NURS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Diversity Project Kickoff

NURS FPX 5004 Assessment 3

Diversity Project Kickoff

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Hi everyone. I’m a Student, and my topic is a diversity initiative. Diversity issues, workplace inclusion, and poor work-life balance concern 75% of employees. The Lakeland Medical Clinic was a satellite facility of the main hospital designed for residents unable to access the main hospital. The count of patients was high in the first two months of the maneuver. Later, the volumes reduced notably. This caused the leadership to order the scrutiny, which resulted in an internal investigation. The aim is to determine and justify a leader picked for this task. Justify why any capable person, including any celebrity, can do the job. The additional part sets out leading and emerging integration and collaboration between professionals from different fields. A panel that examines the diversity issue and comes up with a resolution must be comprised of about four to six members.

Goals of the Plan

Diversity and plurality are integral in the modern workplace. A comprehensive and diversified working environment validates cultural sensitivity. A socially diverse team of people from different disciplines constitutes the uplift of a patient. The needs of the patients must be evaluated, and the best possible treatment for them should always be provided. The patients and healthcare workers frequently have dialectal obstacles, multiple traditional origins, and sexual orientations. A diverse workforce in terms of age, gender, and community will be helpful in collaborating with patients effectively (Atkins et al., 2021). The need for the U.S. government to have a diverse workspace has been noted. To address inequality in the health care context, they have developed the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) initiative.

Furthermore, the American Medical Association (AMA) encourages physicians to evaluate their practices to ensure fairness in medical treatment (American Medical Association, 2018). Lakeland Medical Clinic introduced this diversity strategy due to its concern for the importance of diversity. The next objectives will foster diversity and mitigate workstation differential. The goals and intentions are: The goals and intentions are:
1. Ensure that all initiatives aim at improving cultural awareness and tolerance.
2. Make sure that all types of communication focus on diversity initiatives.
3. Stimulate further medical professionals to participate in programs aimed at inclusiveness and elimination of diversity-related problems.
4. Foster partnership and identification among the interprofessional organizations that support diversity.

Composition of a Group

For the successful integration of people from different cultures and the creation of methods that are beneficial to the organization, diversity is essential. The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (2020) points out that a lack of diversity has various negative effects, such as the lesser participation of individuals having certain kinds of thoughts and the issue of representing prejudice or cultural differences in different teams. Further, it can inhibit innovation and creative input and make it hard to give the customers high-quality treatment. To develop diversity within the healthcare community, a two-sub-team strategy is proposed, which includes an extra group and a policymaking team.

Human stance decision- both the HR Manager and the Nurse Manager that form the policymaking team are very competent professionals. Having an MBA and five years of experience, the HR Manager can instigate diversity through positive campaigns in evidence-based ideas and innovation, fostering free communication and stimulating team discussions. Similarly, the Nurse Manager, who has five years of professional experience and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, stresses fair treatment and effective stakeholder communication. The second group includes a risk manager, a USA Today journalist, and a CEO, whose unique skills and perspectives are brought to the table. In effect, there will be gender equality in the team, promoting inclusion, which entails an environment in which all individuals are allowed to express their views and engage in decision-making (Atkins et al., 2021).

NURS FPX 5004 Assessment 3

The Strategy that Efficiently Fosters Interprofessional Group Collaboration

The environment of the healthcare experts association is one of both opportunities and challenges. The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration cannot be undermined in improving the quality of treatment and worker satisfaction in the health industry. Among the paraphilias, jujuism is noted with good results by the majority of health professionals. Many cherish the respect that all members of the group are given (The George Washington University, 2021). Interprofessional teams work well only if all the members of the team are engaged, and research has shown that more diverse teams tend to be more operationally effective, resulting in a more systematic approach to pharmaceutical development (Jordan, 2020).

The healthcare sector requires specific conditions for the partnerships. All concerned are to be extremely capable, self-confident, and devoted, and also to develop self-worth and confidence. Also, building links in these partnerships can be a lengthy process that requires patience (The George Washington University, 2021). Adherence and promotion of diversity and inclusion efforts is an operative means of sustaining diversity and inclusion within healthcare organizations. This demands the active participation of all stakeholders at all levels of the association.

Several models and strategies have been proposed to enhance the performance of organizations in the delivery of healthcare. Some healthcare delivery systems suit the Institute of Healthcare Improvement’s Collaborative Model of getting quick wins that last in patient outcomes. Likewise, there is an integration of multi-disciplinary perspectives into primary care settings through the advancement of shared decision-making (SDM) models that encompass shared decision-making amongst healthcare practitioners and patients (The George Washington University, 2021).

Moreover, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) has developed a model for healthcare that focuses on the six crucial organizational capabilities necessary in the contemporary global healthcare environment. These capabilities comprise innovation and flexibility, boundary spanning, resource stewardship, talent conversion, collaborative patient-care teams, and employee involvement and satisfaction (Stanford, 2020). Expert studies, including those by the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation, recommend long-term investments that emphasize the importance of the adoption of significant changes in healthcare administration and education that will cultivate relationships with patients, families, and communities (RevCycleIntelligence, 2018).

