- NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 2 Project Summary Report.
Project Summary Report
A sleep disorder has one or more characteristics: Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) represents a large group of sleep disorders. Patients with SDB experience apnoea many times during the night due to obstruction of their airway or reduced ASD. These things cause sleep fragmentation and occasional hypoxia, which can, in turn, lead to a multitude of health changes – heart condition, metabolic disorder, memory loss, and general subpar quality of life if they are not amended (Benjafield et al., 2019).
It has been identified that a large population has SLEEP-DISORDERED BREATHING (SDB), and out of them, a small amount has been diagnosed correctly, and even a lesser amount has been receiving the correct treatment. This is because clinicians and primary care doctors are unaware of the proper procedure for screening or managing SDB (Benjafield et al., 2019; Isetta et al., 2020).
SDB is being diagnosed at a higher frequency in ambulatory care, and as a result, doctors are usually the first officials to meet the patient and care for the illness. These types of education for the providers are not perceived, and these are seen as one of the major barriers that have hindered the correct identification of SDB and, as a consequence, timely treatment of the affected people.
Background and Organization Gap Analysis
It would help if you understood that Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) is a global problem affecting millions. SDB is a disease that occurs in a patient with abrupt or complete cessation of airflow during sleep.
Such events prevent people from sleeping and cause IH, which has numerous adverse outcomes for health, including hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, memory loss, and decreased life quality (Benjafield et al., 2019). Therefore, SDB is a very underestimated health issue, which has an adverse impact on health, and when the diagnosis or treatment is not well handled, the situation is made worse.
Challenges in Diagnosing and Screening SDB in Primary Care
More often than not, SDB is not accurately diagnosed at all because the professionals in the field of healthcare need to learn more about it and how to identify it and treat it appropriately. Before referring patients to ENT specialists, it is crucial to understand that PCPs and other physicians look for indications of SDB symptoms such as snoring, daytime drowsiness, and apnea events in patients.
However, studies reveal that owing to the lack of knowledge about useful screening tools and standards, most PCPs might not regularly check SDB since many of these professionals are not trained (Kapur et al., 2021). This gap stems from the following issues: PCPs’ outdated knowledge in this area, PCPs’ general knowledge about SDB, and PCPs’ current manner of screening and diagnosing SDB patients; such factors hinder the enhancement of the detection and, subsequently, treatment of SDB in outpatient clinics.
Significance of the Practice Problem
Thus, SDB is considered one of the most pressing public health issues as it is common and can lead to unfavorable outcomes for the general health of affected individuals. From the results of the GAD 7 questionnaires, it was ascertained that SDB impacts over 1 billion people globally. As pointed out by Benjafield et al., in 2019, many of them are still undiagnosed, meaning they are not receiving the appropriate treatment.
It can be defined as episodes of narrowed airways during the sleep period capable of breaking the rest and leading to fully reversible hypoxia. These problems can cause or worsen a lot of other rather severe health concerns, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, strokes, and issues affecting the brain.
Further, HOP and untreated SDB negatively impact QoL and increase the likelihood of a fall or an accident during the day, including driving drowsiness (Peppard et al., 2021). Addressing these challenges is crucial, and the insights from the NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 2 Project Summary Report can help guide future healthcare strategies for managing SDB effectively.
Impact on Healthcare Systems
SDB, on the other hand, needs to receive the identification/handling that it should, leaving many demands on health services. The population of individuals who do not seek treatment for SDB can usually have other diseases that are associated with the former. This can mean only one thing: they access health services more often and then spend additional money.
Kapur et al. (2021) proposed that these patients have higher activity in both outpatient and inpatient healthcare services and interventions, including the number of stays in the hospital, visits to clinics, and any number of interventions compared to those who do not have SDB. Furthermore, there needs to be better availability of ASCSP programs and insufficient adequate screening and management strategies in the primary care setting, making diagnosing and treating diseases in the early stages difficult. This worsens the health status, prolongs diseases, and raises the total costs of health care.
Summary of the Evidence
More work must be done in provider-based education programs to compensate for gaps in understanding and practice regarding SDB screening and treatment. The main goal of these classes is to teach healthcare professionals more about SDB, its factors, and screening tools. The way education programs are seen as helping doctors check for and treat SDB improves patient results and lowers the cost of caring for SDB that isn’t addressed (Lee et al., 2021).
