MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis

MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis
  • MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis.

Citrus Memorial Hospital’s Environmental Analysis


Helpful clinical idea affiliations attempt off the ability to meet express appraisals as well as meeting and beating the questions for the nearby serve. Considering the reliably changing hypotheses for corporations and clients, it is key to regularly survey the environment to make an insightful outline to prevail over the hindrance. In this errand, I will do an environmental analysis of Citrus Memorial Hospital’s current environment, both internal and external, as well as look at the association’s vision, mission, and values to formulate a helpful directional procedure.

Internal Environment of Citrus Memorial Hospital

Current Environment Analysis

Citrus Memorial Hospital celebrates north of sixty years in the clinical benefits field and is “the fundamental provider of clinical idea in Citrus Area and the enveloping district” (C-HCA, Inc., 2020). Citrus Memorial is a little country 204-bed remarkable thought hospital coordinated in Citrus Region, Florida. The patients of Citrus Memorial Hospital are generally retirees, the working poor, and the rest of the typical region. “In every practical sense, 80% of the hospital’s patient greatness care things is Government clinical affirmation/Medicaid” (C-HCA, Inc., 2020).

  • Citrus Memorial Hospital Focus

Citrus Memorial gives significant length and transient affiliations centered around heart and vascular relationships and areas of strength for careful affiliations. Nonetheless, the hospital is focusing on cultivating the current qualities it currently offers; it genuinely is not a party to current evaluations, considering being short-staffed and having out-of-date software, and ignoring the way that Citrus Memorial is known for being one of the fundamental providers in Citrus Locale, they truly rank second to persevere.

Among any extra HCA hospitals close by in Calm Rich. Citrus Memorial Hospital’s essential objective is to be “spun around the thought and improvement of human life,” and its vision is to be “the recognized hospital of choice giving astute quality plan to each tireless if all else fails” (C-HCA, Inc., 2020).


However, an understanding of an association’s external environment is key and gives the setting for key status, with the affiliation’s resources providing the foundation for making a strategic position (Ginter, P. M., Swayne, L. E., and Duncan, W. J., 2018). As part of the MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis, one of the best advantages Citrus Memorial Hospital has is its district. The competition is minimal in the small rural neighborhood of Citrus County. They also enjoy the advantage of being the top choice for Heart and Vascular Health in Citrus County, which is a key strength for having a local presence, with most of the population being over the age of 65.

MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis

Citrus Memorial Hospital is an extremely open hospital coordinated in the Citrus Region. The potential gain of being, in a general sense, an open hospital in the region is the critical opportunity to get the trust and dedication of a more boundless part. “Public hospitals are kept up with by the public authority as can’t acquit patients in any case secret hospitals can deny treatment” (Described Hospitals versus Public Hospitals, 2019). This licenses Citrus Memorial to zero in on the patients who can’t deal with the expense of treatment from a private hospital.


Citrus Memorial Hospital is a smart office, meaning it doesn’t have the capacity to zero in on injured patients genuinely. Any gigantic wounds brought into the hospital are carried through crisis vehicles or flown to the closest injury office of the patient’s picking. Citrus Memorial doesn’t have a pediatric unit, meaning any pediatric issues or wounds are moved to the closest pediatric office. Also, regardless of the way that Citrus Memorial has done the utilization of telemedicine for neurological problems, these patients are, at this point, being moved out for any continuation of care.

External Environment of Citrus Memorial Hospital


Disregarding how Citrus Memorial Hospital is one of the top clinical idea relationships in the Citrus Region and the enveloping locale, there is now an entryway for movement. Over the last five years, Citrus Memorial has been considered a genuinely remarkable work and transport unit that cements private refreshed maternity suites featuring the newest being created. Regardless, the hospital could profit from a neonatal and pediatric unit to help care for the youths brought into the world in these state-of-the-art maternity suites.

Plus, dismissing how Citrus District has interminably been known for being a retirement region, addressing being a fair spot to raise a family is making. A reliably developing number of enthusiastic families are moving to the locale for the extra, concerning the moderateness of living that Citrus District offers. This proposes that the pediatric people are creating a valuable pediatric unit, and, therefore, the fundamentals for a valuable pediatric unit are being extended, making this the best entryway for Citrus Memorial to add another part from the area to rotate around truly.


The best competitor Citrus Memorial Hospital faces is Seven Streams Clinical Center, which was truly taken over by one of the critical clinical benefits relationships in the U.S., Bayfront Flourishing. Sevens Streams Clinical is nearly a Private hospital, allowing them the ordinary opportunity to decline treatment to people who can’t bear the expense of their reasoning and gain the basic chance to get the devotion of Secret security carriers are looking for top-quality thought at however much as possible.

MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis

Currently, Seven Streams Clinical equivalently has the best reviews from the nearby Citrus Memorial. One of the fundamental pieces of a valuable association and, in this manner, one of the most marvelous threats to collusion is their standing. To gain the trust of the area of resistance, Citrus Memorial ought to satisfy the questions of the area, expanding patient achievement scores over their obstacle.


By segregating both the internal and external environments of Citrus Memorial using the SWOT Analysis, as part of the MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis, we had the choice to see the current hardships and opportunities that will attract Citrus Memorial to beat the check. The SWOT analysis was likewise prepared to know the affiliation’s current credits and weaknesses, allowing the relationship to focus on what necessities to improve and what the coalition can feature and crane to get relentless buyers.


Ginter, P. M., Swayne, L. E., & Duncan, W. J. (2018). The strategic management of health care organizations. Retrieved from

C-HCA, inc. (Ed.). (2020). Home. Retrieved July 21, 2020, from

C-HCA, inc. (2020). About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2020, from

Fred Hiers. (2020, January 10). New Citrus Memorial Hospital CEO plans for hospital future. Citrus County Chronicle.

Private Hospitals vs. Public Hospitals. (2019). Herzliya Medical Center.

About us. (2020). Bayfront Health Seven Rivers.

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