NURS 6053 Module 1 Assignment Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

NURS 6053 Module 1 Assignment Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue
  • NURS 6053 Module 1 Assignment Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Analysis of a relevant health care problem

Burnout from nursing affects nurses, patients, and health organizations across the country (June et al., 2021). Excessive workload, high patient acuity, lack of staffing, and the emotional toll of caring for discharged outpatients contribute to burnout. As discussed in the NURS 6053 Module 1 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue, this task explores what burnout means for our staff and patients.

In addition, it analyzes strategies used in other organizations to combat burnout and determines whether they can be effectively implemented in our setting. Identifying and addressing this issue can improve patient care, the work environment, and nurse retention. Explore NURS 6053 Module 4 Assignment Workplace Environment Assessment for more information.

Results of nursing development in our organization

Our workplace has a serious nurse burnout. Observing peers and suffering of burnout has shown its unfortunate effects on nurses and patient care. Increasing concerns have led to mental health problems, absence and performance. Burnout is usually indispensable when meeting the patient’s needs with limited resources and employees. Burnout has a deep effect on patient care. Separate nurses are removed and errors are reduced, the patient’s safety is damaged and the health care framework is deleted.

The increased frequency of voter turnouts associated with burnout improves the pool of our experienced nurses, increasing the demand from the remaining staff and expanding pressure and burnout.The nurse’s absence has increased from 5% to 7% in our business. This is an increase of 40%, which is more than 5.2% of the national average.

Nursing sales are also from 12% to 18%, focusing on demonstrating fatigue as a steady cause of a frequent cause of departure for nursing sales in three years. Representative participation studies indicate that nurses’ morality and job satisfaction have fallen. The vulnerable pressure is much higher than in previous years. The nurses feel unaffected and forgiven.


Paper “Effect of tension collection strategies and collecting mental, behavioral therapy on nursing burning” checks how the strategy’s strategy and CBT nurse reduce burnout (Bagheri et al., 2019). The results indicate that this treatment can help nurses control pressure, constitute adaptability and reduce burnout.

The second article analyzes the “nurse faculty’s burnout and strategies for it,” nurse faculty’s burnout, but clinically provides practical proposals (Thomas et al., 2019). It emphasizes fun and serious things, career development and relief work. These intermediate medical professionals deal with the roots of burnout.

Organizations that deal with burnout

Most health institutions see nursing development as a fact and look for solutions. Hospitals provide instructions to nurses through awareness and stress-voltage workshops (Waxler and Scalinger, 2022). Some companies do flexible planning to complete fun and serious tasks and choose nurses. Leadership workshops and group activities also promote teamwork and workplace support (Grec et al., 2022). CO -worker support programs also match nurses with constant peers. Institutions have also spent burnout, nurses and mental health facilities for confidential support.

Strategies and organizational effect capacity

We considered several preventive measures against nursing development that can work for or against our organization. One must accumulate strategies and CBT (Bagheri et al., 2019). Pressure may benefit from management and accumulated CBT nurses. Mindyfulness can create awareness and deep breathing control can create flexibility and reduce burnout. The good effect is that nurses after exercising pressure control techniques and obtaining CBT can indicate low burnout levels and satisfaction with the work.

NURS 6053 Module 1 Assignment Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

For example, a heavy patient with a heavy patient can participate in mindfulness meditation during a break, resulting in mental flushing and flexibility. The error in this approach will be that development and facilitator training of the program may have a voltage on the budget for the advance expenses (Raina Ghanshhav Bangani et al., 2021). For example, investing in Mindfulness Training workshops and hiring experienced stars may mean beating financial means that can be used in any way in different fields with organizational needs.

Promoting Workplace Stability for Nurses

A stable workplace is another way. This strategy protects the satisfaction of nurses’ jobs by promoting communication, recognition and collaboration. The main effect of this approach is that it can promote teamwork and professional satisfaction by developing a stable workplace where nurses feel valuable and heard. For example, nurses may feel involved in discussing problems with the distribution of workload in team meetings and identifying positive means to improve the work. The negative side of this strategy is that it requires changes in culture that can contradict today’s leadership practice. To facilitate open discussion and representatives from representatives, if the leader uses a hierarchical approach, it can prove difficult to squeeze and use.

Work-Life Balance for Nurses

Fun versus serious work and professional improvements are other strategies. Decare, flexible on -site planning and payroll nurses can improve physical and emotional health. Professional improvement through conferences, studios and education in favor of nursing career progress, self -confidence and dedication. Connecting and completing experts reduces burnout and turnover.

For example, a nurse with young children may benefit from flexible working hours to plan kindergarten, leading to success. The blame with this strategy is that it can be expensive. Flexible schedules require creative employees, and its own decare is expensive. For example, available kindergarten centers may be involved in expenses and ongoing operating costs, which affect the organization’s resource distribution and financial stability.


In summary, nursing development is a crucial and evolving responsibility in our organization. As explored in the NURS 6053 Module 1 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue, we can identify its significance, study the methods used in other organizations, and implement evidence-based actions to enhance support for nurses.

All of this will improve patient care quality, reduce turnover, and strengthen the resilience of the healthcare system. This major challenge can be addressed collectively, and by protecting our healthcare workers, we contribute to a more sustainable healthcare system.


Bagheri, T., Fishhermy, M. J., Payondan, H., Scandari, A., and Momeni, M. (2019). The effects of stress-call strategies and group cognitive behavioral treatment on nursing development. Anals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 32 (3), 184-189.

Greco, E., Graziano, E. A., Stella, G. P., Mastrodasio, M., and Cederon, b. (2022). Management’s impact on alleged work stress in health facilities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 35 (4/5).

June, J., Ojmeni, M. M., Kalamani, R., Tong, J., and Creslius, M. L. (2021). Nursing development, the relationship between patient and organizational results: Systematic reviews. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 119 (103933).

Raina Ghoshham Banni, Menon, V., and Jovanov, E. (2021). Personal stress monitoring for health professionals AI system. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bio Information Sciences and Biomedicine (BIBM).

Thomas, approx. M., Bantz, D. L., and McIntosh, C. E. (2019). Nurse faculty’s burnout and strategy to stop it. Teaching and learning in nursing, 14 (2), 111–116.

Waxler, T. M., and Scalings, J. (2022). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for nurses: an integrated review. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 41 (1), 08980121210794. Https://

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