Basic Characteristics of a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

A diverse and inclusive workplace is the most significant attribute of a healthcare institution, and it is very important for any healthcare institution (Peterson, 2020). Such an environment also promotes wisdom and personal development among its members, as well as respect and individuality. Creating a collaborative atmosphere, ensuring equitable resource management, and well-structured processes constitute important parts (Peterson, 2020).

The initiatives of organizations, such as the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), reflect the significance of diversity and inclusiveness in healthcare surroundings. Altogether, they support LCME, a unit of the U.S. Department of Education responsible for accreditation of M.D. schools throughout the United States and Canada (AMA). These organizations recognized the importance of diversity, and therefore, two diversity-related accrediting requirements were imposed in 2009, which required allopathic medical schools to actively seek out and admit students from a variety of backgrounds and to head efforts to increase diversity among prospective applicants (Jordan, 2020).

Benefits of Promoting Diversity

Diversity promotion is a strategic priority in all sectors, not just lip service. Benefits are experienced in terms of performance, social impact, and corporate culture. A greater sense of security and belonging fostered among the staff is one of the primary advantages since it enhances morale and productivity (Pals et al., 2020). In addition, diverse teams have better flexibility and adaptability to change, which is crucial in the volatile world of today’s corporate. In addition, they offer a broader set of perspectives, which may lead to more innovative ways to deal with conflicts and solve problems (Pals et al., 2020). Understanding and recognizing the diverse needs of consumers is another significant advantage that enhances market flexibility and customer satisfaction.

Researchers point out the genuine advantages of having diversified leadership in firms. Female executives dominate companies and are usually more successful in terms of net composition and market leader prospects (Jordan, 2020). There are also some benefits of ethnic and cultural diversity. For example, a diverse leadership team is associated with more value creation and profitability (Jordan, 2020). To meet the different needs of patients and reduce differences, diversity in the staff composition is indispensable in the healthcare industry. In addition, it enhances data analytics, thus enabling the development of framers that are aimed at some demographic subgroups specifically (Jordan, 2020).

In various institutions, initiatives that foster diversity and inclusion are becoming popular. Hospitals and other healthcare institutions are implementing programs that enhance staff cultural competency and diversity in leadership (Healthcare, n.d.). Such initiatives involve conducting studies to locate and eliminate disparities in patient care, providing comprehensive cultural sensitivity education, and developing diverse pools of leadership (Healthcare, n.d.). The importance of the potential for diversity in the healthcare industry to improve financial performance as well as care quality has been highlighted. The importance of diversity and how it could add to the overall performance of a company and its ability to acquire talent and solve problems were acknowledged by President Barack Obama (Atkins et al., 2021). Indeed, researches reveal that the performance of heterogeneous groups is behind that of diverse groups in solving complex issues (Atkins et al., 2021).

The case study illustrates how the identification of a patient’s cultural perspective helped and perhaps even saved a life, proving the importance of diversity training in the field of medicine (Healthcare, n.d.). By matching treatment techniques with the patient’s explanatory model of disease, better patient involvement and treatment adherence are achieved. To conclude, promoting diversity has different benefits, such as improving organizational performance, boosting patient outcomes, and inciting innovation. Diversity acceptance is not only ethical but also strategic in today’s globalized world.

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Diversity and a friendly environment for all are imperative in any healthcare facility. Although a very high risk of error characterizes that diversity, this risk may be eliminated by the consideration that there is effective communication and a critical association among numerous stakeholders. This will also enable diversity support and better outcomes to be achieved.


American Medical Association. (2018). Reducing disparities in health care. American Medical Association.

Atkins, P., R. Enard, K., Howard, D., & Hunter, K. G. (2021, July 22). How to improve diversity in the health care workforce. Deloitte Insights.

Clark, E., Singhal, S., & Weber, K. (2021, January 4). Next-generation business models creating value | McKinsey.

Healthcare, C. (n.d.). Diversity and Inclusion Best Practices in Healthcare.

Jordan, A. (2020, June 17). The Importance of Diversity in Healthcare & How to Promote It. Provo College.

Pals, R. A. S., Drejer, S., Laursen, R. H., Oest, L., Levisen, V. D. H., Krogh, N. R., & Hempler, N. F. (2020). Implementing a collaborative model in health education practice: a process evaluation of a health education programme targeting users with mental health problems. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1).

Peterson. (2020, February 28). 8 Essential Traits of an Inclusive Workplace. Limeade.

RevCycleIntelligence. (2018, October 15). 4 Hospital Business Models for Consumer-Centric Healthcare. RevCycleIntelligence.

Stanford, F. C. (2020). The importance of diversity and inclusion in the healthcare workforce. Journal of the National Medical Association, 112(3).

The George Washington University’s. (2021, January 29). Managing a Diverse Healthcare Workforce | G.W. University. George Washington University.

University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. (2020, December 15). Diversity in Healthcare: The Importance of Representation. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.

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