NURS FPX 8002 Assessment 2

NURS FPX 8002 Assessment 2

NURS FPX 8002 Assessment 2 Demonstrating Effective Leadership

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Managing population health problems entails good leadership and joining hands across various stakeholders to achieve the ‘Triple Aim’ strategy of offering quality services to consumers, improving health at the community level, and reducing healthcare expenditure. In addition to working with the team, my role in this field is complex and combines individual practices as well as functioning as an orchestrator who organizes interprofessional teams.

During this assessment, the spotlight is on assessing the leading issues of a chronic health problem facing a community and providing a powerful interprofessional coalition that tackles the issue. In the light of the continuous work of the government officials to try and resolve a grave public health disease in our community.

Leveraging the local population composition and a profound grasp of population health sciences, the aim here is to assess one issue and thus organize an interprofessional coalition aimed at a resolution. Such leadership role incorporates improving preventative measures, quality improvement, people’s frequency in using services, and cost reduction while maintaining ethical consideration, collaboration, and evidence-based practices.

Impact of Factors that Contribute to a Chronic Population Health Concern

The selected chronic population health concern, obesity, is interrelated only of the various factors is of one kind that reach beyond individual health behaviors to include environmental, social, cultural, and economic determinants. These rules are interdependent and they complement one another to determine the living standards of one’s health with also laying the ground for the high rate of obesity in our community. Among many factors, the environmental one shows to be the biggest contributor to health behavior linked to food patterns and physical activity levels. The case that “food deserts” which are limited accessible affordable foods to the people particularly, low-income neighborhoods inhibit their ability to make sound nutrition becomes so clear (Franco et al., 2019). Moreover, the neighborhoods where unplanned development and inadequate recreational facilities is prevalent can be the main reason for physical inactivity, not to forget the accession of obese population (Choi et al., 2021). The population living in the fast food outlets vicinity & involving in habit of food advertisements of unhealthy foods would show the adverse effect to vulnerable people communities whereby they will tend to take more calorie-dense and less nutritious foods.

Socio-determining factors in health such as socioeconomic status, cultural norms and level of education are interrelated with the risk of obesity. Those people who are under the social and economic deprivation tend to face barriers in accessing healthy foods and doing regular physical activity because of the lack in the financial resources and the other supporting issues should be consider first (Ward et al., 2020). Additionally, various cultural perspectives on food and body image could also be the case, leading to the differences in dietary patterns and behavior of people distinguished linguistically and culturally, thus, affecting obesity incidence.

Collaborative and Interprofessional Coalition

A concerted effort of all healthcare practitioners by bringing about an interprofessional coalition is the main starting point in overcoming the community’s persistent obesity problem. Member selection is done to obtain the assistance that resonates with the unequivocal desire to create well-thought-out interventions that create prudent habits and reduce obesity levels. Key members of the coalition include:

Coalition Team Members Contribution
Community Leaders Provide insight into community needs, preferences, and cultural considerations
Healthcare Providers Offer clinical expertise in obesity prevention and management, including counseling and treatment
Public Health Officials Advocate for policies and programs that address social determinants of health and promote health equity
Nonprofit Organizations Coordinate community outreach and engagement efforts, provide resources and support for interventions
Education Representatives Implement obesity prevention programs in schools, promote healthy lifestyle behaviors among students

Potential Ethical Issues

The healthcare coalition that is on a mission to solve a chronic population health problem, like obesity, is faced with several ethical issues at either micro or meso levels. These ethical dilemmas include, but are not limited to, making sure equal access to quality health care, and protecting patient confidentiality and autonomy. At the micro level, individual care encounters involve decisions dealing with patient-provider communication and patient management. For example, the healthcare staff might endure problems of balancing the autonomy of their patients with obesity against the obligation of presenting evidence-based guidelines for obesity management. Acknowledging individual autonomy entails involving patients in the shared decision-making process where their opinions and preferences are considered alongside the standards. On the one hand, healthcare providers should be aware of their own biases and stigma, while on the other hand, patient care needs to be provided in a way that is compassionate, respectful, and non-judgmental.

Ethical considerations are not restricted to the micro level only. They also extend to how healthcare organizations are structured and how care is provided to the population at the meso level. Distribution and resource allocation would be the ethical problems mainly about solving disparities in access to healthcare and social determinants of health. Small means may force choice among cost-effective and impactful interventions, calling for the discussion of the questions related to distributive justice and fairness (American Public Health Association, 2021). Moreover, policies and practices inside healthcare organizations ought to be founded on the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice to guarantee that everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic status or health condition, gets treated justly.

NURS FPX 8002 Assessment 2

Principles of Diversity and Inclusion

In the building of a health care coalition that focuses on a chronic population health concern for instance obesity, diversity and inclusion principles are vital for achieving the coalition’s goals, and consequently minimize the impact of the disease on the community. Diversity captures the variety of aspects such as ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status age, ability and other traits whereas inclusion means ensuring that the unique or shared views of the diverse populace of the community are respected, appreciated and proactively taken in to the workplace.

The coalition can effectively adhere to these principles by taking into consideration inclusiveness in member selection, decision-making process and liaising with the community. That means an effort to bring in representation from various groups and viewpoints into the coalition body and ensure that everyone’s voices are listened to and treated fairly.

For instance, the group could be intentionally recruiting from a pool of members who are variously drawn from racial, ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, and professional backgrounds to make it mirror the society it serves (Jones et al., 2020). That includes reaching out to community leaders, advocates, and similar-minded grassroots organizations that represent the interests of marginalized or underrepresented populations. Furthermore, the training of cultural competence for coalition members allows them to have the knowledge and skills needed to deal with different communities as well as help them to understand how to adjust their programs to fit the different communities.

Literature and Research in the Field Used to Develop Best Practices

Science and evidence-based are the ones that are primarily in charge of guiding the practice of chronic community health issues such as obesity. The scholar-practitioners may be able to use skills they already have to instigate an evidence-based improvement in population health by carefully assessing research findings, discovering loopholes in the research and finally translating research into feasible interventions. Firstly, literature and research are the fountain of knowledge based on which the general public understands the causes, risks, and repercussions of chronic population health problems. Systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and epidemiology provide a basis for scholars to determine how these factors influence health outcomes, such as socioeconomic position, access to healthcare and environmental factors (Gortmaker et al., 2019). Practitioner–scholars can achieve this by sifting relevant evidence, which eventually gives them insight into how various interacting factors lead to health disparities and how interventions are designed to tackle these health differences.


In conclusion, the substantial impact of effective leadership in chronic population health, which can be achieved through a multidimensional strategy that involves cooperation, inclusion, evidence-based practice an ethical approaches, cannot be disregarded. What we have done all along in this evaluation is to shed light on the major elements of leadership to set up a coalition that will take on a particular problem of public health like obesity. Leadership is about understanding and analyzing all the dynamics of the disease or population health issue, comprising its social determinants and contributing factors. Such knowledge is the base for designing precise interventions, mobilization of resources and creates the much-needed trust with the intended beneficiaries. Successful leaders comprehend teamwork and inclusion as the foundation in solving laborious healthcare problems. Leaders who build a coalition among diverse stakeholders such as community members, healthcare providers, public health officials, and others can readily access multifaceted knowledge and capabilities aiding in the formulation of appropriate strategies for effecting substantial change.

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