Many works in the literature have advanced the notion of convenience in increasing clinicians’ understanding and utilization of SDB. For example, tutorials like face-to-face sessions, web-based sessions, or accessed guidelines have advocated for comprehensiveness and proficiency in screening for and managing SDB among providers (Shan et al., 2021).
Quality Improvement Framework
The quality improvement framework for improving the Management of Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) among healthcare providers aims to address acquaintance paucity, behavioral predispositions, and organizational practices. Its strength lies in creating an organized and directed approach to enhancing healthcare providers’ competencies and implementing optimal practices concerning SDB in primary clinical responsibilities. It builds on other quality improvement strategies applicable to the context of primary care services honed to meet those receptors’ needs.
Model for Improvement
The aim is to improve HCPs’ MOA knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding SDB screening and management. Others include promoting screening for SDB among the population, particularly in primary care practices, enhanced diagnostic algorithms and accuracies of SDB diagnosis, and better overall management and referral for patients with SDB. Milestones will be used to track performance improvement intervention outcomes using KPIs. These KPIs consist of a % increase in the identified patients with SDB, enhanced efficacy and expeditiousness of SDB diagnosis, patient benefits such as decreased symptoms and increased quality of life, as well as the PPS and PPI questionnaires depicting the knowledge and satisfaction of the healthcare providers on their capability in managing the SDB patients.
Proposed Modifications for Improving SDB Screening and Education
Looking at the evidence and the nature of practice that have been made in similar settings, the following modifications will be made. Some of these include workshops, online courses, and other education resources for healthcare providers, continuing medical education (CME) for SDB and sleep disorders guidelines, developing and distributing standardized protocols for SDB screening, implementing SDB screening tools into EHR systems to make screening easier, and having follow-up sessions that are often structured for feedback and troubleshooting any issues concerning the screening process.
Sustainability and Scalability
Another key learning area for quality improvement is always to consider how sustainable a program might be and, more specifically, how sustainable any change will likely be on a larger scale. The above policies will be pursued with regular continuing education activities to enhance the healthcare provider’s knowledge of current SDB screening and management protocols. The policy promoting SDB screenings will be modified, and the specific tools will be accredited as the standard of care. Universality in healthcare policies and services provision will also be achieved through stakeholders’ engagement in healthcare providers, administrators, and end-users or patients.
Project Description
This project seeks to eradicate a huge healthcare issue of underdiagnosis and undertreatment of Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) by meeting a key provider-based education intervention. This is in line with certain global objectives, the primary being improving the knowledge, attitude, and practices of PCPs on SDB screening and management (Benjafield et al., 2019; Kapur et al., 2021).
To this end, the project seeks to enhance adequate training of PCPs through ongoing educative training sessions on epidemiology and risk factors of SDB, screening tools, diagnostic criteria, and management of SDB patients, and overall discovery that can optimize patient care and reduce the burden experienced in the healthcare system (Lee et al., 2021; Peppard et al., 2021). Implementation will include creating educational materials based on the identified patient population, including the screener in the EHRs, and determining policies for referral to sleep medicine physicians (Shan et al., 2021).
The intervention outcomes will be realized utilizing a pre-intervention and post-intervention survey, and a comparison of the findings will be made on parameters such as increments in screening, accurate diagnosis, and confidence enhancement in providers. Using the Model for improvement and the PDSA cycle, this study is both intended to augment the level of the first mode of care for patients with SDB as well as to build the infrastructure for sustainable systems for the identification and management of SDB in primary care, which will provide long-term benefits for the health of the population. This approach aligns closely with the objectives outlined in the NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 2 Project Summary Report, ensuring comprehensive and systematic progress in managing SDB.
Project Evaluation Results
During the project evaluation, the relevance and efficiency of a provider-based education program that can help to enhance the diagnosis and management of Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) by primary care providers (PCPs) were to be examined. A mixed-methods design was used to achieve the study’s objectives, and quantitative data was complemented by qualitative feedback from the involved PCPs. More knowledge about SDB was seen among PCPs after the intervention.
