BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1 Health Production Function

BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1

BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1

Health Production Function

It is a relation that states that the amount of one thing that is invested generates a particular amount of the second thing. This is referred to as the production function. Education that is received through sickness can be further broken down to good health which is obtained from health production function such as medicine, healthy foods, exercise, good nice sleep, and pleasant environment plus genes. I would like to discuss the WHO since the organization relates to my field of hospital business. In this regards I will discuss as to how the group is currently? and how it relates to evolution of the health care business? The next section also discusses what modification needs to occur and how these matches can be improved to obtain the health outcomes desired. About the World Health Organization we will speak more in details, with two healthcare programs, the inputs and outputs of the funds, the impact of these funds in the WHO, and many more.

World Health Organization: Current State and Historical Alignments

Founded in 1948 the United Nations’s World Health Organization is dedicated to enhancing health worldwide. The role that WHO wants to perform most is to ensure people’s health by providing good healthcare and defending the vulnerable. Because of this goal, they can offer health Care in any part of the world. If any other goals are envisaged, here are some recommendations. The shifting of reaction that the WHO has declared in response to the previous trend is due to many factors. The first type of change in history is a process that implies carrying out research and discussions. The same year, a group that wished to make a difference tried in every way to make WHO one of those organizations that could do the job (Pontes et al. , 2019). In other words, the company’s services should be arranged in a way that there will always be a positive, long-term impact on the health of the population. The group wished to contribute towards the Achieving of the Sustainable Development Strategies and the modifications being made to the UN. Again in 2017, a poll was administered to the staff because it is necessary to know the problems and regular challenges of the employees.

According to Nowbar et al. , (2019), this poll assists the staff to be better, implying that they can develop their working capacity. Political leaders and government programs remained largely focused on profiting from people’s health. They also had a strategy through which they intended to package the sale of the medicine and other medical supplies in an aspect that would provide them with competition edge. WHO, on the other hand, has deviated from this pattern as it does not involve making of money out of its work. Regarding health care services they provide, it is completely open to everyone. According to the World Health Organization, it operates on attempting to provide people with their care as early as possible so that they do not develop certain issues (Khoury et al. , 2022).

World Health Organization (WHO): Make Changes to Get More in Line with Health Although WHO has been the global leader in health for quite some time now, some improvements can still be made. For these things to work better it has to make changes that will provide modemity in the working of these things. Currently, the management of the WH0 should be enhanced so that other private groups can affiliate to the cause (Shomali & Gotlib, 2019). Similar other groups which were established to target one disease can expand in conjunction with the open government which would provide WHO with many other authorities. Ironically, the primary constraint for the World Health Organization is a rather meager budget that the organization has at its disposal. According to a lot of scholars, WHO has a considerably less funding requirement than hospitals even in the United States (Traeger et al. , 2019). This in turn means that the World Health Organization will be able to do their day to day task to enhance health better if they are provided with more funds.

Current Program in Health Care Setting

Explaining the topic Helped by many organizations since 1948, people has worked to improve health. There is a program called the disease control program which strive to prevent diseases such as malaria, hepatitis, tuberculosis and many others which most people now consider normal and are transmitted at a very fast rate. The help that this program needs is to take it where pain is more acute and people are suffering most. These are the areas where the people cannot easily contract the sickness that is being under discussion. From the above findings, it can be indicated that if these groups of people seek health care early in their illness, all people around the world will be healthier (Talebi Bezmin Abadi et al. , 2019).

This is the primary objective of all the health organizations in the world today as they engage in the practice, teaching and research of the profession. Since people can help regulate the disease, they should ensure they receive a shot at an earlier age to ensure no complications later. The World Health Organization was also the first to commence what was to be termed as COVID pandemic. Specifically, WHO’s role in satisfying this scheme was to ensure that more people were informed about it. Looking at the bigger picture; in a given day, the number of people that fall ill and drop dead is big. Another place that made certain that everybody was sticking to all the SOPs in order not to contract the Covid-19 virus was the World Health Organization – WHO.

And these, the death rate went down, the rate of being infected also went down, and the most important thing that the lots of people were knowledgeable of the impacts of the current health threats. Another program that is also suffering is the Blindness Prevention and Control program which requires transportation to areas such as Asia where the risk of getting an eye ailment is more likely. The opportunity of blindness is something which people should be informed of. They should be told that regular healthy eating can enable them gaze better. If the affected places are those that can be treated for blindness then medical centers should be stationed there. It will also assist in reducing the population of people who usually suffer from this kind of sickness (Bourne et al., 2021).

BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 1

Current Programs: Reallocate, Maintain, or Increase Funding

With regards to the reallocation, the group can contact a lot of other outreach programs and projects. They will educate people on the particular disease in question, which means people will be in a position to avoid it. The program can be continued by frequent visits to the area in order to determine if people residing in the area are receiving the appropriate health care (Diptyanusa & Zablon, 2020). It is acknowledged that there are a lot of notions that can be introduced in the frameworks of workshops and other events to help with care. If more money can be acquired for the program, it will be able to go farther in serving the clients more effectively. The last projects mentioned above include disease prevention, change of vision and the COVID program. More funds are requisite in these programs to ensure the outreach to as many people as possible and impact their lives. The WHO is already strapped for cash as it is. He said that for this non-profit health group and its associated healthcare services to continue serving the public, they require time to source for more funds for them. This World Health Organization Press release discusses how much more money the organization requires to reach out for more money that will be used is assisting individuals across the globe.

Stakeholders’ Opinion on the Funding of the Program

It is reported that a large number of experts claim all WHO projects are squeezed with a lot of money problems. The WHO is being dragged into so many controversies that raise eyebrows on its existence given that the organization is practically broke. Some would rather not go the 70-year-old health group because they stated it is not efficient and is poorly managed. Due to this debate, many countries are removing it and this implies that health services will have to shut down (Rudnicka et al. , 2020). Because it is placed in the world’s health business, WHO has to request more money to remain in business. It has been involved in the provision of health and care immensely to achieve its goals and objectives. Medical issues have been solved with money issues. Such money issues have attributed to the variation of the program budget and lack of disclosure of the finances. Despite having such a vast agenda, WHO is not very well-funded; indeed some scholars have claimed that the organisation has a very small budget for its size (Mehrsafar et al. , 2020). The WHO decisions include influential stakeholders who are interested in the organization, these include CEOs, businesses, NGOs, IGOs, among others. WHO ensures that they receive feedback from these groups on a daily basis as a way of improving on the existing changes within the organization. It was recommended by the stakeholders to the World Health Organization to secure funds for all of the three projects so that the organization can be more versatile. Perhaps, it would assist the organization to learn and develop to enhance the health services it offers to people across the globe (Petkovic et al., 2020).


The above-highlighted breakdown of suggestions for the World Health Organization shows that WHQA has to work on doing things better. The following is an analysis of the company, the strengths and weaknesses that have been responsible for its stability for many years and its surety because it has been the biggest health group in the world. It has been ascertained to eliminate most evils that are prevalent in the society today. The WHO recently suffered financial difficulties, yet often Issues in life have simple solutions – a choice.


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