuous improvement, with processes to frame and refine the virtual nursing program regularly, considering investigation and execution estimations.
SAFER Guides Findings: Areas of Risk
The SAFER Guides examination correspondingly uncovered a few potential risks related to the implementation of virtual nursing inside the MMC long-term units. The SAFER Guide findings suggest that while the nursing staff are overall responsive to the adoption of virtual nursing, there may be some opposition or hesitation among expressed clinicians. The examination demonstrates that there may be a few actions in ensuring evenhanded permission to virtual nursing administrations, particularly for patients with confined mechanical education or resources.
The SAFER Guides reveal difficulties in flawlessly organizing virtual nursing into the ongoing consideration conveyance work processes, which could impel disruptions or disillusionments. The examination recommends that there may be challenges in excess awareness of convincing communication and collaboration between the virtual nursing pack and the space care providers, perhaps impelling openings in care coordination. The SAFER Guide findings highlight the need to thoroughly address medicolegal considerations, similar to arranging, responsibility, and documentation necessities, to ease potential risks related to virtual nursing (Sittig et al., 2022).
Addressing Challenges and Improvements
The examination shows that the ongoing units ought to be prepared to address anticipated creative dissatisfactions, for instance, structure power outages or information breaks, to ensure the continuous and secure conveyance of virtual nursing care. The SAFER Guides uncover the meaning of a total change in the manager’s framework to address the social and operational upgrades expected for the helpful implementation of virtual nursing.
The investigation proposes the fundamentals for liberal quality confirmation instruments and execution monitoring to ensure the consistent conveyance of first-rate virtual nursing care. The SAFER Guide findings include the conceivable impact of virtual nursing on staffing models, capacity mix, and workforce satisfaction, which ought to be demandingly considered and kept an eye out for (Sittig et al., 2022).
The examination uncovers the need to address moral concerns, like patient security, informed consent, and worth in permission to virtual nursing, to ensure the ethical conveyance of care (Sengstack, 2022). Using the SAFER Guides to see risks and areas of strength has been a colossal experience, as it has allowed me to take on a more extensive and proficient procedure for evaluating the status and potential troubles related to implementing virtual nursing inside the MMC long-term units.
Reflection on the SAFER Guide Experience
Utilizing the SAFER Guides in evaluating the virtual nursing technology at MMC was a vast improvement that gave an arranged and transparent procedure for regulating and examining the logical risks and areas of progress. The SAFER Guides structure has guided me to consider various perspectives, including organizational, imaginative, clinical, and patient-centred factors, that are powerful for the helpful adoption of virtual nursing (Sengstack, 2022).
By thoroughly researching the SAFER Guides, I have obtained a more profound understanding of the usual risks and mitigation strategies that should be addressed to ensure the successful and convincing implementation of virtual nursing.
NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 3 SAFER Guides and Evaluating Technology Usage
The most common method for managing using the SAFER Guides has, in this manner, highlighted the meaning of including a substitute level of partners, including clinicians, information technology professionals, supervisors, and patients, in the evaluation and decision-production process. By consolidating the information obtained from the SAFER Guides, MMC can foster a strong implementation plan that watches out for the apparent risks and utilizes the ongoing areas of strength to drive overhauls in calm consideration and results through the adoption of virtual nursing (Sengstack, 2022).
The evaluation using the SAFER Guides has been instrumental in seeing the key. Areas of strength and potential risks related to virtual nursing implementation inside MMC ongoing units. The findings suggest that the organization has a strong foundation that can give a strong base for the valuable sending of virtual nursing. In the interim, the examination has uncovered a few potential risks that should be addressed.
Implementing Virtual Nursing Strategies
By consolidating the experiences procured from the SAFER Guides, MMC can foster a far-reaching implementation plan that watches out for these risks and utilizes the organization’s ongoing strengths to drive updates in understanding consideration and results by adopting virtual nursing.
The most common method for managing using the SAFER Guides has, in this manner, highlighted the meaning of remembering a substitute level of embellishments and taking for a deliberate, complex technique for regulating and evaluating the preparation and potential challenges related to the implementation of creative clinical benefits innovations (Sittig et al., 2020). Explore our assessment NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 2 Using Data to Make Evidence-Based Technology Recommendations for more information.
Cloyd, B., & Thompson, J. (2020). Virtual care nursing:: The wave of the future. Nurse Leader, 18(2), 147-150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mnl.2019.12.006
Schuelke, S., Aurit, S., Connot, N., & Denney, S. (2019). Virtual nursing: The new reality in quality care. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 43(4), 322-328. https://doi.org/10.1097/naq.0000000000000376
Sengstack, P. (2022). Implementing the Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 40(11), 740-742. https://doi.org/10.1097/CIN.0000000000000988
Sittig, D. F., Sengstack, P., & Singh, H. (2022). Guidelines for US hospitals and clinicians on assessment of electronic health record safety using SAFER Guides. JAMA, 327(8), 719- 720. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2022.0085
Sittig, F. D., Ash, J., Wright, A., Chase, D., Gebhardt, E., Russo, E., Tercek, C., Mohan, V., & Singh, H. (2020). How can we partner with electronic health record vendors on the complex journey to safer health care? Journal of Healthcare Risk Management, 40(2), 34-43. https://doi.org/10.1002/jhrm.21434