FG001 Assessment Academic and Professional Network

FG001 Assessment Academic and Professional Network
  • FG001 Assessment Academic and Professional Network.


Name: Dr. Joann Malloy

Title: Nursing Administrator in NYC

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practising nurse:


Dr. Joann Malloy – I chose her because of her proven nursing administration involvement and overall experience. Her position as a nursing administrator in New York City allows her to gain firsthand knowledge in healthcare management, policy building, and leadership. Dr. Malloy’s academic work concerning issues in Nursing Administration will benefit me by comprehensively understanding the complicated issues in managing nursing teams and facilities.

Her mentorship will help ensure that I know the curriculum associated with the various concepts and theories related to healthcare systems and those about leadership and policy in nursing. Moreover, Dr Malloy’s perspective on changes and new challenges in the healthcare industry will assist me in being a competent leader and administrator at the practising nursing level and gaining new knowledge and skills for managing a nurse. Explore FG001 Assessment Networking for Academic and Professional Goals for more information.


Name: Karen Grivala

Title: MSN Nurse Manager Case Management

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practising nurse:


Karen Grivala was chosen because of her qualifications in nurse case management. She has an MSN and is a Nurse Manager in Case Management, which helps ensure she can bridge the gap with clinical and patient care coordination skill sets. It assures me that her insights into case management will be invaluable in educating me about the importance of case management in improving patient outcomes and resource utilization and increasing patient satisfaction.

FG001 Assessment Academic and Professional Network

Karen’s knowledge and theoretical knowledge that she will offer in the MSN program will help me use practical information in the learning program courses related to coordinated care for patients, care coordination, patient advocacy, and healthcare systems. As a practising nurse, her mentorship will help me learn skills crucial for case management, including critical thinking, analysis, problem-solving and professional communication, which are essential for improving patient outcomes.


Name: Jennifer Summers

Title: MSN Nursing Informatics, Preceptor

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practising nurse:


Jennifer Summers was selected because of her focus on nursing informatics and being a preceptor. It will also be vital for her as she has special expertise in the unique interaction between technology and nursing practice. Jennifer’s expertise in EHR, data management, and health information systems will equip me with knowledge and skills surrounding the use of technology in the care of patients.

FG001 Assessment Academic and Professional Network

As a preceptor, she will provide practical help and practice in real-world settings, enabling me to apply the informatics principles in practice as a nurse. I am sure that she will be of great help to me in grasping the informatics elements of the MSN curriculum to the extent that I will be able to use technology to the best of my ability in assisting nursing care professionals as well as in ensuring accuracy in data entry and its application in clinical decision-making. Jennifer will also guide me in learning and understanding new technologies and better ways of implementing nursing informatics to help me become the right fit for the future.


Name: Michelle Jensen

Title: Walden School Advisor

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practising nurse:


Michelle Jensen, the school advisor role, was chosen for Walden University. Her academic advice and knowledge of student support will support me at MSN. I will also have the guidance and resources necessary to complete each phase and step of the program because of Michelle’s familiarity with its demands and offerings. Her ability to check on me one-on-one and help me with any academic problems will help ensure my continuation in school and the achievement of my other education goals.

Michelle will provide educational support and help me learn the necessary study skills, time management, and balance between studying and work. She will provide ongoing support and motivation as I continue my program in the MSN degree and successfully transition into an advanced nurse role.

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