NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2 Executive Summary

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2 Executive Summary

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2

Executive Summary

Quality and safety results must be achieved for a healthcare organization to deliver patient care by using evidence, and to get an idea of where the gaps are in the outcomes to make some necessary changes and development.

In the case of the Vila Health facility healthcare system, mistakes made in medication would be the overall issue that would be considered. The signs, which should be used to evaluate the outcomes include; the rate of following the evidence-based practice standard; the rate of death; the rate of patient satisfaction; and the rate of patient safety.

Explaining Key Quality & Safety Outcomes

Effectiveness outcomes are applied by the healthcare organizations to determine the performance of nurses in delivering the particular healthcare services or the solutions to the healthcare issues. In searching for drug errors the following result options are considered: patient satisfaction, patient’s self-assessment of outcome, mortality rate, and readmission rates.

This could have had financial implications and organisational impacts, including how compliant the staff was, or the expense per patient or the period any individual patient requires to spend. The metrics of quality and safety are both integral for determining the severity of the issue at hand. For example, when drug errors are made, patients’ perception and satisfaction with the delivered health care lessen as stated in Tariq et al. (2022).

Regarding safety, about 7,000 to 9,000 people die annually in the U. S. due to medical mistakes in drug prescription and administration, while treating patient incorrectly with their needed medication costs slightly over $40 billion every year (Tariq et al. , 2022). As experts and practitioners in the field, we often undertake several measures and evaluate the outcomes in order to manage these severe effects appropriately.

The beauty of these outcome measures is that they enable the organization to agree and get a target of striving to perform better. We are able to highlight areas of weakness that we can then target for application of intervention and strategies.

This makes people more accountable and also provides the healthcare organization with impartial and prescribed strategies in assessing its performance.

The one weakness that is commonly associated with setting up these result measures is that it may take a lot of time for data to be collected and analyzed. It might not reflect the accurate perception that people and healthcare workers have about something.

It could be possible that the external variables which influence the outcomes may also form a part of the end measures. As in, different mortality ratios in healthcare may be only because of age, gender and financial status; not always because of drug error. It is also essential to note that the system may also be prone to a little manipulation.

For instance, in order to reduce cases of medication errors, the organization could simply fine the healthcare practitioners severely instead of increasing awareness. It could make them not to come forward to report the errors in the first place; there would therefore be decreased occurrences.

Determining the Strategic Value

It is also true that there are goals that should be formulated for the strategy, in terms of safety and quality results measures. They are extremely crucial since they determine the achievement of goals for a certain group of people and the implementation of strategies on how to grow that particular group. The forth strategic value is an observable intent to improve patient results and make them happier.

This may be done after the quality and safety results assist the healthcare partners identify what needs to be corrected in a bid to reduce drug mistakes. Since information gets lost or misplaced, they can observe where their staff is lacking and where they are not performing to optimum. Risk of high return rates is associated with medication errors, while prescribial standardization of how medications are administered could reduce return rates (Uitvlugt et al. , 2021). Investors can also identify the value of a company through the assessment of safety and quality results, and from the perspectives of the stakeholders, these may include patients, doctors, or nurses. For instance, an end measure of high patient happiness may lead to more patients seeking treatment from the medical facilities.

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2 Executive Summary

This could increase revenues, thereby offsetting the cost of some of the factors readying everything. This simply means that the result measures also assist individuals in determining the changes or actions to take. For example, positioning great importance to the efficiency and effectiveness under a high mortality situation, after evaluating the Bar-code medicine delivery system (BCMA), it can be placed at the forefront. This could be because BCMA has been efficient in reducing drug errors, not only by providing smart order entry, which offers safe order checking tools but also for promoting safety culture compatible with current technologies (Naidu & Alicia, 2019).

This is because when all the above outcome measures have been organized the organization can get fuller picture from the current measures. As an example, satisfaction levels of the patient, incidents occurring with patients, rate of returns and mortality rates can be combined together to provide a clear understanding about the performance of the organization. There is a need to determine if the group is on track to achieving its aim and goals and this can be done by using graphical technique like the use of graphs and charts with the trends.

Analyzing Relationships Between Medication Errors & Quality and Safety Outcomes

Medications errors are on the rise and are so detrimental to Vila’s health/ well being since they lead to the occurrence of something bad /death. While it is worth linking medication mistakes to certain quality and safety results, it is much more important to emphasize the fact that such mistakes can be avoided through proper adherence to quality and safety indicators.

Among several safety and quality indicators, such as events of harm, patient satisfaction, hospital stay duration, mortality rate, and readmission rates, the latter was selected. Employees that suffer from the lack of training, being unable to communicate with their peers, doing a large amount of work, and working in a poor environment tend to develop medication errors. Such occurrences increase the possibility of drug errors making it difficult to give patients good results, and in return bring complications and unhealthy results (Neugebauer et al. , 2021).

