NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration

NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration
  • NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration.

Importance of The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Compliant Spreadsheet

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a standard enacted in 1996 to ensure the certification, security, and general hindrance of all health information and offer direct separations to patients (Theodos & Sittig, 2021). HIPAA is further coordinated into the Insurance Rule and the Security Rule. The Security Rule is based on the entrance and certification of all health information, including a wide variety of Protected Health Information (PHI), whether made, oral, or electronic.

The Security Rule turns around guaranteeing the course of action of the PHI while making, remaining mindful of, and conveying the PHI (Green, 2015). While considering these standards, it is critical that HIPAA never-ending-ly controls, when referring to a spreadsheet for an information study, to remain mindful of thriving and insurance by guaranteeing that all patients have been de-seen. The security of PHI is the commitment of all healthcare affiliations to be safeguarded. Explore our assessment NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 3 Exploration of Regulations and Implications for Practice for more information.

Application of Informatics Theory to Impact Change 

The Flexibility in Nursing Informatics Improvement Theory (NIPT) utilizes nursing practice and tutoring to feature the clinical escort’s authentication of reviewing progress information for nursing practice (Cassano, 2018). The standards of NIPT have been applied to the informatics interaction to show the potential increments of patients using virtual decisive idea visits to diminish holding up times to be seen by suppliers for non-emanant reasons and issues.

  • Impact of Virtual Visits

The potential increments of patients having more bound stand-by times set expanded patient satisfaction and the constraint of the nursing gathering to assess and treat more patients during the customary work day. Even though the hold-tight times for supplier care diminished, virtual visits can decrease the total expense of care for material circumstances. The results are that virtual visits assist with reducing the utilitarian expenses of giving ideas, especially in made structures with capitated repayment.

NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration

Under the right conditions, such as the expanded gathering of virtual ideas, ought to affect more prominent save holds (Lovell et al., 2019). NIPT has offered clinical gatekeepers a valuable chance to work with patients. Much of it licenses them to practically overview the patient’s necessities for speedier supplier follow-up while decreasing expenses for the alliance.

Utilization of Standards of Nursing Informatics Practice

The utilization of nursing informatics practice joins nursing and managing care. A piece of these activities coordinates recovering patient information and utilizing evidence-based practice to unwind needs using improvement. While organizing this informatics drive, the principles of practice were applied to adhere to and follow the nursing structure, which included assessment, identification of the issue, result obvious evidence, arrangement, and evaluation, as outlined in NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration.

While the drive depended upon all standards of practice, one of the primary awesome lights was the interminable issue of seeing proof by isolating and supporting the information. After the information support wrapped up, the focal piece of the drive was the execution of virtual authentic idea visits for typical diseases seen within the area. During this piece of the drive, assessments were made concerning regulatory necessities, persuading change frameworks, and security and quality results (Kearney-Severe social class, 2020).

Supporting Nursing Informatics with Regulatory Information

Nursing informatics can help guarantee that authentic and moral principles are considered while guiding PHI concerning the assumptions of health care information. HIPAA rules are organized to help shield patient insistence and health information and foil the useless and inappropriate sharing of health information. Insurance is fundamental to patients’ autonomy and can be endangered if their PHI is shared without assent. Moral issues can be applied to this.

NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration

Expanding patient accomplishment, cost, and quality results is vital in an informatics drive. This is done by working with healthcare leads and zeroing in on all upstanding and authentic standards. These endless controls are focal points while utilizing patient information during informatics drives to augment the patient’s nature of care.


HIPAA is a standard enacted in 1996 to make certification, security, and general necessities for all health information and offers direct capabilities to patients (Theodos & Sittig, 2021). Investigating these tenaciously oversees while referring to a spreadsheet for information study, done by de-seeing patients, is fundamental.

The NIPT, an informatics drive, was made to show the potential increments of patients using virtual genuine idea visits to diminish holding up times to be seen by suppliers for non-creation reasons and illnesses, decreasing idea costs. While driving this drive, the standards of practice were applied while coming to moral and authentic standards, aligning with the goals outlined in NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Executive Summary to Administration.


Cassano, C. (2018). Nursing informatics progression theory:(NIPT)-the 4A’s of adaptability. Nursing & Primary Care, 2(1), 1–6. Retrieved on 1/15/2024 from /Theory_NIPT_-_The_4A’s_of_Adaptability

Green, D.T. (2015). HIPAA SECURITY RULE COMPLIANCE IN SMALL HEALTHCARE FACILITIES: A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Issues in Information Systems Volume 16, Issue I, pp. 180–188.

Lovell, T., Albritton, J., Dalto, J., Ledward, C., & Daines, W. (2019). Virtual vs traditional care settings for low-acuity urgent conditions: An economic analysis of cost and utilization using claims data. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. Retrieved on 1/15/2024 from

Kearney-Nunnery, R. (2020). SECTION III: Quality care for individuals, families, and groups: CHAPTER 15: Informatics and documenting outcomes. Advancing Your Carer: Concepts of Professional Nursing (7th Edition), 7th, 268–283.

Theodos, K., & Stittig, S. (2021). Health information privacy laws in the digital age: HIPAA does not apply. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 2-10. Retrieved on 1/14/2024 from

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