MBA FPX 5010 Assessment 3 Environmental Analysis

MBA FPX 5010 Assessment 3 Environmental Analysis

  • MBA FPX 5010 Assessment 3 Environmental Analysis

Developing and Communicating the Strategic Action Plan

The developed SAM will enable us to identify key issues of concern and key opportunities within the healthcare organisation that will have the most significant impact on the overall organizational performance and specifically the patients’ outcomes.

Today the organization encounters certain problems which are connected with the operational activities and changes in legislation. This plan will take six months where major focus will be put on areas such as staff development, process mapping and automation.

About the above-stated strategic action plan, the following benefits are expected: Better service delivery to the patients, higher levels of patient satisfaction, and enhanced compliance with the set legal requirements. The primary audiences concernant in this plan include the members of the executive management team, the delivery of healthcare services, members of the administrative staff, and external shareholders, as this would enhance a full-spectrum approach to achieving organizational objectives (Smith, 2020).

Identifying the Environmental Issues

After the environmental analysis of the organization it is evident that the following issues require attention in order to support growth and enhance patient satisfaction. There are several problems among them it is possible to distinguish the following one: some of the buckets may have low operational productivity, which creates additional difficulties for patient admissions and decreases the quality of the offered services.

These inefficiencies were understandable from a clinical perspective after searching the organization’s internal documentation and patients’ satisfaction questionnaires, which presented delays and perceived inadequate service speed (Johnson & Smith, 2020).

MBA FPX 5010 Assessment 3 Environmental Analysis

Further, the scan showed issues of compliance that have been pointed out in the recent audits of the organisation have noted compliance to new health care regulations. Substantiation for this evidence can be based on the audit papers and compliance check that was done in the year and they include specific instances of non-compliance and the risky-links associated with the acts.

Furthermore, based on the information found in the environmental scan, new and specialised medical and nursing personnel’s vacancies and high turnover supported with the HR data. Solving these problems plays a very important role in the improvement of the organization’s work, its compliance with regulatory requirements, and the quality of services provided.

Analysis of Issues Identified

These deficiencies observed during the SWOT analysis such as staff burnout and recruitment challenges which affect specialized staff are adverse factors that contribute to the lack of growth and development to Nor’easter medical center.

Staff burn out which was an internal weakness as analyzed through SWOT analysis affects the productivity of the staff, increases the cases of medical errors and high turnover rate among the staff (Ki et al. , 2020). When employees reach their work-related burnout state, they deliver sub-standard services to patients and this has an effect on patients’ satisfaction levels and their overall well-being.

These are bad for Nor’easter Medical Center’s capacity to grow and extend the degree of the services, as it will now require to utilize some of its capital in handling the impacts of a burnt-out team.

The threat noted in this analysis as skill deficiencies due to the company’s inability to attract and retain qualified workforce directly affects organizational growth. Health care professionals are not readily available in sufficient numbers; consequently, Nor’easter Medical Center might not address the growing number of services by hiring enough qualified personnel.

It will lead to the increased wait time and probably the poor quality of service the patient will be offered (Wilson, 2021). Solving these issues concerning the selected organization is vital to maintain its further development and constant delivery of high-quality care to clients.

MBA FPX 5010 Assessment 3

Human Resource and Financial Perspectives

From the human resource perspective, the most important factors include staff and recruitment to acquire an optimum number of qualified people, training continually, measures to retain the employees, and defining the right performance indicators (Stone et al., 2020).

The financial aspects of the action plan should involve budgeting & forecasting, cost control and identification, new sources of income, and financial reporting & analysis to continually track & improve the organization’s financial performance (Baker et al., 2020). The adoption of organizational culture and improvement of leadership within these frameworks becomes crucial for the proper execution of action plans, and the achievement of the overall strategic goals of the organization.

Communication Strategy

Awareness should be another broad goal within the communication strategy as the current issue states that a communication strategy should have clear objectives always pointing at what it aims to achieve. These are employees, patients, surrounding people, and the government to ensure that their approval in any undertaking is received.

Establishing specific and relevant messages for each target group also guarantees that key messages on the environmental problems and the gains of the action plan are understood. Through a combination of formal and informal means of communication including; e-mails, newsletters, meetings, Social media platforms and other public mediums the targeted groups can be reached.

The incorporation of feedback systems such as questionnaires and discussions facilitates the identification of stakeholder’s opinions and expectations. Such training and publishing of materials would help all the stakeholders to appreciate the environmental problems and the steps taken towards their solution. Surveys and feedback reveal the performance of the strategy and inform of the changes required in the process usually by the end of the year (Thomas & Weaver, 2019).

This approach provides a balanced and sound procedural framework in the communication strategy, which from the onset is critical in the handling and possible prevention of related problems to do with the particular environmental factor in implementing the action plan and proposed change.


To summarise, it is possible to mention that the creation and dissemination of an action plan is based on several highly significant stages. Firstly, the human resource management in the organization should be integrated so as to encourage the staff to be staffed properly, trained, engaged and to be put through proper performance management systems.

The alignment strengthens the workforce’s capacity on implementing the action plan effectively. Secondly, from the financial point of view, the action plan must include accurate budgeting, cost control, and revenue generation, as well as the constant monitoring of the company’s financial position and continuous financial evaluation to ensure the adaptation of financial activities in support of its strategic objectives.

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