MISFORTUNED occurrences and events occur in people’s lives, stories, and experiences and are linked to increased costs in healthcare. special errors involving medications also increase the quality of stay in a facility because issues and drug errors elongate the stay, which means that care is expensive, takes longer, and provides worse outcomes for the patient (Rasool et al. , 2020).

All of these, therefore, imply that drug mistakes cause dissatisfaction to patients and affects the image of the healthcare system and their trust. It also means that patients receive wrong medications and suffer from the resulting adverse effects, leading to readmissions which are unhealthy for them.

There are many more sources of getting more details so as to have a broader perspective at medication errors. Perhaps root-cause analysis can be used to identify why these mistakes occur? Information concerning various forms of medication-related errors and their severity could also be collected. There is a possibility to define the association with the training and education levels of the healthcare providers.

NURS FPX 6212 Assessment 2 Executive Summary

Strategic Initiatives

Perhaps, the final reference to the general issue, one must build a safety and quality culture with the final goal of making patients happy. Of all the approaches one can use is to develop training to patients so that they focus on what they are taking and feel more comfortable with medicines (Cha et al. , 2021). Some of the ways that the patients can give their opinion is by filling surveys or forms to indicate the level of happiness and satisfaction they had with health care.

The way of the setting for establishing the length of stay could be to provide training and educational classes for the healthcare workers to make sure that they can avoid drug errors. With the help of technology such as BCMA, the issued prescriptions can be double-checked and thus, patients will not receive incorrect prescriptions that might lead to severe outcomes which will make the patient have long stays in the hospital (Naidu & Alicia, 2019).

It is also possible to create a drug safety group that belongs to the organization with a mission, among other things, to analyze tendencies of medication-related errors and identify latent causes of adverse circumstances.

It is anticipated that, by adhering to its recently released strategy plan, Vila Health will be able to offer patientoriented care while minimizing the occurrence of adverse events and errors made by care staff. Hence it is important for the organization to reposition to new technologies such as BCMA, address the problems affecting the workforce such as lack of skills and training, and therefore reduce health inequality.

Leadership Team Supporting Adoption of Proposed Practice

If you want to change safety and quality: it would require leadership. Earlier, we learned about the leadership team to assist in getting the tools that would be required to affect the changes that are required. The resources can comprise funds to hire personnel and train them on how to manage nonpharmaceutical products and prevent errors with medication.

The leadership team will alsoadvance the aspects of teamwork and communication where all the relevant stakeholders will be engaged and the planned changes and activities will be described to those stakeholders. The leadership in this case by the management would therefore champion for interprofessional teamwork to ensure that more patients receive quality care by having different specialists work together making decisions and improving the standards of care.

To monitor the ongoing progress of the projects and identify how effective they were in the management of the quality and safety results, leadership would gather all the information on quality and safety outcomes. In this manner, you can discover some barriers and gaps where changes need to be made. Change is a business reality, and as such, managing it by the leadership team is crucial so that everyone within an organisation can adapt to it easily (Oreg & Berson, 2019).


Medication errors remain prominent in healthcare organizations and this is why trying to solve them is a safety and quality issue.

Teaching the staff, patient education, and the integration of trends such as BCMA can contribute to better health outcomes and happiness of patients, and fewer bad occurrences. Self-organized individuals also need to be aware of how to transition from one situation to another to lead effectively.

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Cha, S. S., Kim, M., Moon, H. S., & Lee, E. (2021). Development and effectiveness of a patient safety education program for inpatients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), 3262.

Naidu, M., & Alicia, Y. L. Y. (2019). Impact of bar-code medication administration and electronic medication administration record system in clinical practice for an effective medication administration process. Health, 11(05), 511–526.

Neugebauer, J., Tóthová, V., Chloubová, I., Hajduchová, H., Brabcová, I., & Prokešová, R. (2021). Causes and interventions of medication errors in healthcare facilities. Příčiny a intervence medikačního pochybení ve zdravotnických zařízeních. Ceska a Slovenska farmacie : casopis Ceske farmaceuticke spolecnosti a Slovenske farmaceuticke spolecnosti, 70(2), 43–50.

Oreg, S., & Berson, Y. (2019). Leaders’ impact on organizational change: Bridging theoretical and methodological chasms. Academy of Management Annals, 13(1), 272–307.

Rasool, M. H., Rehman, A. U., Imran, I., Abbas, S., Shah, S., Abbas, G., Khan, I., Shakeel, S., Hassali, M. A., & Hayat, K. (2020). Risk factors associated with medication errors among patients suffering from chronic disorders. Frontiers in Public Health, p. 8.

Tariq, R., Vashisht, R., Sinha, A., & Scherbak, Y. (2022). Medication Dispensing Errors And Prevention. StatPearls.

Uitvlugt, E. B., Janssen, M. J. A., Siegert, C. E., Kneepkens, E., Van Den Bemt, B. J. F., Van Den Bemt, P. M. L. A., & Karapinar-Çarkit, F. (2021). Medication-related hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge: Prevalence, preventability, type of medication errors and risk factors. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12.

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