
MT 140 M3 Assignment Change Management

MT 140 M3 Assignment Change Management
  • MT 140 M3 Assignment Change Management.

Change Management

Where to begin: the UTXL inflexion point of change in operational focus as a retailer goods company. The company has, over the years, focused on reporting record quarterly earnings by all means necessary cost.

This process has recently cost the company some industries when competitors focus on customer satisfaction and product excellence. As UTXL’s Chief Product Development, the President has saddled me with leading a transformation that will shift the company’s focus from high-profit growth to high-quality customer-focused products.

The process and business culture should adapt to make this change imperative. In the context of MT 140 M3 Assignment Change Management, it is clear that resistance often arises when pay is tied to profit margins. The deals area has resisted this movement, knowing its bottom line will be affected by focusing on quality (Nur et al., 2023).

A comprehensive plan for overcoming resistance to change and ensuring steady progress is laid out. The paper will interpret the project’s points, identify four productive resistance-management strategies, and propose a scheme to focus on those approaches so that the expected results can be achieved.

Goals of the Project

The change management system is based on the project targets set by the President. The objectives of the project include:

  1. Shifting Authoritative Concentration: UTXL needs to zero in on item quality and client delight rather than profit. UTXL should roll out this improvement to coordinate its items with shopper tastes and recapture its piece of the pie (Styhre & Brorström, 2021).
  2. Retaining and Recovering a Piece of the Pie: UTXL should meet or surpass shopper assumptions to recapture a portion of the overall industry. The firm must stand out and fabricate client faithfulness by focusing on quality (Shi et al., 2023).
  3. Retraining: To achieve this new methodology, it is essential to retrain the staff, mainly deals, to focus on item quality over profits. Retraining is also essential to coordinate the entire workforce with the organization’s new technique (Shi et al., 2023).
  4. Sustaining Long-Term Achievement: An authoritative culture of value and client consideration will situate UTXL for long-term achievement. The organization’s future seriousness and development depend upon this social transformation (Shi et al. et al., 2023).

These goals address the Chief’s vision for a client-engaged, quality-driven organization that can contend in a rapidly evolving industry.

Management of Change Resistance

  • Managing Resistance to Change

At the point when change compromises long-held thoughts and ways of behaving, resistance is unavoidable. The UTXL deals division’s resistance is primarily because of stresses over the new procedure’s effect on their motivations, which are associated with profit edges. Carrying out procedures that address representatives’ close-to-home and pragmatic worries is essential to defeat this resistance (Almatrodi et al., 2023). Four tactics are best for overseeing change resistance throughout UTXL’s progress.

Communication and Education

Effective change management relies on open and foreseeable communication. Representatives deserve to learn what is changing, why it is essential, and how the changes will benefit the association and themselves (Mushaathoni, 2024)—tTXL’s Chief and top management. must interpret the move from profit-centered to quality-centered. Open and full communication should leave no questions or queries from representatives.

Representatives will require education to understand the advantages of item quality and client joy. Studios, workshops, and training show how this new centre can help the organization’s drawn-out performance and give a new turn of events and development possibilities (Mushaathoni, 2024). Workers are more disposed to support the new methodology, assuming it helps the organization’s endurance and profitability.

Participation and Engagement

Worker participation in change is one of the most excellent techniques for reducing resistance. Workers are more disposed to support a change if they feel contributed and appreciated (Neka Erlyani et al., 2024). Given their interests concerning their impetuses, UTXL’s deals division should be remembered for formulating and implementing the new methodology.

To incorporate labourers, create a team with individuals from a few offices, particularly those most impacted by the change, similar to deals. This team can create new performance pointers that support the organization’s quality goals and deal with motivating forces (Neka Erlyani et al., 2024). The association might guarantee reasonableness and adequacy. by including workers in metrics creation

Negotiations and Agreement

Discussion defeats hesitance, mainly when the change influences representatives’ compensation. The more significant part of UTXL’s business division’s resistance originates from fears that the new quality centre would hurt its profit-based rewards. To beat this issue, performance estimations should consolidate quality markers close to profit edges (Vu & Gill, 2022).

The partnership and deals division should arrange a new reward framework that advances quality and deals performance. In addition to income, incentives may be founded on client joy, item return rates, and other quality standards (Vu & Gill, 2022). This new construction would interface with force motivators with business goals, limiting resistance and cultivating change.

Support and Facilitation

Change is troublesome, and workers need help adjusting. Consistent help and facilitation help representatives feel confident and equipped to acclimate to the new plan (Chen et al., 2023). This assistance at UTXL might incorporate training, mentorship, and guidance.

Training must empower workers to excel in a quality-centered environment to complete the MT 140 M3 Assignment: Change Management. The business staff should receive targeted training on how to align their efforts with the new success metrics. Mentorship programs could also help employees adapt to these changes (Chen et al., 2023). By pairing new hires with quality-focused mentors, the organization can help them overcome challenges and build confidence.