Yet, pre-intervention data indicated that those PCPs had several degrees of uncertainty regarding SDB screening and management, including diagnostic criteria and available treatment options (Benjafield et al., 2019; Kapur et al., 2021). Thus, the questionnaire results clearly supplemented by online surveys after the intervention demonstrated an increase in the knowledge of PCPs by 18% and an increase in confidence levels to diagnose SDB symptoms, perform screenings, and make referrals.
An assessment revealed a significant improvement in SDB hospital screening to the new general screening guidelines. There was also an increased rate of confirmatory testing and compliance with the diagnostic criteria among PCPs for SDB, contributing to the accuracy of diagnoses. There was an improvement in the accuracy of diagnosis with high sensitivity toward confirmatory testing among the PCPs (Lee et al., 2021; Peppard et al., 2021).
Research data on patients’ outcomes showed that time-sensitive diagnosis of SDB allowed for the necessary actions to be taken immediately with the ultimate goal of patient well-being and improving quality of life among patients diagnosed with the condition. Further, the findings showed that timely SDB management was associated with decreased healthcare service demand and hospitalization, yielding savings in the health setting. These results align with the objectives highlighted in the NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 2 Project Summary Report, demonstrating how early intervention and improved screening can significantly enhance patient outcomes and optimize healthcare resource utilization.
Discussion and Implication for Nursing and Health Care
The provider-based education program evaluated in this project has some bearing on nursing practice in the various centers, especially the primary care settings. But tellingly, nurses are significantly involved in the teaching and monitoring of patients with SDB or other chronic diseases (Kapur et al., 2021; Peppard et al., 2021).
Thus, using the knowledge and skills acquired within the framework of the education program, nurses can play an important role in helping the primary care provider (PCP) to improve the identification of patients with SDB, as well as engage patients in condition awareness and, if necessary, in the organization of follow-up care with a sleep specialist. This means of working together also guarantees the delivery of holistic care and positively impacts the patients’ care results because difficulties are identified and tackled in the initial stages.
Impact on Patient Care
These results show that we need to keep working on routine screening and make doctors more aware of CVD in their patients. Improving the accuracy of SDB diagnoses and the timing of interventions leads to better symptom relief, less healthcare use, and a higher quality of life-related to health (Lee et al., 2021; Peppard et al., 2021).
In this way, nurses can help these results happen because they are informed and keep their skills up to date. They can do this by teaching patients and their families how to follow treatment plans and constantly checking on the progress of the disease or sickness. This proactive method not only makes the patient’s situation better, but it also makes sure that care is coordinated well across all of the healthcare organizations.
Healthcare System Benefits
The results of good practices like proper SDB screening and treatment are very positive in terms of the healthcare system as a whole. Due to neglected SDB, the patient spent less time in the hospital and emergency room, which lowered the use of services and costs (Benjafield et al., 2019; Shan et al., 2021).
Following the theoretical framework, evidence-based nursing practice means that nurses, as the first line of care, should support population-level screening guidelines and work together more closely with other members of the CIN to help put evidence-based practices into place in line with the PCPCC agenda.
Summary and Conclusion
As for the findings, it was ascertained that the effectiveness of the provider-based education program was evident in the enhanced screening and management of Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB). Operating from this approach, I demonstrated how the teaching system can be improved through provider-based models and facets of education within PCPs to strengthen healthcare delivery.
Through the program, training interventions and efforts, and ultimately the development and applicability of the program screening algorithm – the information cocoons of PCPs improved – specifically in terms of SDB. If we considered acceptability testing for finding SDB and its treatment, we identified a significant increase in acceptability before and after the intervention regarding the rules of quick assessment and following them. These results augment the care of patients and the lifestyles of those with SDB since efficient high-tech CCM solutions would effectively manage their symptoms.
This also explains why the new program that will bring PCP with Nurses and Experts is a good addition to the combined method and patient-based care delivery. However, to continue to have these results in different areas of healthcare and electricity to benefit other patient groups and the general utilization of healthcare outlooks and therapies, information regarding them, allowance of them, and expansion of these technologies will have to be emphasized in the future. Explore the sample NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 Doctoral Project Presentation for complete information about this class.
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