Plan for Implementation

  • Implementation Plan for Success

These tactics need a system and consideration regarding success. UTXL should take on this implementation plan to handle resistance and relocate to a quality-centered methodology.

First, start talking.

The Chief will make an extensive declaration portraying the move and its benefits to the organization and labourers. After the declaration, office explicit gatherings will address group issues and questions, zeroing in on deals. Representatives will get incessant updates on the change and have the valuable chance to communicate input through a communication technique (Bateman et al., 2022).

Training Program Creation and Delivery

An extensive training program will stress item quality and client bliss. Various divisions will get customized training, with deals getting extra training on finding a place with the new quality measures. Training periods will start with the business area to ensure that the most impacted bunch adjusts rapidly. Training will include studios and other intuitive components (Bateman et al., 2022).

Revising Performance Metrics and Negotiating New Agreements

As part of the MT 140 M3 Assignment Change Management, the partnership will negotiate agreements to set new quality and profit benchmarks. Pilot programs will evaluate these KPIs before they are rolled out on a larger scale. Employees actively supporting the change will be eligible for progress incentives and other benefits to mitigate short-term financial impacts (Bateman et al., 2022). All staff members will be informed about the new performance indicators and how they will affect rewards and other benefits.

Ongoing Support

The association will create an input circle to follow and adjust implementation (Bateman et al., 2022). This circle will incorporate staff registrations, fulfilment, engagement surveys, and centre gatherings for more point-by-point input.

Justification of Tactics

  • Chosen Strategies for Resistance

While selecting the four strategies: communication and education, engagement and association, exchange and agreement, and support and facilitation, UTXL has considered its resistance to change difficulties. Why each of the strategies is good for the given scenario:

  1. Communication and Education: Plain, transparent communication overcomes resistance to change by attending to fear and confusion Payne et al., 2022. The organization could minimize resistance towards the new approach by educating staff on the benefits derived and the intentions of such change.
  2. Buy-in and Engagement: Employee involvement with the change process reduces resistance while reassuring that the new approach is deliverable and will meet front-line needs (Payne et al., 2022). UTXL could elicit ownership and accountability for change by encouraging them to involve themselves in designing and implementing.
  3. Negotiation and Agreement: Reconsidering the motivator structure is crucial for aligning deal objectives with the organization’s new quality focus. Without such an agreement, resistance will surely be a symbol of influence to reduce project success. The business can negotiate the new performance standards, and reward encourages to remove financial constraints that lead to resistance Kong et al., 2023.
  4. Support and Facilitation: Continuous support helps the staff equip the necessary apparatus adapted to the new scheme. This approach reduces anxiety and promotes steady progress. The continuous feedback cycle helps the organization meet employees’ needs and eliminates resistance( Kong et al., 2023).


In conclusion, tending to change resistance at UTXL requires an all-encompassing procedure that tends to both reasonable and profound worries. Clear communication, representative association in change, negotiating new performance measures, and persistent support assist the association with conquering resistance and achieving its essential goals. Explore our MT 140 M4 Assignment Global Management Skills assignment for more information about this course.


Almatrodi, I., Li, F., & Alojail, M. (2023). Organizational resistance to automation success: How status quo bias influences organizational resistance to an automated workflow system in a public organization. Systems11(4), 191.


Chen, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-C., & Chu, H.-C. (2023). Stages of organizational development and employee assistance programs in Taiwan. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications10(1), 1–14.


Bateman, T. S., Konopaske, R., & Snell, S. (2022). M: Management (7th ed.). McGraw Hill LLC, 2021.

Kong, D., Liu, J., Wang, Y., & Zhu, L. (2023). Employee stock ownership plans and corporate environmental engagement. Journal of Business Ethics.


Mushaathoni, M. (2024). Workers’ perceptions regarding approaches to intercultural communication in the workplace: A study in A South African university. Journal of Intercultural Communication24(1), 174–188.


Neka Erlyani, Yunisa Saphira, Hartono, V. L., Justina, A., Zwagery, R. V., Fendy Suhariadi, & Rahkman Ardi. (2024). Communication climate and organizational trust to readiness for change in higher education—SA Journal of Industrial Psychology50.


Nur, S., Kyaw Min Tun, Al-Taweed, O., & Ahsan, C. (2023). Abstracts from the 2023 annual meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine. Journal of Internal Medicine.


Payne, D., Trumbach, C., & Soharu, R. (2022). The values change management cycle: Ethical change management. Journal of Business Ethics188(3).


Shi Qi Xu, Zhou, L., Seong Hun Kim, Chung, D.-H., & Zhen, L. (2023). Internal marketing analysis for improving the internal consumer satisfaction and customer orientation of employees in private-owned sports centres. PLOS ONE18(8), e0286021–e0286021.


Styhre, A., & Brorström, S. (2021). Urban development project goals and the role of professional ignorance: Ambiguous policy objectives and their consequences. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal16(2), 281–298.


Vu, M. C., & Gill, R. (2022). Are leaders responsible for meaningful work? Perspectives from Buddhist-enacted leaders and Buddhist ethics. Journal of Business Ethics.


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